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General Science => General Science => Topic started by: CZARCAR on 04/09/2011 23:06:45

Title: Apart from bling, what is gold good for?
Post by: CZARCAR on 04/09/2011 23:06:45
whats it worth for practical usage not including blings?...thanx
Title: Re: Apart from bling, what is gold good for?
Post by: Geezer on 05/09/2011 08:14:44
A lot of it is used in electronics because it is a good conductor and it does not oxidise much, but other than that, it does not have too many practical applications, although dentists do use it. I suppose if it was a lot less expensive it could be used to protect other metals from corrosion. It's too soft to be much use in mechanical applications compared with a lot of other metals and alloys.
Title: Re: Apart from bling, what is gold good for?
Post by: damocles on 05/09/2011 10:20:01
Gold has quite a number of interesting and varied practical uses. As well as its use in conducting strips as an important part of electronics technology, gold is used in

(Afterthought: and of course one of the traditional uses of gold is as gold leaf for lettering on the covers of valuable books and similar applications.)
Title: Apart from bling, what is gold good for?
Post by: CliffordK on 05/09/2011 20:18:20
Gold was also used as a coating for the see-through visors in the space helmets used on the lunar landings.  Perhaps there are better coatings now.

As far as electrical conductors, it has major applications in microcomputers, and connecting chips to electrical contacts.

While you might consider it "bling", one of the reasons that gold is used in jewelery including pierced earring studs is that it has generally low reactivity with sweat, thus it doesn't discolor, or discolor your skin, and it generally doesn't cause allergic reactions.
Title: Apart from bling, what is gold good for?
Post by: CZARCAR on 05/09/2011 23:22:23
Gold was also used as a coating for the see-through visors in the space helmets used on the lunar landings.  Perhaps there are better coatings now.

As far as electrical conductors, it has major applications in microcomputers, and connecting chips to electrical contacts.

While you might consider it "bling", one of the reasons that gold is used in jewelery including pierced earring studs is that it has generally low reactivity with sweat, thus it doesn't discolor, or discolor your skin, and it generally doesn't cause allergic reactions.
skin discolor of gold, silver, copper?
Title: Apart from bling, what is gold good for?
Post by: vernahll2 on 08/09/2011 19:32:02
In olden days, gold was used to make gold coins. Now gold bars are used as financial backing for currency