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Non Life Sciences => Geek Speak => Topic started by: CZARCAR on 12/12/2011 17:20:26

Title: ?hold the mouse button longer?
Post by: CZARCAR on 12/12/2011 17:20:26
my slow PC! =If I hold the click longer on the mouse, will it make it faster?
Title: ?hold the mouse button longer?
Post by: neilep on 12/12/2011 17:54:34
I would have thought holding the mouse button longer would slow it down even more !  [::)]
Title: ?hold the mouse button longer?
Post by: CliffordK on 12/12/2011 18:52:17
You can adjust things like "double-click" speed.
Dragging and dropping may require holding the mouse button, as well as accessing the "context menus".
Title: ?hold the mouse button longer?
Post by: yor_on on 13/12/2011 00:02:11
A trick that might work sometimes is to hit the keyboard (spacebar) if you find it very slow. That because any input from you have a higher priority in all OS:es. When you don't know why it is slow you can check <CTRL ALT Delete> and look at the processes running, if it is windows you use.
Title: ?hold the mouse button longer?
Post by: CliffordK on 13/12/2011 00:24:20
As far as a computer going slower than "normal".

Memory seems to be a big issue.  "Virtual Memory", i.e. swapping main memory to the hard drive, and using the hard drive as RAM is very slow.

If you have an older generation PC running a 32 bit OS, max it out to 3 or 4 GB of RAM.
A newer generation PC with a 64 bit OS, perhaps 4 to 8 GB of RAM.

If you right-click on "My Computer" and go to "Properties", it should tell you how much RAM you have.

Your task manager should give you the current, real-time memory usage, as well as telling you where the memory hogs are. 

Watch the CPU performance (should average less than 50%, stuck at 90% to 100% is bad, but being stuck at exactly 50% can also be bad too).  Memory usage should be less than the total amount you have.  If it is significantly less, then adding more memory won't make a big deal.

I have a tendency to open multiple tabs in Firefox, and leave them open...  some become huge memory HOGS until they drag my PC to a halt.
Title: ?hold the mouse button longer?
Post by: yor_on on 14/12/2011 03:16:17
You could try as I Clifford, I close the network connection, open Firefox with all its zillions of 'windows/tabs' then reopen network connections, and look in the bar giving the site when I want to reopen a 'sid(t)e that I have use of. It saves me have to look for it and remembering where the he* I saw,, whatever I was thinking of. another useful trick is to right click on any open 'tab' like TNS, then choose 'bookmark all tabs'.

That one is useful when you've tried to collect a lot of info on one subject, opening a lot of sites/tabs in FF. Then you just name it whatever you've been wondering about. It helps to get back later if you want to check up on something, it also makes for less clutter in the Bookmarks section.