Naked Science Forum

General Discussion & Feedback => Guest Book => Topic started by: neilep on 01/01/2012 14:29:22

Title: Is This The Final Upgrade ?..Is it Complete ?
Post by: neilep on 01/01/2012 14:29:22
Just curious.....

I know ewe are all working very hard and are probably nursing sore New Year heads but I am curious as to whether the state of the site as it is, is the final stage of the current upgrade/fix ?

Unless I'm missing the obvious

1: Ewe can't upload images and place them where ewe want within the post unless ewe hot link via a photo website.

2: It's impossible to read the time and date of posts (just look to the left..the font is miniscule)

3: Smiley's still need brackets   :-'(  (see ?)  [:-'(]

4: " My Posts " is missing !

Title: Re: Is This The Final Upgrade ?..Is it Complete ?
Post by: CliffordK on 01/01/2012 14:43:48
1: Ewe can't upload images and place them where ewe want within the post unless ewe hot link via a photo website.
There is something wrong here.  But it can be done.
Click on "Attachments and other options".
 [ Invalid Attachment ]
Hmmm...  Shift-Alt-S posted it.  But, then I was able to modify and put the image where it was supposed to be.  Even got rid of that redundant thumbnail that the old system had.   [8D]
2: It's impossible to read the time and date of posts (just look to the left..the font is miniscule)
With Firefox, it is a global setting you can change.
Fonts & Colors - Advanced
Set "Minimum Font Size" to 9 (from it being 9).

Of course, doing all that is a pain when larger font sizes should be set in the system.

Sorry, no notes for Internet Explorer. 
Also, thanks to RD (
Title: Re: Is This The Final Upgrade ?..Is it Complete ?
Post by: neilep on 01/01/2012 14:52:24
THANK YOU very much CliffordK !...I have just credited your expertise in my recent question !...
yep...upon modifying the 'insert image' option becomes visible !

Clearly all here is still a  "work-in-progress"

Thanks again !
Title: Re: Is This The Final Upgrade ?..Is it Complete ?
Post by: CliffordK on 01/01/2012 14:55:58
(see above for setting minimum font size in Firefox).
If Internet Explorer has the same problem, perhaps there would be a similar solution.
Title: Re: Is This The Final Upgrade ?..Is it Complete ?
Post by: neilep on 01/01/2012 15:00:08
(see above for setting minimum font size in Firefox).
If Internet Explorer has the same problem, perhaps there would be a similar solution.'s the same in Chrome, Firefox and IE...and Kmeleon..

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Title: Re: Is This The Final Upgrade ?..Is it Complete ?
Post by: rosy on 01/01/2012 15:29:23
Is This The Final Upgrade ?..Is it Complete ?

No, it's not complete. Dave's been (technically) on leave for the last fortnight (since, infact, the last server died), and thus getting the new system up and running has (all but a few hours) been happening since then at the expense of doing what we'd had planned for Christmas (not that we didn't get to do all the crucial Family Christmas things, but the other To Do lists are looking a bit sad).

There's a long list of things that aren't quite right with the new system yet (spread all over the forum), which Dave's been fixing a bit at a time... but getting the database up and running and the forum capable of accepting posts, accepting new sign-ups without accepting every spammer who wants to make our lives difficult, making sure the non-forum parts of the website like the podcast system runs as it should, etc. etc. etc. have taken priority over the need or otherwise for a few sets of brackets (actually, I think needing brackets for the animated smileys is a feature rather than a bug.. but I appreciate I'm probably outvoted).

I think all the bugs you've mentioned here have already been listed in this thread:
Could you perhaps check that they are indeed all listed and if not post them there so that the lists of bugs people would like to see fixed are concentrated in slightly fewer places and thus stand less chance of slipping under the radar when Dave's fixing stuff over the coming weeks?
Title: Re: Is This The Final Upgrade ?..Is it Complete ?
Post by: neilep on 01/01/2012 15:46:22
Thanks Rosy...Happy New Year for a Happy New Forum.

Thanks for your response.

Title: Re: Is This The Final Upgrade ?..Is it Complete ?
Post by: Geezer on 02/01/2012 09:07:15
have taken priority over the need or otherwise for a few sets of brackets (actually, I think needing brackets for the animated smileys is a feature rather than a bug.. but I appreciate I'm probably outvoted)

Yes Rosy, you are outvoted.

In the software industry, these are referred to as regression defects. Usually, an improved version of a product supports the full feature set of the prior version.