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General Discussion & Feedback => Radio Show & Podcast Feedback => Topic started by: thedoc on 13/09/2013 23:45:50

Title: QotW - 12.05.13 - Why do toenails smell like cheese?
Post by: thedoc on 13/09/2013 23:45:50
Why do toenails smell like cheese?
Asked by David, Johannesburg

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Title: Re: QotW - 12.05.13 - Why do toenails smell like cheese?
Post by: Guthers on 30/04/2012 13:36:06
Title: Re: QotW - 12.05.13 - Why do toenails smell like cheese?
Post by: CliffordK on 01/05/2012 10:48:34
I don't think I have cheesy toenails.
But, if you have thickening and yellowing of the toenails, you may have a fungal or yeast infection.
Title: Re: QotW - 12.05.13 - Why do toenails smell like cheese?
Post by: Tray on 08/05/2012 21:09:14
Like Guthers said, it's likely due to the bacteria.  The Brevibacteria that is used to ferment some cheeses is also present on our skin and concentrated around the feet causing odor. 
Title: Re: QotW - 12.05.13 - Why do toenails smell like cheese?
Post by: Bored chemist on 09/05/2012 21:04:12
Because milk and sweat are more similar than most people are happy thinking about.
Title: Re: QotW - 12.05.13 - Why do toenails smell like cheese?
Post by: CZARCAR on 10/05/2012 00:34:08
& they taste like cheese 2!
Title: Re: QotW - 12.05.13 - Why do toenails smell like cheese?
Post by: wolfekeeper on 12/05/2012 20:28:50
I think it's because of Propionibacterium but probably also cornebacteria and many others.

Basically, bacteria in cheese and those that live on feet will share some genetics, and thus will often produce similar smells.
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Post by: Jay on 22/11/2014 20:14:08
Did any of you even read the article above?  Why are you all trying to answer the question (wrongly) that was answered already?
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Post by: Joshua K on 07/05/2015 05:36:05
This is great, I clipped my toenails and sniffed them, smelled like Parmesan, and I started thinking up this imaginary world where Parmesan is a product scraped from beneath the toenails of giant trolls. Then I read this and was happy.
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Post by: Darla on 17/05/2015 05:52:12
Joshua your comment is wonderful.
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Post by: Ohmy on 09/06/2015 16:27:19
Ah this realization that cheese and keratin sceretions, when eaten by bacteria produce the same consistence and flavor/odor.... Did humans develop a like for cheese because it smelt like really masculine men(excess testosterone causes the secretions nessicary to feed the bacteria that create the smell). It certainly wouldn't even be close to the first time humans like something because it smells like a particularly virile/fertile man or woman
Title: None
Post by: Joahua on 23/08/2016 22:50:28
My toe nail smells weird and it looks like it is gonna fall of I saw my doctor and she said it was fine but I disagree