Naked Science Forum

General Science => General Science => Topic started by: bizerl on 25/10/2012 00:56:22

Title: Do ultra-sonic pest repellers actually work?
Post by: bizerl on 25/10/2012 00:56:22
I love nature and I hate killing things, but that all becomes a very superficial viewpoint when it comes to spiders, flies, mozzies, wasps, mice, rats, snails, slugs etc.

I still don't like killing them and would just rather they didn't decide the eaves around my house were a good place to hang out.

I see a lot of these things ( around, and wondered if there was any scientific peer-reviewed type evidence to back up some of the claims. The particular model in the link does admit that they don't really know if it works, which makes me think that the people manufacturing these things just want my money.

Any thoughts?
Title: Re: Do ultra-sonic pest repellers actually work?
Post by: RD on 25/10/2012 03:22:14
In total 18 products were tested - each six times - by a team at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, with 30 mosquitoes used in every trial.

Buzzers all poor

"We think others, such as the buzzers we tried, were a shocking waste of money, didn't offer any protection at all and offer nothing but a false sense of security. They should be removed from sale."
Title: Re: Do ultra-sonic pest repellers actually work?
Post by: evan_au on 27/10/2012 05:41:55
Bats use ultrasonic frequencies for finding nice, juicy insects to eat. Maybe the ultrasonic pest repellers may confuse bats?

Turn off the ultrasonic repeller, and you might get some bats to come and eat your insects. (I hope you aren't afraid of bats too...)

Insect screens over the windows will at least keep them all outside.

Insects will spiral into lights, and orbit around them. Turn off the external lights so insects won't be attracted to your house (and if they do bump into your house by accident, you won't see them).
Title: Re: Do ultra-sonic pest repellers actually work?
Post by: Boogie on 28/10/2012 15:31:45
Citronella works very well, in my opinion.