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General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: Pmb on 05/08/2013 02:49:42

Title: What is the only thing necessary for evil to flourish?
Post by: Pmb on 05/08/2013 02:49:42
What's the only thing necessary for evil to flourish? Edmund Burke answers "For good men to do nothing."

That was what I had in mind when I pursued seeking justice when I was arrested last year. People were trying to put me down for yelling back at a nurse at a hospital. They claimed that by yelling at her I was assaulting her. When I tried to fight it I learned that both the cop and nurse lied on the police report to protect their nasty actions. When my court case was over it was continued without a finding. After that I decided it was my turn to seek justice. I met with mega resistance. The hospital Patient Advocates were doing everything to shut me up, mostly by ignoring me. However I decided to take it to the attourney general's office and file criminal charges for them lying etc.

I have finally got some good news this week. I spoke to the CEO of the company that owns that hospital. I asked him to give the nurse that tormented me a formal reprimand and show me on paper that she was reprimanded and when that was done I'd drop pursuing the matter with the attorney general's office. That's all I ever wanted and I got it ... by being a pain in the ass. :)

Now it's time to go after the cop. The people who work with him and were protecting him were careless. When I said that the nurse assaulted my by yellikng at me etc. they resonded by claiming that assault meant that you threatened someone. But the police report said only that I yelled. The claimed I battered them by accidently touching her or some crapy where the cop on the phone told me that battery meant hitting and hurting someone. So they just shot themselves in the foot. Now it's time to go to the attourney general! Wish me luck!

Title: Re: What is the only thing necessary for evil to flourish?
Post by: David Cooper on 05/08/2013 18:03:52
Good for you - if no one ever stands up to them, they'll just keep on behaving the same way. You are doing this for all those who aren't brave enough to stand up for themselves.
Title: Re: What is the only thing necessary for evil to flourish?
Post by: Bill S on 19/08/2013 19:45:52
Go for it Pete.  Bullies will usually back off if you stand firm. 

Some years ago, when we were home educating our son, the Local Education Authority appointed an inspector who (for reasons I need not go into) we refused to have in our house after his second visit.  The exchanges became very heated and the LEA resorted to a wide range of threats, including child protection investigation and court action.  What they never seemed to grasp was that I worked closely with both the Child Protection Services and the Legal System.  In fact, I discussed the situation with their Solicitor a few days before they presented their case to him, and told him why we were holding out against visits by this inspector. 

No legal action was taken, and none of their other threats was carried out; nor did we have another home assessment.

Congratulations on your efforts so far, I wish you success with the rest.