Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Plant Sciences, Zoology & Evolution => Topic started by: cheryl j on 20/11/2013 02:17:56

Title: monkey faces- which is more appealing?
Post by: cheryl j on 20/11/2013 02:17:56
I was thinking the other day about the similarities of other primates and humans. But it seems to depend on what aspect of humans and primates one is comparing. I saw this picture on Science Daily. And I asked myself:

Which monkey would you leave alone with  your kids if you had to?
Which monkey would you want to protect you in fight with other monkeys?
Which monkey would be the most likely to understand complex instructions?
Which monkey looks like he might tell a really hilarious joke?
Which monkey would make the best house guest for a week?
Which monkey looks like a lawyer?
Which Monkey would you rather kiss if you were staring in a "Planet of the Apes" movie.
Does physical appearance indicate certain behavioral traits to you, even though the picture only shows physical appearance, and they are monkeys and not human? why?
Title: Re: monkey faces- which is more appealing?
Post by: RD on 20/11/2013 02:57:11
Which monkey looks like he might tell a really hilarious joke?

The Proboscis monkey ( #2 coz it looks like Jimmy Durante ( [:)]

Which monkey would you want to protect you in fight with other monkeys?
Travis the chimpanzee ...
Travis  ... was a male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who appeared in American television shows and commercials. In February 2009, Travis and his owner Sandra Herold gained international notoriety after he suddenly attacked Charla Nash, a friend of Herold, and grievously mauled her, blinding her while severing her nose, ears, both hands and severely lacerating her face.
Title: Re: monkey faces- which is more appealing?
Post by: Ethos_ on 20/11/2013 03:07:11

Which monkey would you want to protect you in fight with other monkeys?

#1................With his wide forehead and intense stare, he reminds me of Mike Tyson. LOL