Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: neilep on 04/06/2014 18:41:04

Title: What Is A 'Pulled' Muscle ? (chortle ! le smirk !)
Post by: neilep on 04/06/2014 18:41:04
Dearest Peeps Of exercise Prowess,

As a sheepy I of course am a fine fit prime specimen of ruminant joy, I am with some chums keeping well fit !!

 [ Invalid Attachment ]
Me In Da Gym Just Moments Ago !!

So, how come when I reached for something on my desk that I "pulled a muscle" and that now days later I'm still suffering the consequences ? It friggin hurts !!

What exactly is a "pulled muscle" ?  What actually happens to the actual muscle ?...and why the slow to recover ?

If ewe know the answer then chances are ewe know the cure....please to visit me and give me massage joyness !!

Thank ewe

hugs and shmishes

mwah mwah


I really am quite in some pain
Help me to not do it again !