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Non Life Sciences => Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology => Topic started by: ScientificSorcerer on 02/10/2014 20:08:13

Title: what do you think of my gravity thruster idea?
Post by: ScientificSorcerer on 02/10/2014 20:08:13
                        The Gravity Thruster

In this thread I shall explain a way to make a gravity displacement machine. The machine of which I speak has the ability to distort the fabric of space in a similar way to what is depicted in the diagram above. The machine which I've come up with is based on the work of countless scientists but is mainly based on the work of a woman named Ning Li, Eugene Podkletnov and Martin Tajmar.

I became particularly interested in these few scientists because of the strange circumstances surrounding their careers as gravity researchers.

For those of you who haven't heard about this, it was reported in 1992 that objects appeared to weigh less over a spinning superconductor. The experiments were performed in Finland by a Russian researcher named Eugene E. Podkletnov. There has not yet been a conclusive and credible test of this effect, but apparently NASA is working on it.

It's still an open question. NASA is looking into this one directly and seems to be quite interested. Specifically NASA Marshall Space Flight Center is attempting to duplicate the experiment to see if the claimed effect exists, and if it does, to determine what's really going on. These investigations took place in 1997. I don't know what was reported from these investigations as it seems that reliable information on this subject is hard to come by.

This is a photo of Ning Li in the middle, flanked by 2 associates.  you can see a NASA badge tucked into the pocket of the guy on the left, indicating that this photo was taken in a NASA laboratory. The disk which they are holding is a large YBCO ceramic superconducting disk which is frozen, magnetically levitated then spun at around 20,000 rpm.

All of this information tells me, if spinning a superconductor had no interesting effects on gravity then why would NASA be funding it's research for all of these years? seems suspicious don't you think?

Podkletnov believes that his work is real, but he may have irreversibly damaged his reputation by agreeing to be interviewed by a group called "alien scientists" below are a list of video links to the interview, so that you can get the information straight from the horses mouth.

This guy is not a crook or crack pot, he is a high level scientist. To me it only further validates the claim that the gravity effect he talks about is real, because talking about this stuff is career suicide for a scientist in his position.  He bravely sacrificed his reputation to tell the bold truth.

Before I continue on to my actual anti-gravity device I want to reference some material in the video. It will be of great importance when describing my gravity machine.

-At 7:40 to 8:30 in the video Podkletnov says that the centrifugal force becomes too powerful when
 spinning the disk at high speed and the spinning disk tends to want to fly apart.  "The only thing that
 keeps him from getting better gravity modification results is the rotation speed limitations."

-At 14:20 he talks about persistent currents flowing through the ring which increase the effect, he says that by maximizing the current density/ amount of cooper pairs (quantum entangled electrons) the gravity modification is enhanced. He even says that it's the KEY TO SUCCESS.

-At 21:00 in the video, podkletnov says that superconductors are not needed to produce gravity modification, it can be done with normal magnets, but using superconductors has many advantages because of the exotic properties of superconductors for frictionless rotation, levitation and the ability to make superconductors into powerful magnets.

So according to Dr.Podkletnov it is the magnetic field which is responsible for the gravitational effects, this notion is supported by Dr.Searl's research in London. All you have to do is spin a magnetic field at extremely high speeds, the faster the spinning the better BUT centrifugal force needs to be overcome inorder to spin a magnetic field to extreme speeds. 

It seems to me that the stronger the magnetic field the better and the faster the spinning of said magnetic field the better.

So in order to get the maximum magnetic field, your going to need to make a superconducting magnet coil, freeze it then charge it to it's critical current density to get a magnetic field strength somewhere between 10 T and 30T then levitate the superconducting magnet over another superconducting disk to enable the super magnet to rotate freely and be strongly levitated via the meissner effect.

you can then spin the levitating super magnet via an external electromagnet ring.  picture a cylinder shaped super-magnet with a regular electromagnet ring coil around the outside causing the levitating magnet to start spinning.

the spinning of the super-magnet  will cause a great deal of centrifugal force, and in-order to get ridiculously fast rotation speeds, you'll need to counteract that force so that the super-magnet wont fly apart.  The way you combat the centrifugal force is to add another electromagnet down the center of the super-magnet.  So as the magnet spins the centrifugal force causes outward force, the electromagnet down the middle of the magnet which is in no way connected to the supermagnet creates a counter/inward attractive force.

as the super magnet spins faster and faster the core electromagnet gets stronger and stronger to counter act the centrifugal force.

now you can spin the super magnet to practically limitless speeds (short of light speed) you'll need to sin the super-magnet o fast that it becomes a blur to witness I am talking about 100000rpm to get intense gravity distortions.

as a result you get an incredibly powerful gravity modification field and upwards of 80% to 90% weight loss capabilities.  The device has 2 magnetic poles and 2 gravitational poles, on the north side of the super-magnet cylinder gravity will be reduced by 80% or 90% wile on the south magnetic pole gravity will be increased 80% to 90%.

the way it works will create a warp drive type space time distortion allowing any spacecraft to ride the distortion like a surfer rides a ocean wave.

A high powered magnetic field is required to generate the distortions which can also act as a interstellar radiation shield, protecting the ship from radiation in outer space which is necessary if you want to go past light speed without getting cooked alive by charged particles.

Deal with it.
Title: Re: what do you think of my gravity thruster idea?
Post by: Bored chemist on 02/10/2014 21:32:25
The guy seems to believe in gravity shielding.
Unfortunately for him, that's at odds with the law of conservation of energy.
So It's not clear to me why you say "This guy is not a crook or crack pot"
There is a reason why "talking about this stuff is career suicide for a scientist"
Title: Re: what do you think of my gravity thruster idea?
Post by: ScientificSorcerer on 03/10/2014 04:28:43
Bored chemist

I Just think that because of 25 years of NASA funded studies on the subject says something.  If NASA paid for this stuff to be funded at any point then I imagine there might be some shred of truth to gravity shielding/modification.

Not only NASA was interested in this sort of thing, Boeing also worked with Podkletnov in the late 90's and apparently made it a project at one point or another.

the link below is report which comes from NASA as late as 2002

$650,000 was spent on engineering the proper materials specifically for this kind of research. would you spend that much money on a consept which is truly fictitious? I think not. 

Even the Russian space agency continues to look into the work of Podkletnov

Something is totally happening BUT we don't know what is happening yet so it's far to early to to say that it violates any laws if we don't know what the deuce is going on. I just think that if such big money is involved in the research then there must be something true about all of this.

My Ideal machine would salve the problem which faces the scientists, which is being able to spin the device faster then ever before.  Even Podkletnov himself said that the only thing which poses a problem is the speed of the device, My machine would be able to counter the outward centrifugal force with and attractive inward magnetic force. allowing the device to spin MEGA FAST without breaking up. So you can get practical and clearly noticeable effects.

I don't know for shore that my Idea will work. All I did was try to improve the original Podkletnov experiment by adding in some thing which I believe will yield more gravity modification based on the research.
Title: Re: what do you think of my gravity thruster idea?
Post by: JohnDuffield on 03/10/2014 11:28:23
Sorcerer: I don't think you've quite got this right, but nevermind. Have a look at the spinning magnet falling through the thick copper tube:

Title: Re: what do you think of my gravity thruster idea?
Post by: chiralSPO on 03/10/2014 13:13:24
Just to be clear, there is nothing special about spinning the magnet in these copper tube demonstrations. As the magnet falls, it induces a current in the copper, which exerts a magnetic force on the magnet, slowing it down. It doesn't matter how the magnet is moving, as long as it is dragging field lines through the copper there will be resistance.
Title: Re: what do you think of my gravity thruster idea?
Post by: JohnDuffield on 03/10/2014 14:14:36
In similar vein there wouldn't be anything special if you contrived a contraption wherein the magnet didn't fall down. See for example diamagnetic levitation (

Sorcerer, how did you create the distorted-grid picture? 
Title: Re: what do you think of my gravity thruster idea?
Post by: ScientificSorcerer on 04/10/2014 13:18:09

I didn't make that picture, It is something I found on google when typing in "warp drive" You see NASA came up with a theoretical concept which would allow a space craft to go faster then light without violating the laws of physics.

If you can contract space in front of a space craft and expand space behind the craft you can sort of move space itself instead of moving through space.  You see gravity condenses space so you would need a strong gravitational field in front of your ship and you would need some kind of anti gravity to expand space behind your ship. This video should clarify.

The Podkletnov experiment is famous for producing an effect originally dubbed "gravity shielding" which is an effect which causes objects above the a fast spinning levitating superconductor to loose a percentage of their weight. Many people call the effect a form of anti-gravity and it sort of is. the picture below depicts the device and how it was thought to work.


many years after the effect was discovered Nin Li and her team at NASA figured out that below the spinning disk objects gained a percentage of weight and objects above the disk lost lost the same percentage of their weight. They figured that the term "gravity shielding" was an incorrect term because of this discovery, so they renamed the effect "gravity modification".

But I think "Gravity polarization" would be a better term to describe the effect. It works like this, magnets have 2 poles north and south like the picture below.


The spinning superconductor also has 2 poles but they are gravitational poles. On the north pole of this "gravity magnet" space is expanded (giving you less gravity) and on the south pole space is contracted (giving you more gravity).

The podkletnov experiments were only able to produce very weak distortions, which were only about 5% to 9% of earth's gravity in a local field. But even a 5% gravity distortion is amazing. Because it implies that a 10 pound table top device is capable of producing a gravitational field equivalent to 5% the entire earth's mass is quite impressive by it self. but not only can it do that but it can do what no other device in the world can do which is expand space.

I analyzed the way the experiment was set up and figured out through the Podkletnov interview what increased the effect and what some of the problems were when trying to increase the effect more. And eventually came up with the device in the original post.
Title: Re: what do you think of my gravity thruster idea?
Post by: Bill S on 04/10/2014 16:26:34
Quote from: SS
I Just think that because of 25 years of NASA funded studies on the subject says something.

During the cold war the CIA spent millions of $s, over a 20yrs period, on psychic warfare, including remote viewing and other forms of telepathy.  It seems that even in the 1990s the they were still conducting intelligence gathering exercises using remote viewing techniques, albeit on a “modest” $500,000 per year budget.  They may still be doing it.  "Hope springs eternal.....".

Title: Re: what do you think of my gravity thruster idea?
Post by: ScientificSorcerer on 04/10/2014 18:52:52
Bill S

All I'm saying is you simply are not going to get to the nearest star in a rocket in reasonable time, it just aint gunna happen.

Let me ask you this, What is NASA or any space related organization doing right now to come up with a different way to get into space using something other then rockets?

  Gravity is one of the only forces which we don't know how to manipulate.  But how would you control gravity? Any research which is done on the subject isn't taken seriously, it's basically laughed at and turned into a conspiracy theory.  It's weird, Its like a scientific taboo.  You know what I'm sayin?

All I'm trying to do is figure out a way to work with gravity, but I run into a bunch of crap, the literature on the subject is ridiculous I tried to look for legitimate stuff here, from legitimate scientists. But there is very little on the subject and even less which hasn't been spoiled by conspiracy theorists it's frustrating. [:(]
Title: Re: what do you think of my gravity thruster idea?
Post by: Bill S on 04/10/2014 20:23:41
Quote from: SS
All I'm trying to do is figure out a way to work with gravity, but I run into a bunch of crap, the literature on the subject is ridiculous I tried to look for legitimate stuff here, from legitimate scientists. But there is very little on the subject and even less which hasn't been spoiled by conspiracy theorists it's frustrating.

I would be the last person to try to dissuade anyone from looking at non-standard ideas.  I just doubt the value of citing government spending as a supporting argument.   [:)] 
Title: Re: what do you think of my gravity thruster idea?
Post by: ScientificSorcerer on 05/10/2014 07:15:49
Bill S

Ok, I see your point.  The government has spent lots of money in the past on ridiculous concepts. Just because the government spends money on developing a concept docent mean that that concept is legitimate.

Like you said, the government has spent millions of dollars looking into psychic spies in the past.

The only real evidence I can give on this subject is real results in a video format.  So be it.  Here is a video link which displays a crude podkletnov experiment working. The video is a German documentary but everybody is speaking English, they just voiced over everyone in german. You can still hear the english if you listen carefully. The experiment part starts around 22:00 so if you don't want to watch the whole video you can skip directly to the experiment part.

Also If you want to go deep into exactly how the effect works take a look at this video. Be warned though, this guy likes to over load you with mathematical equations.  After listening to the video like 5 times and googleing half the stuff he was talking about  I was finally able to grasp what he was talking about.

Which is basically how atoms can emit gravitational energy from being stimulated properly.  And why "gravity shielding" isn't whats happening in the podkletnov experiment, it's actually more like electromagnetic energy in and gravitational energy out.  I would be very interested in talking about the theory proposed in this video and if there are flaws in it,  I don't know enough about math to be able to spot a flaw if there is one in a theory.
Title: Re: what do you think of my gravity thruster idea?
Post by: Bored chemist on 05/10/2014 09:41:29
Bored chemist

I Just think that because of 25 years of NASA funded studies on the subject says something.  If NASA paid for this stuff to be funded at any point then I imagine there might be some shred of truth to gravity shielding/modification.

Not only NASA was interested in this sort of thing, Boeing also worked with Podkletnov in the late 90's and apparently made it a project at one point or another.

the link below is report which comes from NASA as late as 2002

$650,000 was spent on engineering the proper materials specifically for this kind of research. would you spend that much money on a consept which is truly fictitious? I think not. 

Even the Russian space agency continues to look into the work of Podkletnov

Something is totally happening BUT we don't know what is happening yet so it's far to early to to say that it violates any laws if we don't know what the deuce is going on. I just think that if such big money is involved in the research then there must be something true about all of this.

My Ideal machine would salve the problem which faces the scientists, which is being able to spin the device faster then ever before.  Even Podkletnov himself said that the only thing which poses a problem is the speed of the device, My machine would be able to counter the outward centrifugal force with and attractive inward magnetic force. allowing the device to spin MEGA FAST without breaking up. So you can get practical and clearly noticeable effects.

I don't know for shore that my Idea will work. All I did was try to improve the original Podkletnov experiment by adding in some thing which I believe will yield more gravity modification based on the research.
It matters not a jot what NASA did or did not fund.
Gravity shielding (even if it increases the "weight" of something below the magic gadget) can not work because it is a breach of the law of conservation of energy.

So, while you may not be sure if your ideas will work, I am sure they can not.

Title: Re: what do you think of my gravity thruster idea?
Post by: jeffreyH on 05/10/2014 15:19:29
The warp drive idea is utter nonsense. I usually don't couch objections in such strong terms but this is different. You ignore the effects on the ship. As spacetime is compressed and this is the forward path of the spacecraft you don't get less distance to travel in the same time because of timer dilation and length contraction. It all balances out so you gain nothing. As bored chemist has stated you can't get round the conservation laws.
Title: Re: what do you think of my gravity thruster idea?
Post by: ScientificSorcerer on 06/10/2014 21:46:31
OK maybe the "warp drive" concept is won't work, that's way beyond me to tell you any different. But I don't see why The podkletnov machine would violate any laws.  Space has been known to contract we commonly refer to the effect as "gravity".  Space has also been known to expand, we have observed it as the red shift, we don't know how it expands but we know it does. Some times the effect is referred to as "Dark energy".

Dark energy

So both examples tell us that it is indeed possible for space to expand and contract, stretch and condense.  Another thing is that gravity is a weak force, most fridge magnets have a stronger local field then earth's gravitational field.  who's to say that ONLY huge amounts of mass can generate gravity? 

spinning objects at high speed has been known to generate gravity.  In particle accelerators if you accelerate a particle to near light speed that particle gets more massive and thus generates more gravity, it's been proven.

So you can stretch and contract space And you can spin an object to generate gravity, so to me the idea of a device which can do the things claimed by Podkletnov are not all that far fetched.

Gravity is just a force which is admittedly an enigma for the most part.  We know how much energy is contained in electric or magnetic fields (uΕ=½ε0Ε²) or (uB=B²/2μ0) But be don't know how much energy is contained in a gravitational field but if the amount is similar to the other 2 fields then I can safely say that you don't need much to make a field as strong as the earth's in a small area. The problem is how efficiently you can convert one form of energy into gravity.

Who knows maybe some kinetic energy is converted into a gravitational energy as the disk spins.  Maybe if you look closely at the experiment as it's going with high speed cameras you can see the disk spin slightly slower then it should from how much energy you put into the system. Then you can attribute that loss of energy to having been converted into gravitational energy (gravity waves/gravitons) what ever you want to call it.

It's kind of like how they may have detected gravity waves coming off of 2 black holes because they saw that the black holes orbited each other more slowly then they should have. They said that perhaps some energy was turned into gravity waves.


I can reasonably deduce that a small loss of spin energy might have been overlooked in the Podkletnov experiments.  If the disk dose indeed spin slower then it should then that might prove that some energy is converted into gravity.  Thus proving that some energy is converted and conserved and no laws are violated. It might even give us the amount of energy stored in a gravity field.

Your move bro [;)]