Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => Famous Scientists, Doctors and Inventors => Topic started by: Arrual on 31/01/2015 15:48:48

Title: Who found out how to make glass?
Post by: Arrual on 31/01/2015 15:48:48
Who found out how to make glass?
Title: Re: Who found out how to make glass?
Post by: Don_1 on 01/05/2015 01:23:57
The earliest 'glass' dates to around 3500BC, found in Mesopotamia, however, it is not quite like the substance we know today.

It is possible that glass was an accidental by-product of the ceramic and/or metalworking trades.
Title: Re: Who found out how to make glass?
Post by: chiralSPO on 01/05/2015 03:28:20
There is also naturally occurring glass (obsidian and moldavite, for instance). I believe that some of the oldest glass artifacts were made from glass that formed naturally, and then was shaped by humans (either by breaking or melting).