Naked Science Forum

General Science => General Science => Topic started by: realmswalker on 05/10/2006 00:45:12

Title: what is the goal of humanity
Post by: realmswalker on 05/10/2006 00:45:12
It seems a question almost never answered, or even possed:
What ought humans to do in the long run?
It seems that now we are jsut living moment to moment, with no goal or destination...
weve expanded the world, i guess nwo the only thing left is to expand else where, space?
ought we to advance in science? is that our purpose? to accumulate knowledge? But then what ought we to use that knowledge for?
From an evolutionary point of view...our real purpose as a species is just to live and reproduce...
Title: Re: what is the goal of humanity
Post by: otis01 on 05/10/2006 03:43:32
I asked the same question under the title "purpose".

I believe there is a purpose( don't we all love sentences started with "I believe...). Beyond that, I cannot tell you. No one really can. However, it does not mean it should not be discussed.

 I do have a few thoughts about this though( very much a "I believe, but have no attachment to these beliefs as I know they are probably infinitely small once a Greatest purpose is realized)

 -- I believe there is Intelligence expressed in everything here in this world. At base, EVERYTHING is made up of the same stuff: Energy and Information. Eastern spiritualities say "I am That, you are That, all this is That, and That is all there Is." Even a rock, at base level, is energy and information. There must be Intelligence behind it all, otherwise it would all just be soup.( Quite possibly it is just soup, and our brains decode the soup).

 This Intelligence has a purpose. However, I don't think we can pose a question and simply answer and now "know" the Truth. Whatever the greatest Truth is, it must be beyond Knowing: It must be beyond science, religion, knowledge, and power. We can never know the Truth- In some way, that we cannot concieve of, we must Become the Truth. The moment you decide "This is the way to the Truth" you automatically set up barriers to ANY other possibility.

 I don't know if this Truth is Intelligence itself, God, or Nothing at all, but I believe that there is an Intelligence at work. Whether it is God, Allah, Jesus Christ, I don't know. I could never chose a religion as hard as I tried- each forced me to say the other was wrong, and I would be lying to myself to say that. So, I demand this Intelligence draw me closer everyday. Everyday I pray and meditate and demand what must be my Birthright; to demand of God He Himself show me the way, there are none other for me to trust.

 There is a Goal; the goal must be to Become whatever the Truth may be.

 I know that's not really an answer, but it's all I've got that I can say is my Truth.

Title: Re: what is the goal of humanity
Post by: gecko on 05/10/2006 05:40:32
i dont think there is any "purpose". we are all living moment to moment, hopefully the next one better than the last.

the ultimate goal id say is when humans do the least work and have the most pleasure.
Title: Re: what is the goal of humanity
Post by: tony6789 on 05/10/2006 15:57:52
my ultimate goal is to catch a rabbit

NEVER! underestimate youth
Title: Re: what is the goal of humanity
Post by: Soul Surfer on 05/10/2006 19:08:37
Human beings are just another animal in the ecology of the earth. Our primary goal is to survive,  then we must make good use of our evolutionary niche and finally it is vital not destroy the environment that supports us.

Learn, create, test and tell
evolution rules in all things
God says so!
Title: Re: what is the goal of humanity
Post by: another_someone on 06/10/2006 00:53:31
Originally posted by Soul Surfer
Human beings are just another animal in the ecology of the earth.

Indeed so.


Our primary goal is to survive,

Purpose from which perspective?

From our own, very human, perspective; then yes.  From the perspective of the planet as a whole, it has seen species come and go, and really does not care which species are there or not.  From the perspective of the planet, there is a certain availability of energy, and the species that can grab the most of that energy, and thus starve other species of the resources they need, will survive at the cost of other less effective consumers of energy.  Ofcourse, energy comes in many types, and some species are very particular about the resources they use, while others can be far more flexible in their resource usage.  Those species that are very particular will only occupy a very narrow niche, and those that are able to consume a wider range of resources, and more readily switch from one resource to another, will be able to dominate a far wider range of environments.  Humans happen to be very good at obtaining resources, and lots of them, from a wide range of sources, thus enabling them to dominate a very wide range of environments.

Title: Re: what is the goal of humanity
Post by: Soul Surfer on 06/10/2006 10:36:51
I agree that  the earth and the universe as a whole are totally indifferent to our existence but that was not the question.  

As the universe evolves it is quite likely that mankind will die out at some point and be rplaced by some other life form  as to whether our fossilised remains will demonstrate our intelligence or whether we will be able to leave behind dome deep knowlege that will be helpful to future intelligent life forms is questionable.

Learn, create, test and tell
evolution rules in all things
God says so!
Title: Re: what is the goal of humanity
Post by: Hadrian on 06/10/2006 11:29:28
I don’t think this is the correct question. Perhaps we should ask what do we want it to be?

What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.
Title: Re: what is the goal of humanity
Post by: another_someone on 06/10/2006 11:47:07
Originally posted by Hadrian
I don’t think this is the correct question. Perhaps we should ask what do we want it to be?

The only incorrect question is one that has implicit, and incorrect, assumptions.

In some ways that may be argued of realmswalker's question, but no less so of your question.  On the other hand, often part of the value in formulating a question is to ascertain what implicit assumptions exist within that question.

Ofcourse, it is a different matter to say that you have a different question that interests you more than this question; but that does not of itself make this question incorrect.

Title: Re: what is the goal of humanity
Post by: Hadrian on 06/10/2006 12:12:55
I am so glad you put me right George after all it'S you role to set what is or is not right here. Perhaps I should email my question to you first to test there correctness. This would avoid such embarrassing posts as my previous one. No would have ever spotted that I said “I THINK” meaning that it was my opinion. Of course I know that I AM not entitled to have one unless you say it’s ok.  Sorry again George no really sorry.
Title: Re: what is the goal of humanity
Post by: Hadrian on 06/10/2006 12:24:27
Ok I ask an alternative question which is based on a different premise, which is that we have a choice as apposed to it being built in.  My question is what purpose do we want to have?

What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.
Title: Re: what is the goal of humanity
Post by: otis01 on 06/10/2006 14:49:22
When we ask the question of what is the goal or purpose to humanity, we speak of the future. Where are we going? Where do we want to go? Is there a purpose or goal to evolving, beyond survival and pleasure?

 I would think it most important to ask where are we Now, before asking were are we going, and is there a purpose. Perspective is highly biasing. It would be interesting to here opinions decribing the world Today, then suppose answers as to where we are going. What world do you live in? What do you see the world as?
Title: Re: what is the goal of humanity
Post by: NewBill on 07/10/2006 15:16:27
I see survival as instinctual rather than a goal.  Pleasure and pain, happiness and sadness and all such would seem to be sensations or perceptions rather than goals.

Altruism now that is an interesting one. Worker bees as individuals seem to operate on it although I suppose that is instinctual.  I think that concern for the species and the environment must be altruistic.  I believe that humans exhibit conscious altruism all the time.  It's just that it is limited to handful of generations, us and ours.  We are short sighted.

I think the struggle for ascendency or power produces the most conflict among us.  It is curious how some of the great struggles have been waged under the banner of survival somehow plugging into an instinctual level.

I think we pass our philosophy in our children through our practices and words ... hawks produce hawks and doves produce doves, despite all our writings and furious activities.

Purpose?  Mine is to understand just what the hell happened and is happening and why.  My philosophy has been "Neither prey nor predator be." and it is difficult.