Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: tvanover on 11/07/2015 03:22:04

Title: How does the route of antibiotic administration affect childhood development?
Post by: tvanover on 11/07/2015 03:22:04
With more and more evidence that oral antibiotics haveing long term effects on child development, has there been any research on other delivery methods?  If oral antibiotics are negitively effectiong your gut biome and effecting nutrition and development would bypassing the gut avoid the problems?  Would other delivery technology, like injection, skin patches, or timed release implants, allow for the more targeted delivey of antibiotics?  I would think that targeting the infection zone would allow more of the antibiotic to target the pathogen as opposed to spending itself on collateral biota.
Title: Re: Antibiotic effedcts on development
Post by: Pecos_Bill on 11/07/2015 08:19:11
Hmmm, I'll tell you something that will "effect" a child's development - a whacking good case of H.influenzae meningitis. If you can't get cefotaxime on board the kid  soon enough you're in for bitter tears.

Having said that, having nincompoops for parents is a generally poor prognostic sign for any number of pediatric disasters.

How do you spot nincompoops? They invariably insist on the doc giving antibiotics against the doc's better judgement....or they will refuse the doc's advice to use the antibiotics because they heard some bona fide snake oil peddler tell them he had better, safer medicine derived from the ancient knowledge of Atlantis.
Title: Re: Antibiotic effects on development
Post by: Pecos_Bill on 11/07/2015 22:30:48
I just listened to the most recent episode of "This week in Microbiology" on iTunes which discusses the Yanomami tribe of the amazon. They were found( in Rousseau's state of nature) free of antibiotic exposure. Here is a photo. Does the child appear better developed to you ? I hae ma doots, Laddie.

Interestingly, their gut flora showed archaic genes for antibiotic resistance poised to be expressed if exposed to antibiotics. That indicates that there may be other anti - antibiotic genes waiting in the wings to show up for whatever new antibiotics which we may develop.

PS: Sorry, I can't seem to delete the second image.

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