Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Marine Science => Topic started by: CaptMoldman on 20/08/2015 17:16:26

Title: Is space or sea exploration the better use of our resources?
Post by: CaptMoldman on 20/08/2015 17:16:26
Which do you think is the more constructive use of our efforts and tax dollars - exploring the oceans or exploring space? I used to say that we shouldn't really begin on exploring space until we've figured out our own planet front to back but I was speaking from a place of ignorance. I'm not really sure which is more beneficial.
Title: Is space or sea exploration the better use of our resources?
Post by: alancalverd on 20/08/2015 22:35:14
Considering how much tax revenue is wasted on wars (on drugs, terror, cancer, or just rearranging the rubble in Afghanistan) banks, and friends of politicians, any such discussion simply diverts critical attention from high level corruption. Whilst the peasants argue over the distribution of crumbs, those we elect to take our money feast on the real meat.
Title: Is space or sea exploration the better use of our resources?
Post by: CaptMoldman on 21/08/2015 17:18:23
I understand your point of view, Alancalverd, but this is simply a discussion for the purposes of entertainment, not an official vote on the distribution of tax dollars. Add to the beginning of my original question "In a hypothetically perfect world where the situations you've listed were already handled..."
Title: Is space or sea exploration the better use of our resources?
Post by: alancalverd on 21/08/2015 19:13:34
OK, here's my hypothetical; twopenn'orth.

Flying to the moon, climbing Everest, and finding life in undersea hot vents, has had no beneficial effect whatever. beyond making everyone say "wow!" But that is the highest aspiration of art, so it's all worth doing.

Most aviators will agree that flying a powered aircraft from A to B in the shortest possible time is satisfying and useful, but flying a glider from A to A via the longest possible route is both utterly pointless and the most exciting thing you can do with your clothes on. Using science dollars to heal the sick and grow food is a Good Thing, but pure exploration in any field is beyond erotic. And if it gives the public a thrill, you've really spent their money well.
Title: Is space or sea exploration the better use of our resources?
Post by: CaptMoldman on 24/08/2015 20:52:11
I can definitely appreciate (and identify with) that. Thanks for sharing your perspective!
Title: Is space or sea exploration the better use of our resources?
Post by: ProjectSailor on 02/08/2016 14:17:39
I totally disagree with the point alan raised. It is certainly NOT unbeneficial to find life in underwater vents and in fact discovering these things have branched our knowledge and understanding of microbial life way beyond what we previously had. This knowledge brings understanding and awareness of extremophile behavior and how life adapts to different conditions. AND is the first step in understanding how they could be beneficial to us Humans in a more practical manner, maybe they could produce anti biotics, or chemicals that would improve our lives greatly.. unless you look and study you will never know.

As for space exploration.. the sooner they find a way off this rock to somewhere else, we might be able to jet off leaving all the idiots behind and move to a nicer neighborhood.
Title: Is space or sea exploration the better use of our resources?
Post by: CaptMoldman on 04/08/2016 17:01:00
Thanks, ProjectSailor! I agree that both fields of exploration are important. I sometimes think that we should figure out what's in our own backyard before heading out into the next frontier, but I could be wrong. It just surprises me how much of the sub-ocean world remains to be explored.
Title: Is space or sea exploration the better use of our resources?
Post by: hamdani yusuf on 06/08/2016 02:43:18
I think for short term, sea exploration would be useful. But for much longer term space exploration is inevitable.
Except if all of us agree that human extinction is acceptable.
Title: Is space or sea exploration the better use of our resources?
Post by: CaptMoldman on 08/08/2016 17:53:14
Well, if James Cameron keeps cracking the whip, maybe we'll get both sea and space exploration in adequate amounts LOL