Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: chris on 06/02/2003 10:55:39

Title: Dads confuse kids !
Post by: chris on 06/02/2003 10:55:39
Scientists Gerald McRoberts and Malcolm Slaney designed a computer program to evaluate the properties of the speech parents use as they talk to their children.

They used the programme to analyse 700 samples of speech made by 6 sets of parents. Overall the computer accurately distinguished between 'approving' and 'disapproving' comments made by parents 80% of the time. Intriguingly however, it was correct 12% more often when analysing the speech of females, compared with males, suggesting, say the researchers, that women use less ambiguous sounds when communication with their babies.

The alternative, the researchers admit, is that their programme is less good at analysing mens' voices !

Full press release :

Title: Re: Dads confuse kids !
Post by: Exodus on 04/05/2003 19:54:13
Does this mean men talk in a less wimsy silly google gaga way to kids? damn good if you ask me!

Essentia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem...
Title: Re: Dads confuse kids !
Post by: bezoar on 15/07/2003 15:56:52
And you guys say you're good communicators...
