Naked Science Forum

Non Life Sciences => Chemistry => Topic started by: Karen W. on 17/12/2006 06:48:57

Title: Why can I taste my permanant Marker?
Post by: Karen W. on 17/12/2006 06:48:57
   I have noticed with certain things, In this instance, My Example being a permanant Marker! You know like a Sharpie?? Well here is the question.. Why is it when I remove the lid from a sharpie, permanant marker that I am suddenly overcome with the taste of the permanant marker in my mouth when I have done nothing more then open the cap! I can taste it the whole time I am using said marker... Yuck!!! I know some how my sniffer has something to do with it I think, I know < LOL I hope, but I was wondering can someone help me out with this weird phenomenon!!
Title: Re: Why can I taste my permanant Marker?
Post by: daveshorts on 17/12/2006 12:53:00
This is related to how smell and taste are related. There are only 5 tastes that actually happen in your mouth:
Umami - this is a meaty taste, you get in meat and mushrooms.

All other tastes are actually smells, and detected by your nose. So you could be smelling it and think you are tasting it.

Although if you are smelling something it means that molecules are evaporating from it and condensing in your nose, so some of them could be condensing in your mouth and tasting, probably bitter.
Title: Re: Why can I taste my permanant Marker?
Post by: eric l on 17/12/2006 18:39:23
I think that there is more to it. 
We do link tastes to smells, that is the psychological aspect of it.  But there is also a physiological/physical aspect. 
Every material has a vapour pressure, related to the temperature.  That means that every material sends molecules into the atmosphere.  They cause the smell.  If someone is grinding an iron object, or cutting it with a disc, you are bound to smell iron when you are around.  But these molecules can also be dissolved in your saliva, and in that way you can really taste it.
One question remains :  if you never actually put a marker in your mouth to discover the taste, how can you recognize the taste when you take off the cap of such a marker ?
And appart from these five tastes (that can be combined in all ratios) there is also what is called "mouthfeel" that contributes highly to the sensory evaluation of foodstuffs, drinks or anything else we take in our mouth, and that by many is just thought of as "part of the taste".
Title: Re: Why can I taste my permanant Marker?
Post by: Karen W. on 17/12/2006 18:58:40
Thanks Dave good explanation. I am amazed at this taste as I find  myself trying to swallow to remove flavor from mouth, kind of unconscious thing I caught myself doing!

Eric, you pose a good question about never having put one in my mouth, perhaps a s a small child, I have no Idea, just know that it tastes bad and it tastes on my tongue and on the roof of my mouth aand I immediately rub the roof of my mouth with tongue to remove taste as if that is going to work!! LOL I don't get it, But thats what happens! I assume like you said perhaps it puts out enough to make me taste it. HAs that ever happened to you. Have you ever really noticed that with a marker?
Title: Re: Why can I taste my permanant Marker?
Post by: neilep on 17/12/2006 19:29:45
Karen Mam,

Are you sure you didn't think the permanent marker was a stick of liquorice ?...come on !!..admit it !..ewe did didn't you ?
Title: Re: Why can I taste my permanant Marker?
Post by: Karen W. on 17/12/2006 20:01:45
YES YOUV"E GOT ME!! I LOVES BLACK LICORICE!!!LOL I am oh so grateful that Black Liquorice does not taste like that nasty smelling tasting permanent marker!!! YAYYYYYYYY! You should try Black Liquorice  Ice Creme.. It is my all time favorite.. I love chocolate , But Liquorice is unbeatable, smooth and creamy unlike the bitter taste in my mouth after a round with a marker!! LOL
Title: Re: Why can I taste my permanant Marker?
Post by: neilep on 17/12/2006 20:07:32
YES YOUV"E GOT ME!! I LOVES BLACK LICORICE!!!LOL I am oh so grateful that Black Liquorice does not taste like that nasty smelling tasting permanent marker!!! YAYYYYYYYY! You should try Black Liquorice  Ice Creme.. It is my all time favorite.. I love chocolate , But Liquorice is unbeatable, smooth and creamy unlike the bitter taste in my mouth after a round with a marker!! LOL

really ?..liquorice ice cream sounds fantastic !!..Me luffs liquorice !!!..can ewe send me some ?..make sure ewe Express it so that it doesn't melt !!  [;)]
Title: Re: Why can I taste my permanant Marker?
Post by: Karen W. on 17/12/2006 20:16:20
It is very creamy and black as soot, smooth and Yummy but you look silly when your done eating it as your tongue turns a nice shade of dark grey! You really never had any? I can't get it here anymore , It used to be shipped down here from Oregon State, but I haven't been able to get it for awhile... I miss it...