Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: Veselin Atanasov on 18/05/2016 09:01:48

Title: Theory of everything,what do you guys think?
Post by: Veselin Atanasov on 18/05/2016 09:01:48
Hi people,
this is just my theory i hope you can help me and tell me if it is posible or not.
Thank you.
So here it is:
I was thinking about everything one night about the stars,super nova,the dark matter,dark energy,what's happen when we die and i came to a simple conclusion:
Everything is like a big cirkle for example like the stars they live,after that they become super nove(die) from that super nova comes out energy waves,then it is forming a black hole(is this right?),the black hole sucks all the mater.After that,this black hole change normal matter into dark matter but when the black hole comes to an end she release dark energy and dark matter and that is,no multiverse,no ekstra dimension,no hell or haven just dark holes that are made from matter and energy then it becomes dark matter and dark energy(that for me explains what is dark matter just normal matter but changet a little).So to the next question what if we are the same?We live then we die,when we die we release energy and we form small black hole maybe for just a veeeeeryy short time then we release dark energy.So what if we become that dark energy and what if we can catch that energy did that mean we can cach our conscious.
And in the end i think that in CERN they will not find anythnig new maybe just one more particle or something like that because we already know everything.Maybe it will be better to understand how to catch the dark energy,how not to let it go because if i'm right it can make us immortal(only consiousness) i have no idea about how to preserve the body(matter).
So that is thank you for reading my bullshits.
Leave any comment maybe i'm absolutly wrong but help me to understend where i'm wrong thank you again.
Title: Re: Theory of everything,what do you guys think?
Post by: guest39538 on 22/05/2016 09:34:39
Hi people,
this is just my theory i hope you can help me and tell me if it is posible or not.
Thank you.
So here it is:
I was thinking about everything one night about the stars,super nova,the dark matter,dark energy,what's happen when we die and i came to a simple conclusion:
Everything is like a big cirkle for example like the stars they live,after that they become super nove(die) from that super nova comes out energy waves,then it is forming a black hole(is this right?),the black hole sucks all the mater.After that,this black hole change normal matter into dark matter but when the black hole comes to an end she release dark energy and dark matter and that is,no multiverse,no ekstra dimension,no hell or haven just dark holes that are made from matter and energy then it becomes dark matter and dark energy(that for me explains what is dark matter just normal matter but changet a little).So to the next question what if we are the same?We live then we die,when we die we release energy and we form small black hole maybe for just a veeeeeryy short time then we release dark energy.So what if we become that dark energy and what if we can catch that energy did that mean we can cach our conscious.
And in the end i think that in CERN they will not find anythnig new maybe just one more particle or something like that because we already know everything.Maybe it will be better to understand how to catch the dark energy,how not to let it go because if i'm right it can make us immortal(only consiousness) i have no idea about how to preserve the body(matter).
So that is thank you for reading my bullshits.
Leave any comment maybe i'm absolutly wrong but help me to understend where i'm wrong thank you again.

I hate to break the news to you but that is not a theory or even at least a hypothesis. All's you have done is spoke about a bit of your own imagination which means nothing.....
Title: Re: Theory of everything,what do you guys think?
Post by: Colin2B on 22/05/2016 10:03:58
All's you have done is spoke about a bit of your own imagination which means nothing.....
Noone's imagination means nothing. Even if it returns a false or null result, thinking and imagination are worthwhile.

OK, yes, yes, yes - even the Box's imaginings are worthwhile, even when he's wrong [:)]
Title: Re: Theory of everything,what do you guys think?
Post by: guest39538 on 22/05/2016 10:42:56
All's you have done is spoke about a bit of your own imagination which means nothing.....
Noone's imagination means nothing. Even if it returns a false or null result, thinking and imagination are worthwhile.

OK, yes, yes, yes - even the Box's imaginings are worthwhile, even when he's wrong [:)]

I do not use my imagination Colin , I use rational thinking and observation, I know very well I am not ''wrong'', I know very well it is science with the vivid imaginations. I even use your ''real'' science to discourse your imagination science, you could never hope to beat the truth.

Title: Re: Theory of everything,what do you guys think?
Post by: LarryLee Booth on 14/06/2016 12:09:58
you know your not wrong really ? and nothing in science using the scientific method has ever been wrong ? really thought experiments are imagination and they don't count ? wow . I don't think his idea is right but i would not just dismiss it without first thinking about it to se if any part could be and even if i can find no part that makes sense i still would not try to belittle it   
Title: Re: Theory of everything,what do you guys think?
Post by: IAMREALITY on 16/06/2016 16:59:13
I hate to break the news to you but that is not a theory or even at least a hypothesis. All's you have done is spoke about a bit of your own imagination which means nothing.....

So sayeth thee who is responsible for some of the most wildly imaginative not rooted in reality or sound science ramblings I've come across lol.
Title: Re: Theory of everything,what do you guys think?
Post by: IAMREALITY on 16/06/2016 17:03:47
I would have to agree that this is really just a creative exercise more than anything, but hey, thought experiments are good!

But I'd have to disagree with it based on the notion that when we die we might even for a minuscule moment of time turn into a black hole.  There is zero scientific reason to believe that would occur for any reason whatsoever.  We know why when stars collapse they form black holes, we have the math for it.  But there is nothing that would lend credibility to a notion that our death would result for any reason in a black hole, thereafter releasing dark energy and dark matter.

And furthermore, even if that was a possibility, the amount released would be so undetectable that even if you took the amount generated by every death that ever occurred, when having it spread across space and time the odds of you ever capturing even one particle's worth of it would probably be one in a google.