Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: syhprum on 06/10/2016 08:45:09

Title: Does an antidote to chemical weapons endanger civilians?
Post by: syhprum on 06/10/2016 08:45:09
In modern warfare combatants are reluctant to modern toxic chemicals because of the danger to their own forces but link below details interesting developments that promise to give immunity to agents such as sarin.
This is fine for the troops involved but would it not lead to even more civilian deaths who even now die ten times as often as military personal.

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1523362113
Title: Re: Does this antidote endanger civilians
Post by: alancalverd on 06/10/2016 10:54:21
Modern warfare is all about killing civilians - much easier than soldiers.
Title: Re: Does an antidote to chemical weapons endanger civilians?
Post by: exothermic on 07/10/2016 13:46:31
link below details interesting developments that promise to give immunity to agents such as sarin.

That link pertains to organophosphorous nerve agent antidotes..... not immunity.

would it not lead to even more civilian deaths

Actually, better antidote strategies would mean better survival/recovery rates for nerve agent-exposed civilians & military personnel in countries like Syria.
Title: Re: Does this antidote endanger civilians
Post by: exothermic on 07/10/2016 13:48:20
Modern warfare is all about killing civilians

*in third world countries*