Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => That CAN'T be true! => Topic started by: dutchiexx on 16/11/2016 23:33:40

Title: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: dutchiexx on 16/11/2016 23:33:40
im sure most of you are aware of the original double slit experiment and its results, if not, ill try to sum it up right quick, basically the old double slit experiment showed that light particles acted as a particle while being observed and or recorded/measured, but with out being observed or recorded/measured the particles acted as a wave causing a interference pattern to show when they collided with a wall.

the new double slit experiment is what i would to talk about, most of you probally never even heard about this since these test results were not published in any major science outlet nor did the media cover any of these results, which is insane because the implications that this test proves should be considered revolutionary.

lets all board the loony bin express train for moment and talk about consciousness lol.
this may sound absurd to most of you because you simply have not experienced what im about to talk about, but let me insure you that what about to explain is legit, if you want proof just ask me, i will prove to you beyond any doubt that this is legit, i will demonstrate the true nature of consciousness if you are willing to be freaked out lol.

lets begin.

ill try to make this as fast and simple as i can.
a couple years ago, i died for 2 and half minuets during surgery and was brought back. during the time of being dead i still experienced consciousness in a alternate state of being. i recalled all the events that happend after my death and remembered every single word spoken as well, my surgents and nurses were shocked when i told them about this and could not understand how i was still conscious after death.
since my death, i have became obsessed with the after life and the truth about what our consciousness really is. my research lead me to the concept of astral projection and out of body experiences. i began to practice astral projection and after about 2 months i was finally able to achieve astral projection, this was the most amazing i have ever experienced, im sure it would be for you to if you ever get to experience this as well. i began to use the astral world as a place for learning, i have talked to so many entities in the astral and i came to realize that dreaming is the same thing as astral projecting, this means that every single one of you astral project every single night while you sleep, even if you do not remember your dreams, you still have them, you just dont remember it. this is mainly due to your brain not being able to comprehend the higher vibrational experiences while you dream.
the reason why my entire story is  relevant is because the new double slit test  proves that consciousness can effect the physical world around shows us that our consciousness is the creator of our reality, its what holds matter together and gives it structure, with out consciousness, nothing would have form or structure, would be as if nothing existed at all.

so here is what they did, they concealed the photon gun and the slits in a box so that is was not visable to anyone, they took 2 groups of people, one group were people who did not meditate, the other group was people who do meditate. they told each group to put there focus on whats inside the box that concealed the experiment, they were told to imagine whats happening and to try there best to observe whats going on inside the box within there minds eye.the results were amazing. they found that when humans think about the events inside the box, the photons acted as particles, but when the people did not think about the box, the particles acted as a wave. the groups that meditated had a way higher effect on the results then the non meditators, how ever, both groups still effected the results enough to where it was impossible for the results to be random chance.
the scientist even took it a step further and tested this experiment with online users across the world.the results were the same, no matter how far away the person is, they still have the same effect on the test.
the simple act of observing changes the particles behavior, mind over matter if you will lol.

so what do you guys think about these results?

if you want me to show you astral projection, just let me know, ill be happy to project my consciousness into your home, simply draw or write somethings on paper, leave it face up in a location that would be visable to a person floating in mid air o.0
so i will project into your home, look at the paper and then come back here and discribe what i saw.

Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: Ethos_ on 16/11/2016 23:51:42

if you want me to show you astral projection, just let me know, ill be happy to project my consciousness into your home, simply draw or write somethings on paper, leave it face up in a location that would be visable to a person floating in mid air o.0
so i will project into your home, look at the paper and then come back here and discribe what i saw.
I don't think the forum will allow my written thoughts to be posted here. We do have rules against such abusive language and insulting references that I wrote for you to visualize floating around in my house. BTW, you're really not invited so astral project somewhere else!
Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: alancalverd on 16/11/2016 23:53:02
Go ahead.
Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: dutchiexx on 17/11/2016 00:57:41

if you want me to show you astral projection, just let me know, ill be happy to project my consciousness into your home, simply draw or write somethings on paper, leave it face up in a location that would be visable to a person floating in mid air o.0
so i will project into your home, look at the paper and then come back here and discribe what i saw.
I don't think the forum will allow my written thoughts to be posted here. We do have rules against such abusive language and insulting references that I wrote for you to visualize floating around in my house. BTW, you're really not invited so astral project somewhere else!

it seems you need convincing, check back tomorrow, ill discribe you and your home.
Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: dutchiexx on 17/11/2016 00:58:32
Go ahead.

ok, ill have it posted by tomorrow.
Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: evan_au on 17/11/2016 08:55:38
I have written a 4-digit number in a square.
That gives you a fighting 0.01% chance of guessing what it is.
Don't say I'm not generous!
Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: dutchiexx on 17/11/2016 21:21:06
lol thanks for the helping hand!

in about a hour im going to have the time to meditate and project, prepare yourself, its a complete mind **** to most people when you learn that this sort of thing is how the real reality is, some wish they never knew, others rejoice, it all depends on your perspective.if your a normal person, this is going to **** you up, i kinda dont want to do it cause of this, but i will if you guys truly want me to show you.
Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: jeffreyH on 17/11/2016 22:45:05
Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: Ethos_ on 18/11/2016 02:13:20
it all depends on your perspective.if your a normal person, this is going to **** you up, i kinda dont want to do it cause of this, but i will if you guys truly want me to show you.
Normality is a rare institution around these hallowed halls so no need to worry about ******* any of us up. I must warn you however that it may be you that gets the *******, just sayin.

So what are you waiting on?

I have written a very short statement, just three words.

The ball is in your court.
Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: Colin2B on 18/11/2016 09:07:20
I see you avoid the trap which most people fall into when self generating a 'random' number. Most will avoid using a number twice, especially in successsion, whereas with true random such occurrences are just as likely as other combinations.
Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: evan_au on 18/11/2016 09:50:17
Sorry, Jeffrey, that is not it.

Dutchie, your odds have just improved!
Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: Ethos_ on 18/11/2016 16:52:44
I have written a 4-digit number in a square.
That gives you a fighting 0.01% chance of guessing what it is.
Don't say I'm not generous!
7358.................just passing time.
Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: jeffreyH on 18/11/2016 18:23:59
Assuming the number is an integer then we can define a subset that includes it. I am assuming that leading zeros are invalid. For no other reason than I can. So the subset is 1000-9999. The number was generated in Australia so it was upside down. On a calculator you can use numbers to spell words when viewed upside down. So on that note we can have a wild stab.  5339.
Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: evan_au on 18/11/2016 19:59:10
Quote from: Ethos
Sorry, Ethos, that's not it, either!
But you were a lot faster than dutchiexx, who said it would only take a few hours.

Quote from: JeffreyH
5339 = "bees" (?) for Australians
Very imaginative, but also wrong.
Quote from: JeffreyH
I am assuming that leading zeros are invalid.
As it happens, that is correct!
But that only tells you what the number isn't. The goal is to tell me what it is.

It seems that making a few deductions and a lot of wild guesses is faster than astral traveling.
Dutchie, your odds have now improved dramatically!
Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: yor_on on 18/11/2016 22:05:12
What can I say dutchiexx ?
You're writing in the best traditional British tradition.
Maybe it's true, maybe not?

What I do know is where you need to place it.
Same place as me :)

"New theories"

(no matter how old they, or it,  might seem)
Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: Ethos_ on 19/11/2016 22:24:33
It would appears that Mr. Dutchiexx is not at all punctual and neither intends to meet the appointments he himself has set. So much for astral projecting and any chance counting on his word or reliability.................
Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: Colin2B on 20/11/2016 00:19:12
It would appears that Mr. Dutchiexx is not at all punctual and neither intends to meet the appointments he himself has set. So much for astral projecting and any chance counting on his word or reliability.................
Might have got lost on the way back. No GPS on the astral plane.

What I do know is where you need to place it.
Same place as me :)

"New theories"

(no matter how old they, or it,  might seem)
Or 'It Can't Be True'
Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: dutchiexx on 20/11/2016 00:25:22
im sure most of you are aware of the original double slit experiment and its results, if not, ill try to sum it up right quick, basically the old double slit experiment showed that light particles acted as a particle while being observed and or recorded/measured, but with out being observed or recorded/measured the particles acted as a wave causing a interference pattern to show when they collided with a wall.

the new double slit experiment is what i would to talk about, most of you probally never even heard about this since these test results were not published in any major science outlet nor did the media cover any of these results, which is insane because the implications that this test proves should be considered revolutionary.

lets all board the loony bin express train for moment and talk about consciousness lol.
this may sound absurd to most of you because you simply have not experienced what im about to talk about, but let me insure you that what about to explain is legit, if you want proof just ask me, i will prove to you beyond any doubt that this is legit, i will demonstrate the true nature of consciousness if you are willing to be freaked out lol.

lets begin.

ill try to make this as fast and simple as i can.
a couple years ago, i died for 2 and half minuets during surgery and was brought back. during the time of being dead i still experienced consciousness in a alternate state of being. i recalled all the events that happend after my death and remembered every single word spoken as well, my surgents and nurses were shocked when i told them about this and could not understand how i was still conscious after death.
since my death, i have became obsessed with the after life and the truth about what our consciousness really is. my research lead me to the concept of astral projection and out of body experiences. i began to practice astral projection and after about 2 months i was finally able to achieve astral projection, this was the most amazing i have ever experienced, im sure it would be for you to if you ever get to experience this as well. i began to use the astral world as a place for learning, i have talked to so many entities in the astral and i came to realize that dreaming is the same thing as astral projecting, this means that every single one of you astral project every single night while you sleep, even if you do not remember your dreams, you still have them, you just dont remember it. this is mainly due to your brain not being able to comprehend the higher vibrational experiences while you dream.
the reason why my entire story is  relevant is because the new double slit test  proves that consciousness can effect the physical world around shows us that our consciousness is the creator of our reality, its what holds matter together and gives it structure, with out consciousness, nothing would have form or structure, would be as if nothing existed at all.

so here is what they did, they concealed the photon gun and the slits in a box so that is was not visable to anyone, they took 2 groups of people, one group were people who did not meditate, the other group was people who do meditate. they told each group to put there focus on whats inside the box that concealed the experiment, they were told to imagine whats happening and to try there best to observe whats going on inside the box within there minds eye.the results were amazing. they found that when humans think about the events inside the box, the photons acted as particles, but when the people did not think about the box, the particles acted as a wave. the groups that meditated had a way higher effect on the results then the non meditators, how ever, both groups still effected the results enough to where it was impossible for the results to be random chance.
the scientist even took it a step further and tested this experiment with online users across the world.the results were the same, no matter how far away the person is, they still have the same effect on the test.
the simple act of observing changes the particles behavior, mind over matter if you will lol.

so what do you guys think about these results?

if you want me to show you astral projection, just let me know, ill be happy to project my consciousness into your home, simply draw or write somethings on paper, leave it face up in a location that would be visable to a person floating in mid air o.0
so i will project into your home, look at the paper and then come back here and discribe what i saw.

kinda embarrassed that i failed at projecting these last few attempts after being so sure i would do it, see, when i first started trying to astral project it was really hard and rarely happend for me, but my recently i thought i found out exactly how do it and i felt confident i could do it at will, this is not the case, sorry guys, but keep your stuff ready because i will continue to try until i achieve astral projection once again, if alot of time passes and you guys discard your papers, then i will instead discribe you and your home, should be just as valid proof if i discribe perfectly.
sadly, astral projection just doesnt happen for me at times :(
i will not give up though.

BTW once i prove this yo all of you, i will be more then willing to teach you how to do, just ask.
Title: Re: what do you guys think of the latest double slit experiment results?
Post by: Colin2B on 20/11/2016 08:08:55
......keep your stuff ready because i will continue to try until i achieve astral projection once again, if alot of time passes and you guys discard your papers, then i will instead discribe you and your home, should be just as valid proof if i discribe perfectly.
I'm sure you won't mind if we move your thread until such time as you can provide proof.