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General Science => General Science => Topic started by: on 24/03/2007 22:09:34

Title: Static Electricity
Post by: on 24/03/2007 22:09:34
OK, I'm always getting shocks, from the kitchen sink to door handles...well everything really.
How can i stop this? i have been told to wear a copper wire around my ankle and have it trailing on the floor! any suggestions that do not make one look foolish?
Title: Static Electricity
Post by: neilep on 24/03/2007 22:19:43
What kind of carpet/flooring do you have Paul ?

...what footwear do you wear ?..what are the soles made from ?

Do you live inside an electricity pylon ?

Are you made from a number of human parts (sourced from deceased individuals) and were you zapped into life on a stormy night ?
Title: Static Electricity
Post by: on 24/03/2007 22:25:03
What kind of carpet/flooring do you have Paul ?

...what footwear do you wear ?..what are the soles made from ?

Do you live inside an electricity pylon ?

Are you made from a number of human parts (sourced from deceased individuals) and were you zapped into life on a stormy night ?

The strange thing is, i have wood flooring at home and work is either tiles or those carpet tile.

my shoes or trainers are rubber soles, which i would expect to act as an insulator!

but i get shocks at all times of day in all enviroments, even shopping trollies. Anastasia finds it quite amusing when i spark at night or she hears the crack...but it's most annoying.
Title: Static Electricity
Post by: neilep on 24/03/2007 22:26:53
What kind of carpet/flooring do you have Paul ?

...what footwear do you wear ?..what are the soles made from ?

Do you live inside an electricity pylon ?

Are you made from a number of human parts (sourced from deceased individuals) and were you zapped into life on a stormy night ?

The strange thing is, i have wood flooring at home and work is either tiles or those carpet tile.

my shoes or trainers are rubber soles, which i would expect to act as an insulator!

but i get shocks at all times of day in all enviroments, even shopping trollies. Anastasia finds it quite amusing when i spark at night or she hears the crack...but it's most annoying.

Have ewe been like this since ewe were a wee lad ?....I know there are cases of peeps who are naturally more conducive to electric sparky fun !
Title: Static Electricity
Post by: on 24/03/2007 22:30:09
Have ewe been like this since ewe were a wee lad ?....I know there are cases of peeps who are naturally more conducive to electric sparky fun !

yes, at first it was just things like the kitchen sink. but as i have got older it seems to be almost everything. I carry a little piece of plastic on a retractable key chain thingey for pressing buttons in's that bad
Title: Static Electricity
Post by: neilep on 24/03/2007 22:32:44
Do ewe have a thick head of hair and wear polyester jumpers ?
Title: Static Electricity
Post by: Karen W. on 24/03/2007 22:35:29
 I have the same problem but don't know why, My shoes seem to not be the factor but I was told that sometimes I do not pick my feet up properly when walking and that the drag on the ground causes the friction and then the static naturely but I don't know if this is true or just someone telling me what they thought, purely uneducated guess on their part!

LOL Neily you beat me! No thick head of hair here, no polester jumpers I hate polester! I know you are talking to paul so now I will pull my nose back out!! LOL
Title: Static Electricity
Post by: on 24/03/2007 22:38:50
i have been bald for years, i had that young receeding thing going on so it's noe all shaved off. hence my experiments with different shaving products.

not too sure about the clothes, cotton, nylon, wool etc...i know the last two are bad but even getting out of the bath i can get a shock!
Title: Static Electricity
Post by: on 24/03/2007 22:40:11
I have the same problem but don't know why, My shoes seem to not be the factor but I was told that sometimes I do not pick my feet up properly when walking and that the drag on the ground causes the friction and then the static naturely but I don't know if this is true or just someone telling me what they thought, purely uneducated guess on their part!

LOL Neily you beat me! No thick head of hair here, no polester jumpers I hate polester! I know you are talking to paul so now I will pull my nose back out!! LOL

no, join in ma'am. you have much to contribute, i'm sure.
Title: Static Electricity
Post by: neilep on 24/03/2007 22:42:55
Do ewe wear a wig and attach it to a light socket ? happens y'know !!
Title: Static Electricity
Post by: on 24/03/2007 22:45:12
Do ewe wear a wig and attach it to a light socket ? happens y'know !!

just because i vote tory, does not mean im in to that kind of "fun" lol
Title: Static Electricity
Post by: neilep on 24/03/2007 22:49:57
Do ewe wear a wig and attach it to a light socket ? happens y'know !!

just because i vote tory, does not mean im in to that kind of "fun" lol

hee hee !!..........are ewe an early six million dollar man ?...perhaps ewe have a dodgy fuse !
Title: Static Electricity
Post by: Karen W. on 25/03/2007 03:28:09
Tori being the beautiful Red Head Neily Likes.. What was her Name Tori Amos was that it?

Title: Static Electricity
Post by: on 25/03/2007 04:58:47
Tori being the beautiful Red Head Neily Likes.. What was her Name Tori Amos was that it?

yep, she is stunning!



Every finger in the room
is pointing at me
I wanna spit in their faces
Then I get afraid of what that could bring
I got a bowling ball in my stomach
I got a desert in my mouth
Figures that my courage would choose to sell our now
I've been looking for a savior in these dirty streets
looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets
I've been raising up my hands
Drive another nail in
Just what God needs
One more victim

Why do we
Crucify ourselves
Every day
I crucify myself
Nothing I do is good enough for you
Crucify myself
Every day
And my heart is sick of being in chains

Got a kick for a dog
Beggin' for Love
I gotta have my suffering
So that I can have my cross
I know a cat named Easter
He says will you ever learn
You're just an empty cage girl
If you kill the bird
I've been looking for a savior in these dirty streets
looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets
I've been raising up my hands
Drive another nail in
Got enough guilt to start
my own religion
Please be
Save me
I cry

Why do we
Crucify ourselves
Every day
I crucify myself
Nothing I do is good enough for you
Crucify myself
Every day
And my heart is sick of being in chains

Title: Static Electricity
Post by: Karen W. on 25/03/2007 05:07:08
Yes she is beautiful . I had never heard of her until Neil mentioned her a while ago! LOL I have never heard her songs I was able to hear a snippet, but that was it. she seemed to have a pretty voice though!
Title: Static Electricity
Post by: on 25/03/2007 05:33:36
Tori being the beautiful Red Head Neily Likes.. What was her Name Tori Amos was that it?

i was meaning this kind of tory!



it's sort of like this, but without the hair.

Title: Static Electricity
Post by: Karen W. on 25/03/2007 05:48:32
LOL... Where the heck do you guys find this stuff!!
Title: Static Electricity
Post by: on 25/03/2007 05:56:04
This is what happens if i touch lift buttons, without using my key ring thing!


Title: Static Electricity
Post by: Karen W. on 25/03/2007 06:06:21
Mine is not as bad as yours but it happens alot, and the children at school are usually the victims of the zap even outside on the new recycled rubber mats we have on the playground under the climbing structure!it's exciting out there on some days moe then others! LOL!
Title: Static Electricity
Post by: Carolyn on 25/03/2007 06:07:32
Me too.  I get zapped numerous times a day.  I just think we all have electrifying personalities.  [;D]
Title: Static Electricity
Post by: Karen W. on 25/03/2007 19:51:04
I split this topic! You may find the other located at!