Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: Kalopin on 17/12/2016 05:06:17

Title: phaulty fysics? [three of the world's greatest cataclysms]...
Post by: Kalopin on 17/12/2016 05:06:17
Phaulty fysics, shock dynamics, impact mechanics, devolution,... {Mediterranean sea, Hudson bay, Mississippi embayment}

    Published on December 16, 2016

What do the Mediterranean sea, the Hudson bay and the Mississippi embayment have in common? It is my intention to convince that the formation process for these three geological features originates from an extraterrestrial source and that they are, in fact, impact craters, three of the world's largest astroblemes...

Studying this from a geological perspective, the features, historical accounts, all the available scientific and observational data and once every detail has been understood, it appears that there is plenty of evidence to give proof to each scenario...

It is my belief that approx. 13kya [YDB] the Moon impacted where the Mediterranean sea now exists, ending the Pleistocene and that this was the Gothenburg geomagnetic excursion, the "great deluge", some of the science behind the Bible and the reason for the mass extinctions, the instant loss of megaflora and megafauna...

The proof for this event lay in the ejecta blanket strewn field, covering over four continents and containing nanodiamonds which formed at temps exceeding 2200*C. That, and the fact that there are pyramids and temples, which were built on top of Chicxulub crater that are now buried beneath the ejecta blanket of limestone melt rock, the same limestone which formed the Ozarks and was ejected from beneath the Mediterranean sea...

When the Moon impacted it slowed the outer plates and mantle in relation to the faster spinning, crystalized iron inner core, increasing electromagnetism, gravity and the length of Earth's day, forcing plants and animals to grow more compact, smaller and to live much shorter lives, causing devolution and the birth of a much more primitive Clovis culture...

About 2500yrs after the Moon had impacted, a comet struck the Hudson bay, emptying out lake Agassiz, causing more extinctions, more loss of history and technologies and ended the Clovis period. As all this is written in the geography, sedimentary layers, ice core data and there is a magnetic anomaly directly in the middle... I believe this loss of magnetism may be from the cometary nucleus still attached, welded and magnetically to the mantle. The "shatter" effect of the islands and how Greenland was pushed upward to the northeast argue this point as well...

The former two impacts were discovered after an investigation into the formation of the Mississippi embayment and the shockwave pattern throughout the upper lithosphere... This research intends to prove that a meteor from the debris trail leftover from a sungrazer comet [C/1811 F1] impacted northeastern Marshall county, Mississippi on December 16, 1811 and was the actual cause of what is known as the historic New Madrid earthquakes of 1811-1812...The close passing of this comet produced a serial impact, the mini ice age from 1811-1817, many eruptions, earthquakes, strange weather patterns, [wars, plagues] eventually causing the eruption of Mt. Tambora and "the year without a summer 1816". This was a global catastrophe...

I have just had a paper published entitled "An extraterrestrial origin for the upland formation of the Mississippi embayment and would like to invite you all to give it your review, as I am very interested in your opinion/s... I would like to recommend a great book- "Travels to the equinoctial regions of America" by Alexander Von Humboldt. In chapter 14 he has recorded many of the disasters which occurred at this same moment and in this area. At this same time, in December of 1811, Caracas Venezuela also had a major "earthquake" killing many thousands...

Please go over all the details, the satellite views, geography, geology, historical accounts, scientific and observational data, study the rocks [impactites]... as, it is my belief that the evidence will speak for itself and is written within the geography of this planet, I am hoping these findings will [eventually] be verified, to correct a great deal of misunderstood science and lost history and to hopefully have this put in curriculum...

...more evidence...


https :// -this image shows the YDB strewn field. Notice there are no samples taken beneath the Atlantic ocean? The north and south American plates were on top of this area before the Moon impacted 13kya and is what split the oceans forming the Pacific and is the main force to produce the "ring of fire"... Notice the ejecta blanket could not have covered such a vast distance, as all the way across the Atlantic...https ://


"...Airbursts/impacts by a fragmented comet or asteroid have been proposed at the Younger Dryas onset (12.80 ± 0.15 ka) based on identification of an assemblage of impact-related proxies, including microspherules, nanodiamonds, and iridium. Distributed across four continents at the Younger Dryas boundary (YDB), spherule peaks have been independently confirmed in eight studies, but unconfirmed in two others, resulting in continued dispute about their occurrence, distribution, and origin. To further address this dispute and better identify YDB spherules, we present results from one of the largest spherule investigations ever undertaken regarding spherule geochemistry, morphologies, origins, and processes of formation. We investigated 18 sites across North America, Europe, and the Middle East, performing nearly 700 analyses on spherules using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy for geochemical analyses and scanning electron microscopy for surface microstructural characterization. Twelve locations rank among the world’s premier end-Pleistocene archaeological sites, where the YDB marks a hiatus in human occupation or major changes in site use. Our results are consistent with melting of sediments to temperatures >2,200 °C by the thermal radiation and air shocks produced by passage of an extraterrestrial object through the atmosphere; they are inconsistent with volcanic, cosmic, anthropogenic, lightning, or authigenic sources. We also produced spherules from wood in the laboratory at >1,730 °C, indicating that impact-related incineration of biomass may have contributed to spherule production. At 12.8 ka, an estimated 10 million tonnes of spherules were distributed across ∼50 million square kilometers, similar to well-known impact strewnfields and consistent with a major cosmic impact event...."

10 million tons over so many millions of square kilometers? 2200*C? What force could create such destruction? This impact basically sterilized the entire north American continent... [13kya]

Hudson bay-

http ://

http ://

As there has been some excellent research concerning the formation of the Hudson bay, I would like to refer you all to some work on the Nastapoka arc, though it is my contention the entire bay was formed from an impact and, if the plate had just entered near this position from a previous, much more catastrophic impact, the timing would be right for the Clovis period and the emptying out of lake Agassiz, as the rise in sea levels, sedimentary layers, ice core data [flooding of the English channel, covering of Beringia,...] would all coincide with this event and would make sense to be the result of a [small?] cometary impact, around 10.5kya...


"... The Nastapoka Arc, on the east coast of Hudson Bay, is almost perfectly circular and closely follows the unconformable contact between Archean Superior province gneisses and shallowly seaward dipping early Proterozoic Nastapoka Group supracrustals. Its form may be explained by flexing of the lithosphere due to loading by thrust sheets from the Trans-Hudson orogen to the west. Such flexing produces a peripheral bulge east of the coast which should be reflected in a positive gravity anomaly there. Gravity data averaged around the arc show such a positive anomaly, although its precise amplitude is uncertain because of local variation in the gravity field. Lithospheric flexure of the arc due to loading can be modeled by superposition of discshaped loads centered on the arc. For a lithospheric Young's modulus of 1.0 × 1011 N m−2 and Poisson's ratio 0.25, the present geometry of the arc can be reproduced only by reducing the elastic thickness to 20±2 km. The peripheral bulge predicted for the model yields a gravity anomaly very similar to that observed if it is fully imaged at the Moho. The absence of a regional negative gravity anomaly over the arc, despite a great thickness of transported rocks present at its center, requires that the crust in the region was unusually thin before thrust emplacement. The unusually low elastic thickness required for the model may reflect highly fractured crust. Both features are consistent with the former presence of a rifted continental margin in the region, as predicted for many models of the Trans-Hudson orogen..."

Mississippi embayment-

There is a central, semi-circular structure in northeastern Marshall county, Mississippi, extending partly into Tennessee, which every line in the topography emanates out from in a shockwave pattern. On the northwest face and near mid-basin, there is a central rebound peak where numerous unusual rocks were found with all aspects of impactites and meteorites with fusion crust, the appearance of nanodiamonds and shocked quartz.Currently the evidence consists of the original accounts, newspaper articles, astronomers observations, impactites [rocks], dendrology, scientific data, immediate topography and satellite views.

On satellite, with the upper embayment in view, draw a line down the middle of the New Madrid bend to where the impactites were found in North Slayden, Mississippi. Notice the design in the terrain showing angle, direction and force of impact.

Coordinates : 34* 58’ 31.38” x 89* 24”17.15”... should take you to a small field near mid-basin. From this point pan out to Mill Pond and Mill Pond Road, just where it meets with Early Grove Road follows the circular terrain of the inner basin. Just to the east of Early Grove rd. is a white sand creek [Early Grove creek]. Follow this northward, over the Tennessee state line, upward passed the Wolf river bottoms, through a tree line to the west and back down, to the other side and passed the western side of the impression. This is the first in a series of shockwaves, reverberates out many times to the edge of, and shows the same design as the outer shape of the embayment. Pan out, following each river to the north, [the Hatchie River, Wolf River, Loosahathie River,…] shows the larger waves from a shock pattern that extends out to The Tennessee River on the east passed The St. Francis River on the west. Below this structure the terrain runs from east to west and is where the land was pulled northward to produce large chasms that were later blocked by earthen dams to form lakes, [such as Arkabutla, Sardis and Enid]. All the semi-circular fractures throughout Eastern Arkansas and sand blows encircle this structure. The crater has been subjected to extensive amounts of erosion, foliage growth and development, mostly because of being in such a fertile river valley. Once this is removed, all lines in the topography surround and point to this central location.

Reading the original accounts gives better understanding of what was actually witnessed. There were many to see meteoric lights before, during and after the first earthquake as far as Savannah Georgia, [way too far to be any naturally occurring earthquake lights]. Many to believe the comet had went down in the Ohio river or had touched the mountains of California. Lights were seen so bright that, at two-thirty in the morning a needle could be seen on the floor…

The astronomers observations agree. The comet was seen as fifty percent larger than the Sun in October of 1811 and William Herschel reported the comet’s tail becoming significantly shorter in November as it was coming toward him. Comet C/1811 F1 must have been a Sungrazer comet as it wasn’t seen from mid-June 1811 until the latter part of August 1811, which gives it the approximate amount of time for it to travel around the Sun, breaking it apart and then to pass in front of Earth, leaving a trail of debris and, as the planet revolved through a meteoroid filled dust tail for over a month caused several meteors to impact, one large enough to reshape the entire Mississippi river valley. On this same day, December 16, 1811, Caracas, Venezuela was also destroyed.

 Find accounts of the many disasters associated with the close passing of a comet at “Travels to the equinoctial regions of America”, chapter 14, by Alexander Von Humboldt, as this was more than seismic activity throughout the central United States but was a global catastrophe...

Crater coordinates:

Northern rim- 35* 00’ 17.25”N x 89* 24’ 27.52”W

Southern rim- 34* 58’ 3.25”N x 89* 24’ 22.25”W

Eastern rim- 34* 59’ 11.27”N x 89* 22’ 55.96”W

Western rim- 34* 59’ 15.18”N x 89* 25’ 45.75”W

White sand creek [first in a series of shock waves]-

West- 34* 58’ 28.86”N x 89* 26’ 16.50”W

Northwest- 35* 01’ 59.99”N x 89* 24’ 25.09”W

Northeast- 35* 01’ 05.53”N x 89* 22’ 37.80”W

East- 34* 58’ 17.95”N x 89* 22’ 37.80”W

Approximate crater diameter- 4.25 kilometers or 2.64 miles


[1] “Travels to the equinoctial regions of America”, Alexander Von Humboldt, Chapter 14

https :// ... ter14.html

[2] “1811-12 New Madrid earthquakes, a NEO Connection” http ://

[3] “A detailed narrative of the earthquakes which occurred on the 16th day of December, 1811”Samuel L. Mitchill , transcriptions and notes Susan E. Hough http ://

[4] New Madrid newspapers, The Messenger, February 28, 1811 http :// fourth column near the top “…the comet appeared hazy an dim…”

[5] Eyewitnesses to Mississippi river earthquake terror, Susan E. Hough http :// /~ fkeller/quake/lib/eyewitness1.htm

[6] C/1811 F1 [Great Comet], Gary W. Kronk’s Cometography http ://

[7] “Panther across the sky- Tecumseh and the New Madrid earthquake”, David Yarrow http ://

[8] “New Madrid, first steamboat, quakes, comet”, William L. Pierce http :// /~fkeller /quake/lib/roosevelt.htm

[9] “Newspaper accounts of the new Madrid earthquakes”, Rootsweb, Don E. Wright http ://

[10] Charleston S.C. Courier newspaper, Dec. 29-30, 1811 http ://

[11] USGS, Historic earthquakes, “New Madrid 1811-1812 earthquakes” U.S. Geological Survey http :// /earthquakes/states/events/1811_overview.php

[12] “Model for the tectonic evolution of the Mississippi embayment and its contemporary seismicity” M.F. Kane, T.G.

HildenbrandJ.D.Hendrickhttp://geology.geoscienceworld. ... http :/ /science/article/pii/S0264370702000194

ISSN 2348-1218 (print)International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations ISSN 2348-1226 (online)Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp: (000-000), Month: July - September 2016, Available at: http ://

This is just a start, there is plenty more and there are a lot of good scientists coming to these same conclusions...

[, December 16th, 2016, is the 205th anniversary of when a meteor impact to the lives of many thousands throughout the Mississippi river valley, and this has yet to be recognized...]
Title: Re: phaulty fysics? [three of the world's greatest cataclysms]...
Post by: evan_au on 17/12/2016 10:11:38
There are meteorite strikes and airbursts of various sizes happening in every century, some of them delivering nanodiamonds to the Earth.

But I expect a very large impact 13,000 years ago would have left a bigger scar than we see today.

The period you mention is towards the end of the last ice age, and this ice age made major changes in sea level, erosion due to ice, and sometimes huge water flows (eg around the Great Lakes in the USA).

Geological investigation of the Mediterranean basin shows salt flats, pointing to the basin drying out several times in the past 5 million years. This evidence would have been erased by an impact of the Moon (along with all life on Earth).

But I think the biggest flaw with this new theory is that the Moon is still in an nearly-circular orbit. Nothing known would make it take a sudden dive to strike the Earth, and then return to a circular orbit.

After some further feedback from forum members, this thread will be transferred to its rightful home: the New Theories section. Please keep future discussion of this theory there.
Title: Re: phaulty fysics? [three of the world's greatest cataclysms]...
Post by: Kalopin on 17/12/2016 15:55:26 there was a period of time when the Mediterranean was mostly dry, it was, I believe, after this impact 13kya and only for a short while, as there were also a couple of meteor strikes near to the straits-
http  ://
"...The Strait of Gibraltar was formed by two meteor impacts..."

Yes, there were plenty of other impacts, most were much smaller than these three I propose. I believe these were the most significant to form many of the structures and change most of history...

 There is no finite orbit. It is well known that Earth's largest satellite is drifting away at an average of about one inch per year. Not much in a human life span, but add it up. At about every 13ky the Moon retreats to the edge of Earth's magnetosphere. At magnetopause the Moon begins to spin on retrograde, allowing it to come back in to a much closer unstable orbit and, if there is enough planetary imbalance [such as a supercontinent, which has congealed, through spin force, or maybe an excessive amount of water-weight around the equator;-] then there is a possibility of an impact...


It is my belief that Earth's moon has impacted on several occasion [Nuna, Rodinia,...], but that this last time, approx. 13kya, when it impacted Pangaea,[which was intact during the Pleistocene and did not separate by convection many millions years ago...] it produced  a much better balance and a much more stable orbit, having pushed the plates out in every direction, sending Antarctica to the south polar regions and the comet hitting approx. 2500yrs. later, pushing Greenland up toward the northeast was, I believe, quite critical to cause this effect...

 In this last instance, the Moon was orbiting closely for many years. The world had a stronger wobble on its axis, causing the Moon to finally impact. As it approached, it released massive amounts of plasma, forming the Black sea and impacted Pangaea right where the Mediterranean sea now exists, sending out millions of tonnes of limestone from beneath what has been coined as the Tethys sea. The colder deeper limestone was pushed upward, forming the Ozarks. At this same moment, the force and pressure wrinkled the entire thickness of a tectonic plate inward on itself, forming the Mississippi embayment. At this same moment, massive amounts of material, plants, animals, rocks, any land along the surface was incinerated and pushed into a pile, forming the Appalachias... This produce a springboard effect, sending the Moon out in a tidally locked orbit, but not before it released a great deal more electricity, forming the Grand canyon...

This was the formation process for all the mountainous anomalies throughout the southwest U.S., including the Kasha-Katuwe tent rocks and the Devil's tower, which was crystalized and is the reason the top is so flat, along with all the plateaus, as the moon actually bent the entire plate upward and scraped across this surface...

 The Moon is the only source with enough mass, weight, density, volume, and in orbit, to accomplish this feat.  The impact spherules and the fact that there are pyramids and temples, that were built on the top of Chicxulub crater, covered in massive amounts of limestone straight out of the impact ejecta blanket...

The Moon appears to be the remnants, the crystalized, iron inner core, left over from a once habitable planet in a now defunct solar system, whose star had went supernova, as this is commonplace throughout the universe, as these inner cores have a strong attraction to stars and inner solar systems. Once this has been looked at in this perspective, it appears this is what it adds up to...

What has been and is being taught, as if it is fact, is really just belief, conjecture, with no basis in the actual scientific process. The faulty dating and physics are concepts. The geology, geography, history, scientific and observational data, rocks [impactites] are all tangible evidence and will speak for themselves. I am just the one to put the pieces together. This is all available to anyone on the internet...

 am hoping I can get you to explain the formation of any of the forementioned anomalies. What was the exhumation process for the Ozarks? As I am sure you are aware that limestone forms beneath seas, where did all this limestone come from? This happens to be the smae limestone to form Kashaa-katuwe and the same to cover the Yucatan peninsula, as this can be followed directly upward in a semicircle... How did it get there?

It is only because everyone was taught so much nonsense that it will be difficult to convince to further investigate and to understand the truth...

Bones can not last for 65my in such environments. Just recently dino bones were discovered in China, containing massive amounts of skin and even feathers intact. The bones are more porous because they developed in the lesser gravity of the latter days of the Pleistocene. They were radiated by this impact. when the Moon impacted it slowed the outer plates and mantle down further in relation to the faster spinning, crystalized, iron inner core, producing more electromagnetism, gravity and lengthened Earth's day, making it impossible for the megaflora and megafauna to exist. the reason the elder dryas grew so much larger than the younger dryas...

...the limestone in question formed at the bottom of what was later coined as the Tethys sea. A huge inland sea that covered a great deal of Pangaea and only became "melt rock" after it was ejected out from where the Mediterranean sea now exists, from a massive impact from Earth's moon. Please give close study to your satellite views. As in Plato's account, straight out from the pillars of Hercules, on the sea of Atlas, lay the ruins of a magnificent city, that now lies deep within caves and beneath water, stretching from Xibalba to out passed the Bimini road... [Atlantis...}


no, this was not any ordinary average bolide impact. This was from an object a little more than a quarter the size of its host planet... The Moon is iron and received little punishment when coming into contact with this planet's much softer outer plates, oceans and mantle... The Maria on the Moon are from this last impact.

Yes, all this is clearly visible and every detail is readily available on any satellite view. There is no other explanation for the events of the YDB. The Gothenburg magnetic excursion occurred at this same moment in time. This was actually, not just a reversal but an increase in electromagnetism and the reason that plants and animals were forced to grow much smaller and live much shorter lives than in the latter days of the Pleistocene...

 It has been scientifically proven that this mass extinction took place at the start of the Holocene and this has been recorded in human history [Noah, Gilgamesh,...] The reason for the kings long reigns and the reason for the long life spans written in the accounts. Yes, not only was there a much greater diversity during the Pleistocene, but it was a much more favorable environment as well, with less gravity, less electromagnetism and less ground level radiation. Today in this era of the Anthropocene, there is a much harsher environment, less diversity, much more compact and smaller plants and animals with a much shorter life span... [devolution]


This has been an ongoing struggle between technology versus catastrophe since the dawn of existence...

..."Researchers have found a reason for the puzzling survival of soft tissue and collagen in dinosaur bones - the bones are younger than anyone ever guessed. Carbon-14 (C-14) dating of multiple samples of bone from 8 dinosaurs found in Texas, Alaska, Colorado, and Montana revealed that they are only 22,000 to 39,000 years old.

Members of the Paleochronology group presented their findings at the 2012 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting in Singapore, August 13-17, a conference of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS).

Since dinosaurs are thought to be over 65 million years old, the news is stunning - and more than some can tolerate. After the AOGS-AGU conference in Singapore, the abstract was removed from the conference website by two chairmen because they could not accept the findings. Unwilling to challenge the data openly, they erased the report from public view without a word to the authors. When the authors inquired, they received this letter"...
http :// [Please read this in its entirety]

..."They did not look at the data and they never spoke with the researchers. They did not like the test results, so they censored them."...

Where are the 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 5myo bones? Why does it mainly go from 65myo straight to 13kyo? ...because it is bunk...

You were taught beliefs, as if it were reality...

[I have known about the 1811 event now for almost twenty years and much of the information for the other two impacts was available for at least this long as well. Anything based "for profit" will become skewed. [Reputations and grant money], pride and greed have defeated science going back passed the "flat earth" "theory". Please make any argument for what is currently being taught and I will gladly answer any and all questions to the best of my ability...]

How long before beliefs will be taught as belief and facts taught as facts?

...are afraid of the "young Earth theory" and the creationists, but this proves they are wrong as well... dinos and man did co-exist, it was during the Pleistocene over 13kya and there is plenty of evidence for Rodinia and several more major catastrophic events prior to the formation of Pangaea, so relax...and, yes, soft tissue and even feathers were found intact on dino bones in China-

    - Massive Dinosaur Soft Tissue Discovery In China –...
    http ://

    Massive Dinosaur Soft Tissue ... been discovered that even include skin and feathers. ... are finding dinosaur bones with soft tissue in them is because ...
    Massive Dinosaur Soft Tissue Discovery In China –...
    thetruthwins.  com/archives/massive-dinosaur-soft

    Massive Dinosaur Soft Tissue Discovery In China ... discovered that even include skin and feathers. ... finding dinosaur bones with soft tissue in them is ... Soft Tissue and Even Feathers Found In Tact On Dinosaur Bones In China - Image Results
    ... feathers, bones, tissue of dinosaur-age birds found in Myanmar
    Amber preserving feathers, bones, tissue of dinosaur-age birds found ...Amber preserving feathers, bones, tissue of dinosaur-age birds found ...
... best places to find dinosaur bones? why did dinosaurs have feathers
... dinosaurs fossils have been found in germany and more recently china

More Soft Tissue and Even Feathers Found In Tact On Dinosaur Bones In China images
Massive Dinosaur Soft Tissue Discovery In China –...
http ://

Massive Dinosaur Soft Tissue Discovery In China – Includes Skin And Feathers! Massive Dinosaur Soft ... The reason why we are finding dinosaur bones with soft ...
Feathered Dinosaurs with Intact Soft Tissue...
http :// ... feathere...

Feathered Dinosaurs with Intact Soft Tissue ... Biota in China, the newly revealed even older ... found dinosaurs with still-preserved feathers, ...
Mysteriously Intact T. Rex Tissue Finally...
http :// Intact T. Rex Tissue Finally Explained ... The controversial discovery of 68-million-year-old soft tissue from the bones of a ... Dinosaur Feathers Found ...
Controversial T. Rex Soft Tissue Discovery Finally...
http :// ... ft-tissu... Nov 26, 2013 · The controversial discovery of 68-million-year-old soft tissue from the bones of a ... more dinosaur soft tissue ... even found chemical ...
Dinosaur Soft Tissue Preserved by Blood? | The...
http :// › … › Earth Sciences Resources › Dinosaurs

Dinosaur Soft Tissue ... even keeping blood vessels intact at room ... researchers have encountered bone cells called osteocytes locked inside dinosaur bones, ...
Scientists just found soft tissue inside a ...
http :// ... blood-pr...
     proof they are not that old [- 65my]...

    http :// ... d-feathers

        According to media reports, “nearly-complete skeletons” have been discovered that even include skin and feathers. But of course if these dinosaurs are really “160 million years old”, that should be absolutely impossible. Needless to say, this shocking discovery is once again going to have paleontologists scrambling to find a way to prop up the popular myths that they have been promoting. What they have been telling us simply does not fit the facts. The truth is that this latest find is even more evidence that dinosaurs are far, far younger than we have traditionally been taught...

      "...And the truth is that radioactive carbon is being found in dinosaur bones that have been excavated all over the planet…"

 there may be more of a religion protecting the status quo than any science involved?

https ://

"... archeologists have discovered a maze of stone temples in underground caves, some submerged in water and containing human bones, which ancient Mayans believed was a portal where dead souls entered the underworld.

Clad in scuba gear and edging through narrow tunnels, researchers discovered the stone ruins of eleven sacred temples and what could be the remains of human sacrifices at the site in the Yucatan Peninsula..."


So, who here believes that people went far into the woods, deep down in through "narrow" caves, beneath water, no electricity?, with hammers, chisels,.. and carved out pyramids, temples, pillars, roads,...?     

Who here believes people got the shovels, buried their cities and simply moved on?...

Who here believes that massive pyramids were built as burial sites?...

...and who here believes that bones can last for sixty-five million years [in such environments as has been found]?...

...all ridiculous notions, put together by a few [innocent, at first] baseless assumptions, that really never added up to anyone with any common sense. Do you even realize how long 65myrs is? hard to believe they lasted for 13kyrs. and only because every other form of life around had been vaporized as well, as this impact is the reason the bones being found are so full of radiation...

For this discussion, I would like to discuss all the tangible evidence and disregard the phaulty fysics and skewed, inaccurate dating processes...

     http ://

    "...Around 12,800 years ago, a sudden, catastrophic event plunged much of the Earth into a period of cold climatic conditions and drought. This drastic climate change-the Younger Dryas-coincided with the extinction of Pleistocene megafauna, such as the saber-tooth cats and the mastodon, and resulted in major declines in prehistoric human populations...",

    "...a study published in The Journal of Geology, an international group of scientists analyzing existing and new evidence have determined a cosmic impact be the only plausible hypothesis to explain all the unusual occurrences at the onset of the Younger Dryas period..."

    "...Researchers from 21 universities in 6 countries believe the key to the mystery of the Big Freeze lies in nanodiamonds scattered across Europe, North America, and portions of South America, in a 50-million-square-kilometer area known as the Younger Dryas Boundary (YDB) field..."

    "...Microscopic nanodiamonds, melt-glass, carbon spherules, and other high-temperature materials are found in abundance throughout the YDB field, in a thin layer located only     meters from the Earth’s surface. Because these materials formed at temperatures in excess of 2200 degrees Celsius, the fact they are present together so near to the surface suggests they were likely created by a MAJOR extraterrestrial impact event...."

[...yes, extremely major! ;-]
[...and, how much do you want to bet that?, absolutely zero amount of impact spherules, from this impact, lay anywhere beneath the floor of the Atlantic ocean...]

Pangaea was intact during the Pleistocene. There was no Atlantic ocean, as it was being covered by the north and south American plates. The ocean was known as Atlas, covered the entire globe, except for the one land mass and was split in two by this impact 13kya to form the Atlantic and Pacific oceans... This is what is being described in historical accounts and is written in this planet's geography. So, there are no impact spherules collected that are suppose to be from the YDB strewn field because the Atlantic ocean was covered by land... and no, if the ejecta blanket had crossed over such a great distance, as all the way across the Atlantic, it would have, more than likely split the planet open. So, even an impact as catastrophic as what had occurred could not have spread spherules this far...

 http :// ... -maze.html

    Portal to Maya Underworld Found in Mexico?
    Alexis Okeowo in México City
    for National Geographic News
    August 22, 2008

    A labyrinth filled with stone temples and pyramids in 14 caves—some underwater—have been uncovered on Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula,

    ...The discovery has experts wondering whether Maya legend inspired the construction of the underground complex—or vice versa...
    ...In one of the recently found caves, researchers discovered a nearly 300-foot (90-meter) concrete road that ends at a column standing in front of a body of water. ..

    ... William Saturno, a Maya expert at Boston University, believes the maze of temples was built after the story.
    "I'm sure the myths came first, and the caves reaffirmed the broad time-and-space myths of the Mayans," he said. ...... In addition to plunging deep into the forest to reach the cave openings, Maya builders would have had to hold their breath and dive underwater to build some of the shrines and pyramids.

 Other Maya underworld entrances have been discovered in jungles and aboveground caves in northern Guatemala Belize...."
Title: Re: phaulty fysics? [three of the world's greatest cataclysms]...
Post by: syhprum on 17/12/2016 16:47:28
Yet more nonsensical rantings this forum seems to attract nut cases of late.
Title: Re: phaulty fysics? [three of the world's greatest cataclysms]...
Post by: yor_on on 17/12/2016 17:29:17

One might see it as a alternative reality :)
But better placed in 'New theories'
Doesn't mean it won't be read.
Title: Re: phaulty fysics? [three of the world's greatest cataclysms]...
Post by: Kalopin on 17/12/2016 21:27:56
Yet more nonsensical rantings this forum seems to attract nut cases of late.

[labeled "nut case" already? ;-]
You are the one I want to speak with. Please let me know what part/s you consider "nonsensical rantings", explain to me what you believe is mistaken and allow me to explain in better detail. What part do you not understand? ...and how were you so easily convinced of the current paradigm?

...find the exhumation process for the Ozark mountain range, or, please explain the formation process for the Appalachian range- Do you really believe that mountains can be slowly piled up over millions of years?

...let's look at just one anomaly- the devil's mountain- how was it formed?-
https :// ... ations.htm
https ://
"...The Tower is Formed: An Ongoing Debate

"...Geologists agree that Devils Tower was formed by the intrusion (the forcible entry of magma into or between other rock formations) of igneous material. What they cannot agree upon is how that process took place and whether or not the magma reached the land surface.

Numerous ideas have evolved since the official discovery of Devils Tower. Geologists Carpenter and Russell studied Devils Tower in the late 1800s and came to the conclusion that the Tower was indeed formed by an igneous intrusion. Later geologists searched for more detailed explanations.

In 1907, scientists Darton and O'Hara decided that Devils Tower must be an eroded remnant of a laccolith. A laccolith is a large, mushroom–shaped mass of igneous rock which intrudes between the layers of sedimentary rocks but does not reach the surface. This produces a rounded bulge in the sedimentary layers above the intrusion. This idea was quite popular in the early 1900s when numerous studies were done on a number of laccoliths in the Southwest.
Other ideas have suggested that Devils Tower is a volcanic plug or that it is the neck of an extinct volcano. Although there is no evidence of volcanic activity - volcanic ash, lava flows, or volcanic debris - anywhere in the surrounding countryside, it is possible that this material may simply have eroded away...
The simplest explanation is that Devils Tower is a stock—a small intrusive body formed by magma which cooled underground and was later exposed by erosion...

The magma which formed Devils Tower cooled and crystallized into a rock type known as phonolite porphyry. It is a light to dark-gray or greenish-gray igneous rock with conspicuous crystals of white feldspar. Hot molten magma is less dense and occupies more volume than cool hardened rock. As the rock cooled, it contracted, forming hexagonal (and sometime 4-, 5- and 7-sided) columns separated by vertical cracks. These columns are similar to those found at Devil's Postpile
     National Monument in California but those at Devils Tower are much larger..." unbelievable as this may sound- this rock fell from the sky out of the ejecta blanket from a massive impact from Earth's moon to where the Mediterranean sea is around 13kya...

    "...The simplest explanation is that Devils Tower is a stock—a small intrusive body formed by magma which cooled underground and was later exposed by erosion..."

...and sometimes Occam's razor is not helpful, as the answer is quite complicated...and so, Have you seen devil's tower? It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to understand that it was molten as it formed, as the molten rock ran down the sides as it solidified, and it was crystallized, which could no way occur from volcanic rock hardening beneath the surface...and do you really believe that hundreds, if not thousands of acres of land would just erode away over millions of years and leave the one rock?
A Blind Test of the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis
Mediterranean, Appalachian, Pangaea Lunar Impact

http ://
...then please allow me to take you all back to the beginning...] Do you see this profile of the Mississippi embayment? What could have folded the entire thickness of a tectonic plate inward upon itself? Do you believe that passing over a mantle plume and/or running up into the Juan de Fuca plate would have produced this effect?

No, the Ozarks were not a part of the airborne ejecta blanket, but were exhumed from a much deeper depth, much colder and harder material [limestone] was pushed upward and was exposed from the force of impact. This then allowed the Moon to curl the plate inward as, at this same moment, pushed piles of burnt material [animals, plants, surface matter...] forming the Appalachias. [this is so obvious...]...

[copy/paste-] Do you understand how all of this is connected? Look at the limestone covering the Yucatan, follow it up to the Ozarks. Yes, the colder rock stayed to the north, the hotter ejecta fell toward the equator, as gravity will be a big indicator of this event. The reason there is vitrified sand, fractal kinetics, radiation, natural glasses,... throughout Libya, as the finer material out of the ejecta blanket settled southward, covering all the pyramids and temples and forming the Sahara desert... and makes perfect sense that the thicker, hotter limestone ejecta fell to form the Kasha-katuwe tent rocks along with all the other mountainous anomalies throughout the southwest U.S. The reason that the dinosaur bones are so full of radiation... The reason for devolution, the loss of so much of the technology and the recorded history that had accumulated up to the end of the Pleistocene, as civilizations and highly intelligent life go way back, much further in time...
http ://

    ... finally accepting the Tayos metal library and treasures had to exist! Packed with scientific and historical information but lacking an ancient script in South America he distilled from Mytho-history a model of The Origins of the Solar System and Humanity that might accommodate the metal library...

    ... and a more astounding 'crystal' library that accompanies it! ...

There were attempts to save many documents and historical accounts, much of which has been destroyed [mostly due to ignorance, superstition, religious fanaticism, incompetence,...]
There are those with better understanding and would want to keep this information hidden to the general public...

...if you all insist on continuing, I will divulge enough evidence to show the multitude of misperceptions within your current education and beliefs systems...

http :// ... lantis.htm
Plato's account of Atlantis... [as translated by Benjamin Jowett]
"Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state in our histories. But one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valour. For these histories tell of a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end. This power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Heracles; the island was larger than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands, and from these you might pass to the whole of the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean; for this sea which is within the Straits of Heracles is only a harbour, having a narrow entrance, but that other is a real sea, and the surrounding land may be most truly called a boundless continent. Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island and several others, and over parts of the continent, and, furthermore, the men of Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya within the columns of Heracles as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia. This vast power, gathered into one, endeavoured to subdue at a blow our country and yours and the whole of the region within the straits; and then, Solon, your country shone forth, in the excellence of her virtue and strength, among all mankind. She was pre-eminent in courage and military skill, and was the leader of the Hellenes. And when the rest fell off from her, being compelled to stand alone, after having undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated and triumphed over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not yet subjugated, and generously liberated all the rest of us who dwell within the pillars. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea. For which reason the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is a shoal of mud in the way; and this was caused by the subsidence of the island."

[" echo of a distant time..." in a place of forgotten history and technologies lost and left to parables and fables, from a great catastrophic event...]
...Chicxulub crater was once downtown Atlantis...
Title: Re: phaulty fysics? [three of the world's greatest cataclysms]...
Post by: Kalopin on 17/12/2016 21:51:40

One might see it as a alternative reality :)
But better placed in 'New theories'
Doesn't mean it won't be read.

I believe if you go through and study every single detail of this research, that you will find this to be the actual reality and that what is currently being taught is, in truth, a false reality, just belief, based on faulty science, baseless assumptions being taught as if it were fact...

http :// ... an-mexico/

...all this being misunderstood and, it seems, with so little concern...
Can anyone answer the questions?
Why did the elder dryas grow so much larger than the younger dryas?
https ://

http :// ... plane.html
[from this link...]
..."How come prehistoric animals were so much bigger than today's beasts?
They had more time to grow."...
..."Why did some prehistoric animals get so big in the first place? No one knows for sure, but there are lots of theories."

...and so what are the theories?
Could it be that plants and animals grew so much larger because there was less gravity during the Pleistocene?
...and that, when the Moon impacted where the Mediterranean sea is, it slowed the lithosphere, the outer plates and mantle further, in relation to the faster spinning inner core...?
Why is it that present understandings are so primitive? ...and there is so little investigation into the evidence?Why are there so few with an interest in finding the facts?, the truths of what had actually occurred?, instead, it appears, the majority ignore, reject and marginalize findings -to protect the status quo? the older generation goes away, there will be an awakening to the actual science, and the reality to what was being purposely hidden, and for what reasons? ...and what will they look back on this time and these people and think?...

...Concerning the formation process for the Himalayas and the movement of the Indian plate:
http ://
...present belief-
"Among the most dramatic and visible creations of plate-tectonic forces are the lofty Himalayas, which stretch 2,900 km along the border between India and Tibet. This immense mountain range began to form between 40 and 50 million years ago, when two large landmasses, India and Eurasia, driven by plate movement, collided. Because both these continental landmasses have about the same rock density, one plate could not be subducted under the other. The pressure of the impinging plates could only be relieved by thrusting skyward, contorting the collision zone, and forming the jagged Himalayan peaks.

About 225 million years ago, India was a large island still situated off the Australian coast, and a vast ocean (called Tethys Sea) separated India from the Asian continent. When Pangaea broke apart about 200 million years ago, India began to forge northward. By studying the history -- and ultimately the closing-- of the Tethys, scientists have reconstructed India's northward journey. About 80 million years ago, India was located roughly 6,400 km south of the Asian continent, moving northward at a rate of about 9 m a century. When India rammed into Asia about 40 to 50 million years ago, its northward advance slowed by about half. The collision and associated decrease in the rate of plate movement are interpreted to mark the beginning of the rapid uplift of the Himalayas"
http ://
...but, if you notice, the Indian plate moved upward at an extreme rate, not following Earth's rotation and going against ocean currents, how could this be?
It is my contention that, when the Moon impacted where the Mediterranean sea is approx. 13kya, the pressure forced the African plate to pivot at the southwestern edge of the Arabian plate. forcing the Indian plate upward and into the Eurasian plate pushing up massive amounts of limestone from beneath the sea at such a rate to instantly raise the Himalayas, [and is the reason these two plates have such an amount of tectonic activity, having no pressure from any subduction zone to hold the plates together...]
http ://
"The vast city — which is five miles long and two miles wide — is believed to predate the oldest known remains in the subcontinent by more than 5,000 years"
...and so, consider that this will explain the cities under the gulf of Cambay and the Indian Ocean, as well as so many others, buried beneath land and water, around the globe...
https :// ... mp=yhs-002
 These findings will prove that there were very intelligent civilizations, a great amount of lost technology and lost history, yet to be understood, that had existed in the previous era of the Pleistocene...

[enough yet? ,'cause there's plenty more...]
[...for instance...-]
Brien Foerster- "...We now have substantial evidence to show that advanced machining technology existed in Egypt before the time of the Pharaohs. Watch the evidence in this video. And visit Egypt with us: http  :// ..."
https  ://
quote- "...and so, we believe that the great pyramid and the other two pyramids on the Giza plateau are far older than the dynastic Egyptians by several thousands of years and were destroyed in a giant cataclysm of some kind which was global in nature approximately 12,000 years ago..."
[...adding up?...]

http :// ... ted-europe
Barack Obama-"...If someone had to choose a moment in time to be born, you would choose today.
We are living in the most peaceful, prosperous and progressive era in human history..."

http :// ... rch-001287
"...Some of the rulers mentioned in the early list, such as Etana, Lugal-banda and Gilgamesh, are mythical or legendary figures whose heroic feats are subjects of a series of Sumerian and Babylonian narrative compositions.

The early list names eight kings with a total of 241,200 years from the time when kingship “descended from heaven” to the time when "the Flood" swept over the land and once more "the kingship was lowered from heaven" after the Flood.

Interpretation of long reigns-
The amazingly long tenure of the early kings has provoked many attempts at interpretation. At one extreme is the complete dismissal of the astronomically large figures as “completely artificial” and the view that they are unworthy of serious consideration. At the other extreme, is the belief that the numbers have a basis in reality and that the early kings were indeed gods who were capable of living much longer than humans.
- See more at: http :// ... auX.dpuf...

http :// ... er-it.html
"...What could have caused mankind to have lived such LONG lifespans before the flood of Noah? For example, Adam lived 930 years, Jared lived to 962, and Jared's grandson Methuselah lived the longest in history at 969 years! While the average age at death before the deluge was high, it averaged only in history at 969 years! While the average age at death before the deluge was high, it averaged only 317 years for the ten generations following it. Many who refuse to believe in the Bible say that the ages upon death found in the first several chapters of Genesis are nothing but fabrications and tall tales.

Several things could have contributed to the shorter lifespans after the flood. Scripture denotes that the waters God brought on the earth would destroy not only animals by the earth itself.
And God said to Noah, 'The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them. And, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.' (Genesis 6:13, Holy Bible in Its Original Order - A Faithful Version)

'And I will establish My covenant with you . . . Neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth.' (Genesis 9)

The earth after the flood was dramatically different than it was before it. The differences included the altering of the climate, atmospheric changes, changes in the hydrologic cycle, geologic features, a significant increase in harmful radiation reaching ground level, man's dietary habits went from solely plant-based to one where meat was eaten, and so on. These and many other factors led to man's much shorter lifespans. .."

-pretty good, they even understand that there was an increase in ground-level radiation, though they left out that there was less electromagnetism and gravity during the Pleistocene...[but what was the reason why?]

Concerning the radiation found in dinosaur bones and the fact that the bones are more porous-  http :// ... s-474.html
"...There have been a number of papers reporting additional work on this early paper. This paper describes the increase in Cosmic Radiation (CR) that the earth was subjected to at the initiation of the majority of the extinctions. Extinctions seem to form on a cyclic basis every 62 or so million years (we are overdue). Another, more accepted theory, suggests that extions are periods where the solar system has passed through an area between two arms of the galaxy and begins to enter a new, densely packed area of star interactions. While the authors of this paper tie the increased abundance of cosmic radiation to the onslaught of a new ice age, it is not too far a stretch to assume that the increase in stellar packing aslo resulted in a greater number of meteor and comet impacts in the solar system..."
...they were radiated when the moon impacted 13kya. The bones are more porous [and lighter per volume] because they developed in lesser gravity. These same animals and plants would have a very difficult time, at best, trying to live in the much greater gravity in the current era of the Holocene...

http ://
...of interest- A new geology theory featuring impact-powered rapid
continental drift - an alternative to plate tectonics
https ://
https ://

"...Shock Dynamics - Virtually all features developed from a single event at the end of the Pleistocene, about 11,500 years ago (9,500 B.C.), features such as the Andes, the Philippines, the East African Rift Zone, the Mariana Trench, the Lord Howe Rise, the Appalachians, the Himalayas, Europe, the New Hebrides, the Bering Sea, etc. Simple experiments show how turbulence in shocked crust shaped the seafloor (click on blue above).,,"
Title: Re: phaulty fysics? [three of the world's greatest cataclysms]...
Post by: syhprum on 17/12/2016 22:06:02
Anyone who has the patience to read thru Klopin,s ideas should also read Worlds in Collision  written by Immanuel Velikovsky and first published April 3, 1950. and note the similarities.
Title: Re: phaulty fysics? [three of the world's greatest cataclysms]...
Post by: Kalopin on 17/12/2016 22:37:31
Anyone who has the patience to read thru Klopin,s ideas should also read Worlds in Collision  written by Immanuel Velikovsky and first published April 3, 1950. and note the similarities.

Thanks, I do appreciate the compliment.

I believe that soon this will all be understood. That this is in fact commonplace throughout the universe and is imperative for the creation of any habitable world...
[if you think about it only makes sense-] This planet's largest satellite is a terraforming harmonic balancer...

Velikovsky understood the premise of "shock dynamics" and the major cataclysms involved when two world's collide... This is what had occurred just 13kya...
...and can reoccur in the near future, as anthropogenic activity along with many natural forces are causing another imbalance forcing too much water [weight] around, near to the equator, which may be enough to cause another such impact...
Title: Re: phaulty fysics? [three of the world's greatest cataclysms]...
Post by: yor_on on 20/12/2016 12:26:19
You need to work out the force of our moon colliding with earth first I think. as humans we've been around for a long time. "While our ancestors have been around for about six million years, the modern form of humans only evolved about 200,000 years ago. Civilization as we know it is only about 6,000 years old, and industrialization started in the earnest only in the 1800s." Sounds to me as a very dangerous thing for all life, the moon hitting Earth (and vice versa)
Title: Re: phaulty fysics? [three of the world's greatest cataclysms]...
Post by: Kalopin on 21/12/2016 23:10:42
You need to work out the force of our moon colliding with earth first I think. as humans we've been around for a long time. "While our ancestors have been around for about six million years, the modern form of humans only evolved about 200,000 years ago. Civilization as we know it is only about 6,000 years old, and industrialization started in the earnest only in the 1800s." Sounds to me as a very dangerous thing for all life, the moon hitting Earth (and vice versa)

...yes, I realize how this may sound, at first, and I get a similar reaction everywhere...
...yes, this was "...a very dangerous thing for all life...", but I believe this to be an almost regular event. That any time a habitable planet becomes imbalanced any orbiting satellite has the chance of impact,and that this process, most times, brings about a more stable orbit and a better balanced planet...
[...and this was a major mass extinction event...]

     If you will please disregard the physics and the dating, at least just for a short while, [humour me;-] and study all the tangible evidence. Most importantly, I am hoping to get you to look into what all the scientists have put forth...

There are nanodiamonds within the impact spherules, of an estimated ten million tonnes worth, covering over four continents. As I am sure you are aware that, any form of life that was beneath or any where near to this ejecta blanket would have been instantly incinerated [vaporized!] and that approx. 13kya, the entire north American continent was basically sterilized. These findings [impact spherules containing nanodiamonds] have been confirmed by many good scientists...
[...and just think about how much other rock and material had to be involved, if this much limestone was lofted so highly into the atmosphere...]

Then, there are all the cities beneath land and water, just now being discovered...
 In particular, the findings that a massive city, pyramids, temples, roads, columns,... which was built on top of Chicxulub crater, now lay deep within "narrow" caves and some under water... These structures were not built within the caves, but were covered by the impact ejecta blanket, consisting of almost pure limestone and, when looking to the east, this could have only come from beneath the Mediterranean sea. [where else?] ...and so, these buried pyramids have to have been built before this catastrophe, [how old could they be?] which will coincide perfectly with the YDB event...

Notice that the rock of Gibraltar, the Betic Cordilleras, the Ozarks, Kasha-Katuwe, [all limestone] the many mountainous anomalies throughout the southwest U.S. are all projecting in the same westerly direction, directly out from the Mediterranean, in fact, every single tectonic interaction emanates out from this same location...

The fairly new theory of "shock dynamics" explains the details, though the impact was not near between Africa and Madagascar and the "massive" object was not a comet or asteroid, but it was the Moon that hit the Mediterranean...

Yes, [sorry] this will prove that the dating and physics being taught is rather faulty and that, in the future it may make more sense to wait until there is actual factual evidence before jumping to quick conclusions and teaching beliefs as if they are fact...

If you really have the interest in finding the real science and history, behind all the accounts, research, observations,... then, it is my hope that, you should, in my opinion, go through every single detail of this information and, [as I feel certain that the evidence will speak for itself,] determine its accuracy and help put forth the effort to correct a great deal of misunderstood science and lost history...

so, it comes down to this simple question-
Were the pyramids built in the caves or covered by the ejecta?
Title: Re: phaulty fysics? [three of the world's greatest cataclysms]...
Post by: Kalopin on 23/12/2016 22:27:51
Happy Holidays, to everyone in The Naked Scientists family!:-]

...some new research that may discredit some findings-
http ://
"...We review the available data on diamonds in sediments and provide new data. We find no evidence for lonsdaleite in YDB sediments and find no evidence of a spike in nanodiamond concentration at the YDB layer to support the impact hypothesis..."

https ://
"...For the second time in 10 years, Daulton has carefully reviewed the evidence, and found no evidence for a spike in nanodiamond concentration in Younger Dryas sediments. Since nanodiamonds are the strongest piece of evidence for the impact hypothesis, their absence effectively discredits it..."

[...well, maybe someone should take a trip to the eye-doctor? ;-]
Though this is not the definitive evidence... As I am sure you understand- the Yucatan peninsula has been covered in limestone... There are several pyramids, many temples and structures deep down in narrow caves, of this limestone...
How did the limestone get there?...and how would anyone, at this moment in time, or even today, for that matter, build such a massive city underground?, through "narrow" caves?...and why?...

...and this is only a small portion of the overwhelming evidence being presented..., in this "post truth era" and with all the fake news, propaganda, false narratives,... it makes it even more difficult for anyone with an interest in the truth to sort through all the nonsense and to find the real science and the actual history that has gotten this planet to its current state...

This is why I ask you to have an open mind and to go through every detail closely, and only then can we determine the real percentage of possibility... :-]