Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Plant Sciences, Zoology & Evolution => Topic started by: thedoc on 20/12/2016 19:53:02

Title: Why don't we cough in our sleep?
Post by: thedoc on 20/12/2016 19:53:02
Matt Tisdale asked the Naked Scientists:
   Long time listener (, few questions you can ponder and answer on the air if you're interested:

My friend was coughing all day then, as soon as she went to sleep, she stopped. In the morning she was caughing again, how is this explained?

Do you suppose evolution...maybe the ones survived that did not make any
ruckus while we are most vulnerable during sleep.

Or could it be to do with the body slowing down and core temperature cooling?

Great work with the show (


-Matt T-

What do you think?
Title: Re: Why don't we cough in our sleep?
Post by: chris on 08/05/2017 10:25:48
I'm slightly surprised to hear that she stopped coughing in her sleep, because I've definitely woken myself up with a coughing fit...
Title: Re: Why don't we cough in our sleep?
Post by: SquarishTriangle on 08/05/2017 12:19:30
I have also woken myself up coughing, many times. Cruelly, when I am sick and need to rest the most, I can't because I cough as soon as I lie down.

I would say your friend was probably able to sleep because they weren't coughing, rather than not coughing because they were sleeping.