Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: thedoc on 22/12/2016 15:23:02

Title: Why would snow make me sleepy?
Post by: thedoc on 22/12/2016 15:23:02
Chris McCullough  asked the Naked Scientists:
I am a policeman and often work night shifts finishing up at 6am. I never feel sleepy behind the wheel but on Sunday morning, driving home, there was a blizzard with snow seeming to fly towards the windscreen of my car.

The effect of the snow was to make me really tired to the point where I was finding my eyes heavy and needed to pull over for 5 minutes.

Could the visual impact of the snow have been making me more sleepy than usual?


P.S Love the show (, keep up the good work!
What do you think?
Title: Re: Why would snow make me sleepy?
Post by: syhprum on 22/12/2016 16:32:17
It is a long time since I last drove in a blizzard but I can confirm the effect is real