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Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: neilep on 14/04/2017 12:11:40

Title: Why Does A Forced Smile Make You Feel Better ?
Post by: neilep on 14/04/2017 12:11:40
As a sheepy I of course luff to smile. Smiling is my all time favourite pastime that involves raising the sides of my mouth in a curvature type of way.

Look, here's Anthea Verbose-Happyridge enjoying some good moments smiling away exposing her ample ….....teeth !

* Screen Shot 2017-04-14 at 12.04.46.png (149.27 kB . 352x282 - viewed 5285 times)
Anthea just moments ago smiling. Actually, I was very lucky to get this picture because only a  few seconds later Anthea received a call from her friend  Heather Garrulous the 3rd  and like most girlies, they will be chatting endlessly about diatribal nonsense till next September.

Anyway, Why do we smile ?......hang on....try smiling now !....even if you have nothing specific to smile about....try it !!....doesn't even  the act of just forcing a smile have a physiological/psychological effect on ewe ? does me. Assuming you are not depressed then I find that even a forced smile makes you feel better, why's that then ?I mean, its just a facial muscular contraction isn't it ?

Why Does A Forced Smile Make You Feel Better ?

Whajafink ?

Hugs and shmishes

mwah mwah mwah !!


Just curve those lips
Expose the white
Grin a bit
You're smiling right ?

Title: Re: Why Does A Forced Smile Make You Feel Better ?
Post by: smart on 14/04/2017 12:35:56
I don't like to be "forced" of doing anything. The forced smile mental conditioning is perhaps a non-verbal communication
method to seek approval.
Title: Re: Why Does A Forced Smile Make You Feel Better ?
Post by: neilep on 14/04/2017 12:40:48
I don't like to be "forced" of doing anything. The forced smile mental conditioning is perhaps a non-verbal communication
method to seek approval.

Thank you tkadm30.....Maybe "forced" is too strong a word, how about with 'purposeful intent' then ? It's a smile, not a torture. When alone though, one can still "force" a smile. i just did.  ;D
Title: Re: Why Does A Forced Smile Make You Feel Better ?
Post by: neilep on 14/04/2017 12:43:10
I just feel, if the mood is right, then a smile makes one feel better, why so ?
Title: Re: Why Does A Forced Smile Make You Feel Better ?
Post by: smart on 14/04/2017 12:57:29
I just feel, if the mood is right, then a smile makes one feel better, why so ?

Smiling may stimulate serious serotonin releases. The so-called happiness molecule... :)