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General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: on 28/03/2007 18:43:51

Title: It makes me so mad.
Post by: on 28/03/2007 18:43:51
my it's quiet around here. so me thinks, what better way to liven things up than with a good old moan.

two weeks ago i popped down to the doctors to make an appointment, nothing serious. Well, i get there and the Gestapo interrogator...oops i mean receptionist greets me with that look that says "do you not think i have better things to do than talk to sick people".

so i say "hello, could i book an appointment", the receptionist then turns in to a doctor and wants to know whats wrong with me. I say "well, I'm not sure".

so she starts asking me questions, I'm thinking hold on she's the bliming receptionist not the doctor. so i say "sorry it's personal".

Then she turns round and says, "well, we have changed the way we take appointments. you have to ring"
"But I'm already here", I say

"sorry, but you can only make an appointment over the phone", she replies.

so what did i do?

i took my phone out of my pocket, rang the doctors, the other Gestapo trainee behind the counter answers the phone and gives me an two weeks time!! oh and there's a fine if i don't turn up.

well, i'm glad i got that off my chest. what has annoyed you lately.
Title: It makes me so mad.
Post by: Mirage on 28/03/2007 18:59:20
I know what you mean about the receptionists at the docs, they are vicious sometimes. Not all receptionists but quite a few  [;)]

But it's odd that she would ask you whats wrong, has nothing to do with her at all. Plus you've gone in to see the doc, surely that says that you're not well or need advice which is private and NONE of her business   [;)]

I hate that you have to phone up though, I think it's pretty crappy, especially if you're there, how is it that you could be stealing an appointment spot from someone who's using a phone. Surely, first come first served  [???]

Although, it always makes me laugh when you see the doctor with an obvious to the eye problem.
I once went in to see the doc because I had a really bad throat and thought maybe it was something to do with my tonsils. Anywho I get called in to see the doc and I greeted her by saying hi........well trying to anyway  [;)] But from that point it was a little obvious why I came to see someone  [;)]

The thing that has annoyed me recently though is the webmaster on another forum. I personally think he is cruel and a d**k. I've stood up to him once and got warned so had to take it easy otherwise I could have got banned. It just sucks that someone with the power to mess things up for people can act the way that he does  [>:(]
Title: It makes me so mad.
Post by: on 28/03/2007 19:04:58

Although, it always makes me laugh when you see the doctor with an obvious to the eye problem.
I once went in to see the doc because I had a really bad throat and thought maybe it was something to do with my tonsils. Anywho I get called in to see the doc and I greeted her by saying hi........well trying to anyway  [;)] But from that point it was a little obvious why I came to see someone  [;)]

yes, like the time mike gatting got hit in the face with a cricket ball and his interviewer asked him where did it hit you....doh
Title: It makes me so mad.
Post by: Mirage on 28/03/2007 19:13:49
LOL yeah, something like that   [:D]
Title: It makes me so mad.
Post by: Karen W. on 29/03/2007 03:59:33
I hate when people treat you like you are stupid! When it's not stupidity they are seeing but the courtesy and politeness to keep my mouth shut when I hear the crap that rolls out of their mouths!!!!!!