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On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: guest39538 on 08/06/2017 16:39:19

Title: Human existence.
Post by: guest39538 on 08/06/2017 16:39:19
When I think about humans or animal life , it remains a mystery to me , how we came to be.   I have considered the  ''chicken or the egg'' but things never make any sense when considering existence.
Now if it were that by some means of science and we evolved from the apes, I ask myself why is there still apes?  It makes no sense to me what so ever.  If life evolved from sea life it still would not answer the evolving of life at the fundamental levels.
Even it were we were formed from the Sun and started off as a ''fungus'' , this would still not make any sense because we have not observed any  humans being made out of fungus in the time our records hold of history.
So where did we come from ?  To me it is a mystery and the only possible answer I could give, is we are the aliens to this planet and do not come from here.
There is no evidence of us in the past layers of the Earth, we must of came here from afar, perhaps a dying planet or something similar.
However that would still not answer how we came to be ,  I am not sure there is an answer.
Title: Re: Human existence.
Post by: Kryptid on 08/06/2017 17:02:28
Now if it were that by some means of science and we evolved from the apes, I ask myself why is there still apes?  It makes no sense to me what so ever.

Not all apes evolved into humans, that's why. It's like asking why wolves still exist when dogs evolved from wolves. We didn't evolve from chimpanzees, gorillas or orangutans: we share a common ancestor with them.

If life evolved from sea life it still would not answer the evolving of life at the fundamental levels.

What exactly do you mean by that?

Even it were we were formed from the Sun and started off as a ''fungus'' , this would still not make any sense because we have not observed any  humans being made out of fungus in the time our records hold of history.

Humans were never fungus nor does the theory of evolution propose that we were ever fungus. I'm not sure where you got that idea from.

So where did we come from ?  To me it is a mystery and the only possible answer I could give, is we are the aliens to this planet and do not come from here.

We are too closely related to other Earthly life forms such as chimpanzees to be from another planet.

There is no evidence of us in the past layers of the Earth

Homo sapiens has only been around for a few hundred thousand years. Before that, there were other species such as Homo erectus and Australopithecus.
Title: Re: Human existence.
Post by: Le Repteux on 08/06/2017 17:41:45
The real meaning of the Theory of Evolution is that things appear and disappear by hazard. They appear, and if they succeed to reproduce themselves in their environment, then they live for a while, until something else takes their place. So we can imagine that mind and its memory appeared this way, and I personally think that it got intelligent when it learned by hazard to use the principle of evolution to produce artificially the evolution of its memories. To look intelligent, we would only need a random process in our minds, and to be conscious, we would only need to be conscious of that process. Intelligence would only be the result of being able to do crazy things until one of them works, so no wonder we sometimes think life is absurd. It's one thing to realize that things came from hazard, but it's another one to think that our ideas works the same.
Title: Re: Human existence.
Post by: GoC on 09/06/2017 15:36:26
Even before fungus we all came from a single cell able to reproduce itself. Animals, plants and fungus split from that humble beginning. Each split is unique so we did not come from chimps. Your knowledge is incomplete as is all knowledge. Some just more incomplete than others.
Title: Re: Human existence.
Post by: Le Repteux on 09/06/2017 17:47:01
It is not what exists that produces change, because what exists resists to change, it's hazard, so knowledge needs hazard to evolve.
Title: Re: Human existence.
Post by: GoC on 09/06/2017 18:18:53
or a Mars human landing like on the Moon to stretch our technology.