Naked Science Forum

General Discussion & Feedback => Radio Show & Podcast Feedback => Topic started by: Stevie Bain on 10/08/2017 10:06:04

Title: Feedback on confidence boosting power poses
Post by: Stevie Bain on 10/08/2017 10:06:04
This feedback about confidence and power posing has come in from our listeners.

LJ says:

I'm a big fan of all the podcasts you produce, especially The Naked Scientists. In the recent podcast, Will Machines Take Over the World, there was a segment on the power of the power pose (e.g. Wonder Woman stance). I remembered reading an article about a follow-up study that questions the original study and faults p-hacking. I think it would be valuable for your listeners to understand that not all scientists accept the original study and have doubts about its validity.

Keep up the great work. I thoroughly enjoy the podcasts and they help me get through my daily hour commute to the office.

James says:

I thought all the power pose stuff completely fails to replicate. But it was presented as an established effect in your last programme.

Another listener adds:

I'm pretty sure the latest (I heard) on the "wonder woman pose" was that it doesn't work. It was at least found to be not easily replicated, or not replicated at all.

I'm kinda surprised to hear this on your program...