Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: Atkhenaken on 18/09/2017 01:26:28

Title: Is the universe made from one particle?
Post by: Atkhenaken on 18/09/2017 01:26:28
The universe is made from only one particle in 3 states. There are not hundreds of different sub-atomic particles. These states are known as positive, negative and neutral. This can be further simplified to left spin, right spin and no spin.
Title: Re: Is the universe made from one particle?
Post by: evan_au on 18/09/2017 05:27:05
Theoretical physicists think that in the early moments of the Big Bang, several of the fundamental forces may have been united, and so there were a smaller number of particles than those we observe today.

The Large Hadron Collider is exploring quark-gluon plasmas to try and determine the characteristics of such a "Grand Unified Theory", but it really requires far higher energies than the LHC can reach, so theoreticians can only speculate.

But it does seem that the description here has some contradictions and omissions:
- It recognizes electrical charge (positive and negative), but this requires two particles - or a particle and its antiparticle
- It recognises uncharged particles - but these are distinct from a charged particle or its antiparticle
- It recognises spin, which produces 9 permutations of what starts as a claim for a "single" particle
- It omits the possibility of half-integer spins (fermions) and integer spins (bosons), which display very different behaviors
- It omits the possibility of multiples of these spins, which introduces differences as fundamental as the photon vs graviton
- It omits the weak nuclear force

Please advise the quantum characteristics of your proposed single particle, and the evidence on which you base this claim.

In the meantime, you could start here:
Title: Re: Is the universe made from one particle?
Post by: Atkhenaken on 18/09/2017 06:33:56
I have already unified the universe. If the universe is made from one particle in 3 states. Thus, unification of gravity, light and mass is easy. Quantum is the wrong term. Quantum anything doesn't exist. The universe operates via spin torque which is mistaken for quantum mechanics. The aether spins at the speed of light. Space is made of alternate left and right spinning particles. Light is transferred through the aether medium like the  cogs in a watch. Matter contains a no spin particle at the centre which the left and right spin particles orbit around or are falling into. The aether particles are falling into the sun which are forced together and stop spinning which releases E=MC2 energy and light. Thus, 2 particles of aether (c2) are forced together to become (M) mass or neutron.
Title: Re: Is the universe made from one particle?
Post by: evan_au on 18/09/2017 13:27:28
Quote from: Atkhenaken
I have already unified the universe.
So far I have seen nothing but unsubstantiated claims about concepts that exist only inside your head.
Please provide the experimental evidence.
Title: Re: Is the universe made from one particle?
Post by: guest39538 on 18/09/2017 13:33:05
Just NO.
Title: Re: Is the universe made from one particle?
Post by: guest39538 on 18/09/2017 14:30:53
Science, Tech and Universe on facebook is where this quote as come from. I have it on my wall.

I have attached the original :

* moron.jpg (43.53 kB . 468x600 - viewed 3565 times)

What we call objects are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons, the Universe is not an object....

Title: Re: Is the universe made from one particle?
Post by: Atkhenaken on 18/09/2017 15:39:59
Quote from: Atkhenaken
I have already unified the universe.
So far I have seen nothing but unsubstantiated claims about concepts that exist only inside your head.
Please provide the experimental evidence.

Airy's telescope experiments and Sagnac's experiment where he spins the interferometer at a rate of 2 revolutions per second creates the expected fringes.
The expectations of the Michelson/Morley experiment were that the Earth moves through the aether at 30 meters per second. They never considered that the aether pushes the Earth around the sun. The Michelson/Morley experiment found an aether speed of 10 meters per second. This experiment was called a null result because they didn't get what they were expecting. This is the speed that the aether enters the Earth. Its called gravity. 9.8m/sec. If the aether is travelling at the same speed as the Earth then of course, there wont be much wind.

Note - Disregard  the religious references of this video.
Title: Re: Is the universe made from one particle?
Post by: Bill S on 18/09/2017 23:00:03
Thebox; I like it!  Do you sometimes wonder if morons outnumber all the others?
Title: Re: Is the universe made from one particle?
Post by: guest39538 on 18/09/2017 23:22:23
Thebox; I like it!  Do you sometimes wonder if morons outnumber all the others?
Well!  I think that every single person on the planet must be good at  least one thing.   Whether it may be art , entertainment or even digging holes, I believe each and every single person has at least one good quality about them.
So no I do not consider that anyone is a moron but I do consider that sometimes stupidity is formed for humour purposes in things like the quoted.
Title: Re: Is the universe made from one particle?
Post by: Bill S on 19/09/2017 00:50:43
I like your philosophy, as well.
Title: Re: Is the universe made from one particle?
Post by: Atkhenaken on 19/09/2017 01:39:43
I like your philosophy, as well.

Why don't you suck his dick while your at it?
Title: Re: Is the universe made from one particle?
Post by: Atkhenaken on 19/09/2017 02:03:47
So far I have seen nothing but unsubstantiated claims about concepts that exist only inside your head.
Please provide the experimental evidence.

Where has evan gone? "Evan!" has anybody seen evan lately? lol
Title: Re: Is the universe made from one particle?
Post by: Colin2B on 19/09/2017 11:42:33
Why don't you suck his dick while your at it?
Why don't you go and play somewhere else, tell you what I'll help you do that.
You have been warned recently about abusive remarks and you have preveiously been temporarily banned for the same behaviour. You show no sign of changing and so let's make it permanent. No loss to us.
Title: Re: Is the universe made from one particle?
Post by: Kryptid on 20/09/2017 21:43:09
The idea of the Universe being composed of a single type of entity is basically the heart of string theory. It postulates that all fundamental particles are just super-tiny, 1-dimensional strings with different vibrational frequencies. I also saw something about space-time itself possibly being made of strings as well, but I don't know if that is a commonly accepted conclusion or not.