Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: AaronSkor on 28/09/2017 00:00:35

Title: Universal Consciousness
Post by: AaronSkor on 28/09/2017 00:00:35

We all know the universe started from cosmic inflation now.

which is basically electromagnetic energy in the whole of nothingness metabolizing into a magnetized gravitational force and ultimately pulls energy down to a slower State and creates matter.

overtime Atomic fusions and particle collisions create larger forms of matter these larger forms of matter eventually create their own gravitational fields.

just like a huge amount of magnets are pushed together with an opposing polarities these gravitational fields then continue to push away from each other as these planetary structures fight for space.

the resulting effect is what scientists like to call nowadays as Cosmic inflation all these gravitational entities start pushing away from each other and expanding creating the universe now a billion or so years in as we know it.

fast forward to billion years and we run into a species evolved on a terrestrial planet far away from the sol system named the Anunnaki they discover all the things that we discover and advanced technology past what we can even understand they come to our planet and create us out of a genetic experiment.

this experiment then precedes to spread DNA culture all throughout our planet which then evolves all of human life and the many different races that we have.

but it seems that their ultimate purpose in creating us was a little bit more on their behalf because after accumulating a very large amount of resources through ritualistic sacrifice as it were, then they decided to abandon the planet after trying to flood out all of humanity, one of them supposedly throughout cultural stories felt bad warned us of the incoming disaster and told us to build a boat. The Noah's Ark story as many of the religionist should know.

after our Gods decided to run, Humanity felt that we still needed some kind of spiritual leadership, so we kept to the stories of old, changing throughout culture to culture to culture hoping that they would come back and help us.

the mere fact that we considered them as Gods just shows how much we really didn't know back then.

many of civilizations past and we come across the Egyptians, these people were sick, they like to use their religion to control the Hebrew slaves and in doing so use them to build their empire.

now my current running Theory here is that all of the pain and suffering that these people went through created one hell of an emotional storm, what we know now through some theoretical research at this particular moment is that human beings may be capable of turning EMF energy into actual karmic events.

with a whole other civilization wanting to be freed from another there's a very good possibility here that this intense amount of electromagnetic addled emotion could have very well created a Consciousness though out all electromagnetically charge things in the entire universe that we know now as God, a caring force, that runs off of our thoughts, our cares, our love and emotion, our need to help one another.

God then identifies itself to Man as the creator of all things the savior of all people the creator of the universe this is true, this being, this energy did create all that exist.

however not in the way that most people would imagine, this is not a grand white robed man with a big beard, it is just simply a very large energy that emanates all of the universe in which we reside, also we run off of that same energy and are tied to it.
Now this message from God, however, I interpret as a message from a different species, Psychic Connection, we are all connected remember, feeding us lies about being God in order to teach us without a panic. We shed off the old ways and believed something new, but really we evolved, into understanding our own connection to this universe, but we still compartmentalized it into an outer deity,
So they did too, how else do you teach children than using half fantasy/half reality, you explain in a way they understand, same concept. Humanity was a slow learner, once we realized that grand potential for power, like the vulcans in star trek, they stepped in and gave us a structure, until we were ready for this truth!

This energy has been best utilized throughout the years using Prayers, Mantras, Witchcraft spells, whatever you're into, basically by sending out an electromagnetic request out of your own desires and emotions, everything that you feel deepest about and putting it into the environment around you.

this energy is then proceeded to leak into the environment, animals, people, everything around you and for the next few days tilt luck on the your side, so your prayer seemingly is answered.

in reality what this is is a huge amount of electromagnetic energy released from the person with a large amount of emotion that seeps out into the world and makes people feel that emotion they then feel they want to help you.

when we speak to God we simply ask for guidance that guidance could come from anywhere from any mind from any person anybody who has an answer that's the way God works, it finds a way to help us.

quite simply the system only works if we put our all into it, this is why people that don't believe, don't get anything from the energy, because God only helps those who help themselves, you must have belief in the structure for it to actually take hold, your emotions must be true otherwise no power is really instilled when you put it out.

remember God is all energy every last piece of energy in the universe, quite simply put, in order to manipulate the energy you must be one with it, which means you must get serious, if you want something to occur, if you want God to change things, if you want to prove that this actually can happen, then put in your all!! Don't joke about it, don't mess around, just put in everything.

with enough practice of manipulating this energy for who knows how much longer we may even be able to do amazing things like manipulate matter or possibly use this energy to create a man-made time portal.

purely theoretical on that last of course but who knows with time, patience, a lot of study and lots of practice, mankind could accomplish just about anything.
Title: Universal Consciousness
Post by: shivammourya on 22/06/2018 07:54:18
  we can find our true love with the help of our behaviour,honesty,beuty etc most cases peoples are not find the true love only few peoples find true love because this peoples are made for each other and thinking of this peoples are same as other this region its true love is success