Naked Science Forum

Non Life Sciences => Geek Speak => Topic started by: smart on 07/12/2017 15:45:25

Title: Is cross-posting to multiple mailing-lists forbidden?
Post by: smart on 07/12/2017 15:45:25
Sometimes I post to multiple mailing lists about something and I usually never get complaints about this.

Today someone just told me not to cross-post to multiple mailings lists without explaining to me why I should follow this rule.

Is it a violation of the Usenet netiquette to cross-post to several mailing lists?

What do you think?
Title: Re: Is cross-posting to multiple mailing-lists forbidden?
Post by: chris on 08/12/2017 08:36:30
I don't think anyone can really object to a person doing some genuine research into a topic, but I would argue that it's polite to at least wait a reasonable length of time for an answer before moving on to another venue and asking the same thing.

Many of the people who contribute to online fora, including this one, also frequent other boards too and so there is a risk that they will become frustrated by seeing the same content popping up in multiple places at once; they may regard it as spam and be less inclined to help...
Title: Re: Is cross-posting to multiple mailing-lists forbidden?
Post by: smart on 08/12/2017 09:29:48
I don't think anyone can really object to a person doing some genuine research into a topic, but I would argue that it's polite to at least wait a reasonable length of time for an answer before moving on to another venue and asking the same thing.

I see what you mean. I will try to not crosspost again. I once believed that sending a message to many technical mailing lists could result in more answers with different perspectives. It seems that this behavior is annoying some peoples. I previously thought that crossposting was a original way to share your expert knowledge with your peers.