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Non Life Sciences => Technology => Topic started by: Chondrally on 18/12/2017 09:13:41

Title: Sonoluminescence and Sonochemistry: Hope for a new Energy Source!
Post by: Chondrally on 18/12/2017 09:13:41
Sonoluminescence and Sonochemistry can be the origin of q new energy source.
It allows to finally understand the phenomenon of lightning and shows how we could generate a sonic lightning machine
that generates energy all the time. It is ultimately based in Resonance, and a little energy in can unleash a torrent
of energy based on fundamental physical principles.
here are a few references for those who want to get serious about it:

1) Understanding Sonoluminescence by Thomas Brennan

Sonoluminescence is the transformation of sound into light. To most who know how to do sonoluminescence, it's just a little glowing bubble levitating in a flask of water. But it holds some surprises that have been overlooked. This book looks to reform our scientific understanding of sonoluminescence and explore the practical applications as an energy source.
A wonderful overview, synopsis and introduction.

2) Sonoluminescence by F. Ronald Young, very CRC Press, also the same publisher as the handbook of Physics and Chemistry....

While it is still a mystery of how a low-energy-density sound wave can concentrate enough energy in a small enough volume to cause the emission of light, research in acoustic cavitation and sonoluminescence has lead to plausible theories in which the source of light can be experimentally sustained. It has also lead to promising applications, such as ultrasound cleaning and the directed delivery of drugs through the cell walls.

Sonoluminescence is a comprehensive account of the subject from its discovery in 1934 to the present day, including experimental aspects and theoretical origins. The author explains how adiabatic heating achieved when the bubble collapses determines the intensity, length, and spectral properties of the light pulse. He also describes the many experiments carried out to further explain single-bubble sonoluminescence, such as measuring the length of time light is emitted, the size and stability of bubbles when light is emitted, and the effects of adding noble gases to increase light intensity.

The final chapters of Sonoluminescence give suggestions for future work and applications in fluid physics, acoustics, pipelines, ultrasonics, sonochemistry, and medicine. Through his extensive studies of acoustic cavitation, the author discusses the multiple theories that have been put forward to explain sonoluminescence, condensing selected research from over 40 years of experience into one volume to explain how light can be produced from sound.
A great historical work and summary... however it doesn't focus on the possibility of sonoluminescence as an energy source.

3) Sonochemistry and Sonoluminescence: Edited by Lawrence A. Crum, Timothy J. Mason, Jacques L. Reisse and Kenneth S. Suslick: NATO ASI Series
A collection of papers that contain crucial information for making sonoluminesce a reality.
Not a good overall summary but intended for the adept researcher.

Sonochemistry is studied primarily by chemists and sonoluminescence mainly by physicists, but a single physical phenomenon - acoustic cavitation - unites the two areas. The physics of cavitation bubble collapse, is relatively well understood by acoustical physicists but remains practically unknown to the chemists. By contrast, the chemistry that gives rise to electromagnetic emissions and the acceleration of chemical reactions is familiar to chemists, but practically unknown to acoustical physicists. It is just this knowledge gap that the present volume addresses.
The first section of the book addresses the fundamentals of cavitation, leading to a more extensive discussion of the fundamentals of cavitation bubble dynamics in section two. A section on single bubble sonoluminescence follows. The two following sections address the new scientific discipline of sonochemistry, and the volume concludes with a section giving detailed descriptions of the applications of sonochemistry.
The mixture of tutorial lectures and detailed research articles means that the book can serve as an introduction as well as a comprehensive and detailed review of these two interesting and topical subjects.

Title: Re: Sonoluminescence and Sonochemistry: Hope for a new Energy Source!
Post by: alancalverd on 18/12/2017 12:09:58
It's all fun and still a bit mysterious, but "energy source" implies that you can get more useful energy out of it than "you" put in.

Thus burning wood or coal is effectively an energy source since "you" didn't put the chemical energy into the tree, whilst nitroglycerine is not an energy source because "you" had to put a lot of heat into various natural chemicals to make it.

Sonoluminescence might be an interesting and even efficient energy converter, from mechanical to electromagnetic, but AFAIK there is no evidence of it releasing more em energy than the input mech energy.
Title: Re: Sonoluminescence and Sonochemistry: Hope for a new Energy Source!
Post by: evan_au on 19/12/2017 23:30:57
Quote from: OP
Sonoluminescence and Sonochemistry can be the origin of a new energy source.
At one time, a researcher claimed that the pressures and temperatures producing sonoluminescence were enough to trigger nuclear fusion.

Although the temperatures reach tens of thousands of degrees when the tiny bubbles collapse, that is far short of the millions of degrees needed to trigger fusion in Deuterium/Tritium water.

The researcher was severely disciplined over this publication.