Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: Asians on 24/12/2017 00:41:06

Title: Remote Neural Monitoring (Manipulation) Science FACTS
Post by: Asians on 24/12/2017 00:41:06
Here is my assorted facts so far RemoteNeuralManipulation.Weebly.Com in order to get this looked at we need the heaviest scientific facts surrounding it and all of the currently available public technology used within it.

Equipment: (public dates) ((origin))

Voice to Skull (1945) ((1850))

Parametric Speakers (1960) ((late 1800s early 1900s))

Voice Synth (2017) ((long ago)) Lyrebird voice mimick

Physics Engine simulating everything possible (video games engines and far beyond)

Radio Frequency Vehicle Stopper (used by popo)

Remote Access (rf interacts with computer chips)
computers cars RC things such as drones requires no internet connection just a computer chip

Minds Eye reading helmet (2016)

Human Brain Replica (2016)
it might take a billion dollar super computer for the public but with quantum computing and other outlandish things not available these can probably be made easier and can spawn instances of brains randomly or calculated to use as 'monitors'

Injecting neuron firings (not yet) ((1800s))
In order to do this they probably use voice to skull as it uses frequency modulation (FM) and runs on electromagnetic radiation same as the brains brainwaves and can directly put any sound into your brain using FM bursts RF transmitters convert electricity into radio waves and carry it to a point (receiver) and is then converted the brain naturally converts and receives information put into it just as it automatically understands electrical impulses that generate what the eyes see once a neuron reaches a certain electrical threshold it fires and all things in the mind (movement commands, thoughts, organ control, porus control, visual control, feelings, emotions, sense of self, perception) all originate from neuron firings and can be used to create shadow men (sleep paralysis) fully real quality visuals laced into what you see or to completely cover it up with anything else (think the matrix true VR gaming) can make you sense presences (religious supernatural other phenomena) with a combination of perception and out of body feelings (kind of like feeling 4 additional arms that you dont have or knowing the 3-dimensional location of a wall and how it feels to be that wall while still being yourself) controls how you move to cause schizophrenics their well known balance problems 'natural' accidents where you break things utilizing a physics engine that calculates how to break said object and make it appear as your fault by having you place it in one location and a string of other sh1t that leads to its eventual demise thoughts to make all of these occurrences seem as if it came from you with a V2K chatter using voice synth to make you think you are the frantic often stupid individual screaming crying whining or otherwise being an unintelligent sheep (kind of makes the person in your head crying the bitch sheep amirite) organ control to directly cause the instant release or need to urinate defecate puke cough runny nose earwax etc (can stop a nigga from dropping with 4000 mg of soft gel sleeping pills rolling in them) porus control that allows sweating balding rashes scarring (or even forcing your cells to tear apart in opposite directions like ghost phenomena where someone gets slashed by an apparition) also used to make drug users (meth) sweat like **** feelings and emotions are 'dellusions' of things occuring that arent like being sawn to bits graphically getting free sex from your mind controller on a bus or manipulating a persons idea of why they are doing something (divorce suicide murder simple childish anger acts any number of emotional issues) using anger rage depression etc (pretty sure these never existed and are absolutely fake as **** as a manipulation tool) and can include unreal things like turning your skin into plastic by sense alone making you feel like gumbo the feeling of an evil prescience inside of you evolving into visual control to dim your sight as if wearing sunglass (real nice effect) sense of self (knowing what comes from you and what does not) by telling your brain what was said or thought was guaranteedly you and perception where they can flash you around from high to sober to feeling like a humanoid insectoid or a cyborg (a quite robotic perception) any kind of perceptional sense

All of these things string together to make something wonderful that is used on everybody (RF is everywhere) and to keep its secret secret so that no matter what you have as evidence the officials designated to deal with this (hospital staff police that direct you to hospital staff FBI that directs you to police or government that just doesnt respond) that you will be guaranteed schizophrenic (all this requires is simple parametric speakers 'hearing voices') despite full equipment explanations you will receive regardless of potential we are required to diagnose you with skitz or they will lose their license or those that do believe will come up with one of a few things submit to God and he will save you God simply wouldnt allow evil to exist (aka mind control) or what makes you so special (when they are also on it unknowingly and if not (0% chance) theyre near someone who is) there is an infinite system to throw this to the side uncaringly and if all fails Alzheimers and many many other mechanics to forever keep it secret

So in short all thats missing is the scientific and fully equipment realized neuron firing device (almost completely likely it can be fired alongside or even out of voice to skull)
Title: Re: Remote Neural Monitoring (Manipulation) Science FACTS
Post by: smart on 24/12/2017 09:04:23
Can you hear radio waves?
Title: Re: Remote Neural Monitoring (Manipulation) Science FACTS
Post by: Bored chemist on 24/12/2017 10:41:34
Can you hear radio waves?

Not without some sort of detector/ demodulater.
Title: Re: Remote Neural Monitoring (Manipulation) Science FACTS
Post by: Asians on 26/12/2017 01:11:02
I wouldnt call it hearing radio waves as the brain has a natural method of decoding electrical impulses and signals through vision and neurons allowing your brain to essentially be a receiver as long as the radio waves are modulated in a way the brain gets

V2K works on FM bursts and produces hearing in the brain directly though if you consider that
Title: Re: Remote Neural Monitoring (Manipulation) Science FACTS
Post by: smart on 26/12/2017 09:32:48
V2K works on FM bursts and produces hearing in the brain directly though if you consider that

FM bursts are probably too big to enter the brain. I would consider ULF/VLF pulsed signals only if we knew how the brain converts biophotonic activity into a neuroholographic gradient...

Also, how could ultra low frequency EMF radiation influence auditory cortex response?

Title: Re: Remote Neural Monitoring (Manipulation) Science FACTS
Post by: jeffreyH on 26/12/2017 21:34:52
Why would anyone need sophisticated monitoring equipment when it is much more cost effective to read your forum posts. That will tell them all they need to know. For free!
Title: Re: Remote Neural Monitoring (Manipulation) Science FACTS
Post by: Kryptid on 26/12/2017 22:22:10
So where are the "facts" at? Surely you have some reputable source for this information to back up your claims?
Title: Re: Remote Neural Monitoring (Manipulation) Science FACTS
Post by: Asians on 27/12/2017 05:40:46
www. rense .com/general37/skull.htm as the patent describes its FM bursted not only radio waves penetrate biological material so entering the brain isnt a problem meaning if i put a bunch of corpses on top of and around a cell phone it wouldnt block out its reception

EMF radiation is just the type that radio waves are considered it would work by directly filling a neuron with the electricity needed to activate or directly input the electrical impulse in the correct location

as far as where are the facts maybe try google searching each thing on the list you dont exactly need a reputable source to say oh i can purchase parametric speakers hacking computer chips exists physics is just mathematical calculations RFVS is clearly used by police to shut down peoples cars using RF to simulate engine stalls with no damage and the first public voice mimic is now out beyond that tapping neurons electrical threshold is clearly not public

Title: Re: Remote Neural Monitoring (Manipulation) Science FACTS
Post by: smart on 27/12/2017 09:05:58
www. rense .com/general37/skull.htm Are you serious? A peer-reviewed scientific paper would be preferable.
Title: Re: Remote Neural Monitoring (Manipulation) Science FACTS
Post by: Asians on 28/12/2017 11:56:54
yea here let me get you military documents and the first amendment out of the ol vault while im at it its been around since 1945 budro this isnt the place for you if you need documents and evidence on the existance of cell phones while im at it i suppose you didnt know those run on radio waves as well
Title: Re: Remote Neural Monitoring (Manipulation) Science FACTS
Post by: guest39538 on 28/12/2017 16:59:37
I commanded you to post this notion in this section by a hidden carrier signal I have transmitting at your brain.   The signal is constant, wherever you go my satellite will track you and continue to control your mind. Your next words in this thread are not your own words, they are the words I command you to write.
I have hid the signal under a different name so you can't find it, I have called it delusions of grandeur perhaps you should look it up.
Title: Re: Remote Neural Monitoring (Manipulation) Science FACTS
Post by: Asians on 30/12/2017 00:39:47
delusions of grandeur? maybe you should read your post as if it was written to you bub as the thread isnt -all about me- so much as all about every one of us in the world with radio frequency around in fact thinking like you were talking to yourself while reading your post was quite amusing when you have seen more than some forum creeping troll your next post isnt from youuuuu (or your current one <3)