Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: MichaelMD on 02/05/2018 14:02:30

Title: Can an Ether Based Model Better Address Cosmic Physics?
Post by: MichaelMD on 02/05/2018 14:02:30
I submit that the likeliest mechanism which could have served as the first cause leading to our kind of world would have involved some sort of universal oscillation. The likeliest substrate for a universal oscillatory process would have been original space. Original space would have been free of any forces, and thus it would have differed from present-day space, and it could well have been more self-compatible than space is now. Points of oscillation in space would have needed tiny portions of non-oscillating space between them, in order for oscillatory motion to occur. This leads to the concept that massless, elemental, universal, point-localities of space itself were what "came first."

The next step would have been transitional, a change from elemental oscillating point-localities, to elemental etheric units that, instead of oscillating, became vibrational, as follows. Oscillational fatigue of neighboring oscillating points would have produced combinational "Yin Yang" paired-up units, which then, as they would necessarily have had to reversibly revert to singleton units, would then have been out-of-phase with the oscillational units of space, which would have broken the perfect symmetry of original oscillational space. (Oscillational fatigue is a process known to science. It occurs in metals.) Thus, the elemental point localities of space would have transitioned, from units oscillating-in-reciprocal balance, to vibrating, interactive (as their outward vibrations came into contact across the tiny "empty" spaces between them) elemental "ether" units existing throughout space. This would have constituted a universal ether matrix, whose ether units would have served as the fundamental building-blocks for everything from then on. The next step after that would have been that these elements would have served to underlay a transition to our present structured quantum/atomic world - for which I don't see any possibility other than creational design, using the more-refined ether units to move the larger quantum-scale units around, via designed, "like-unit,"pathways, or channels, coursing through the ether matrix.

You need creational input, for just one example, to account for how antiparticles could have found channels away from interfering with the new quantum-particle universe. It seems likely that the repositories for the antiparticles would have been black holes. -This amounts to a first-ever way to account for the absence of antiparticles, and the presence of black holes, in the universe. Also, this picture, of an unstructured ether matrix composed of interactive, vibrating, elemental ether units, existing together with a structured quantum world where all the quantum units and atoms are also made up of the same elemental units, represents the only way to rationally account for quantum entanglement.

This model also lends itself to a new model for gravitation, as being due to contraction of the ether between solid bodies.With this model of the ether, the interiors of bodies are made up, at the most fundamental level, of elemental ether units, which, being elemental, are all identical to each other, and being inside of a solid body, these ether units are at a high state of energy, compared to the ether units in the space outside of the bodies. (This area of space we could call the "auric zone" between two bodies.) Being identical, the ether units inside the bodies are in a constant state of interactive resonation with the lower-energy ether units in the spatial zone outside the bodies. In this way, the spatial ether units become more energized, meaning their vibratory interactivity increases, and this means that the tiny "empty" spaces between the ether units in space is erased (these tiny spaces being the residual of the first-causal state when elemental oscillating units required space between them for oscillatory motion to occur.)

The net result is that the ether in the auric zone between the bodies contracts, which pulls the two bodies toward each other gravitationally.
Title: Re: Can an Ether Based Model Better Address Cosmic Physics?
Post by: Bored chemist on 02/05/2018 21:51:31
I submit that the likeliest mechanism which could have served as the first cause leading to our kind of world would have involved some sort of universal oscillation.
on what basis do you submit this.
Is there evidence, or did you just make it up?
Title: Re: Can an Ether Based Model Better Address Cosmic Physics?
Post by: MichaelMD on 03/05/2018 13:23:29
I have two reasons for this proposal as to the "first cause.": One, it seems to make the most common sense. Two, I have worked iconoclastically, or independently, on codebreaking sets of Codes, in a historical Document, purporting to convey occult scientific information on the true nature of cosmic forces, from which I developed a new model, which is able to address a wide range of similar questions.

(I have several old Threads that go into how I did the research, if anyone wants to look it up in more detail.