Naked Science Forum

General Science => General Science => Topic started by: Marika on 15/06/2018 13:33:25

Title: How should I crack an egg?
Post by: Marika on 15/06/2018 13:33:25
Chris asks:

When separating egg yolks and whites, to avoid damaging the yolk, should I crack the egg on its underside against the bowl or from above with a knife?  Or in other words, do egg yolks float or sink inside the egg?
What do you think?
Title: Re: How should I crack an egg?
Post by: RjMaan on 15/06/2018 14:53:54
I think you should simply crack it form the upper side with spoon and then carefully separate the York and white.
Title: Re: How should I crack an egg?
Post by: Adam Murphy on 15/06/2018 15:43:51
I'm not sure if the egg yolk is denser or not, but if I remember rightly there are two little filaments which hold the egg yolk in place within the egg. Sometimes you see them when you crack an egg, the little white stringy bits.
Title: Re: How should I crack an egg?
Post by: Colin2B on 15/06/2018 16:24:13
The way I use is to tap the egg sharply on the side of a bowl at the eggs widest part, just enough to break the shell. Then I put both thumbs into the crack and ease the halves apart tipping the wide end down to hold the yolk.
I was told that cool eggs - straight from fridge - are less likely to break the yolk.
Title: Re: How should I crack an egg?
Post by: alancalverd on 15/06/2018 18:28:38
Best to use an egg separator - a small metal dish with annular gaps. The yolk sits neatly in the cup at the bottom and the white flows through the gaps. Chef's advice is to separate one egg at a time into a cup then transfer the white to your mixing bowl, because whilst the first dozen will separate perfectly,the fifteenth will split and ruin the entire meringue.
Title: Re: How should I crack an egg?
Post by: diogenesNY on 23/06/2018 21:43:08
Be careful, Marika!

You don't want to inadvertently start a war. :)

Title: Re: How should I crack an egg?
Post by: rami999 on 10/08/2018 21:25:20
simply crack it in the middle gently and split it