Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: opportunity on 02/07/2018 13:34:18

Title: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: opportunity on 02/07/2018 13:34:18

Like someone is talking about a song....

A new idea comes along, and its hits tunes we haven't used before....not science we're use to.

Its going to hurt despite how well it works.
Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: guest39538 on 02/07/2018 17:29:01

Like someone is talking about a song....

A new idea comes along, and its hits tunes we haven't used before....not science we're use to.

Its going to hurt despite how well it works.
That would be called jealousy towards the person with the idea.  But the person with the idea would give equal credit to the person(s) who put the idea into practice and experiment. I mean more voltage for example, more spin speed , redesign, good things right ?
Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: Bored chemist on 02/07/2018 18:30:45
If either of you comes up with a valid idea (i.e. one that we don't already know is either false, or unfalsifiable) then we might find out.

I'm not holding my breath.
Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: guest39538 on 02/07/2018 18:38:50
If either of you comes up with a valid idea (i.e. one that we don't already know is either false, or unfalsifiable) then we might find out.

I'm not holding my breath.

Love you too, want a science battle ?  I feel exhilarated today

Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: Bored chemist on 02/07/2018 19:01:57
want a science battle ? 
Do you know any scientists who you could ask to take part?
Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: guest39538 on 02/07/2018 19:04:31
want a science battle ?
Do you know any scientists who you could ask to take part?

Me....I have started a thread, lets see what you have...
Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: guest39538 on 02/07/2018 19:14:52
Don't ever think for one minute I am not confident in my own abilities as a scientist.  Just because I do not get paid for my time, that does not mean I am not a scientist.

I can create a theory , I can do design, I know most of mainstream science , I think a decade makes me a scientist.

Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: Bored chemist on 02/07/2018 21:17:24
Don't ever think for one minute I am not confident in my own abilities as a scientist. 
I have no doubt of your confidence.
Just because I do not get paid for my time, that does not mean I am not a scientist.
I can create a theory ,
Go on them- a scientific one.
It has to be testable and backed up by overwhelming evidence and widely accepted to be a scientific theory.
(Otherwise it may be just a wild ass guess- like much of your previous posting)
Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: Bored chemist on 02/07/2018 21:19:32
Don't ever think for one minute I am not confident in my own abilities as a scientist.
I have no doubt of your confidence.
Just because I do not get paid for my time, that does not mean I am not a scientist.

I know most of mainstream science
Why don't you use it then?

I can create a theory ,
Go on them- a scientific one.
It has to be testable and backed up by overwhelming evidence and widely accepted to be a scientific theory.
(Otherwise it may be just a wild ass guess- like much of your previous posting)
Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: guest39538 on 02/07/2018 21:24:25
Otherwise it may be just a wild ass guess-
I don't wild guess anything,  I research and think critical.

This is me :

* N-field.jpg (75.1 kB . 1146x766 - viewed 3517 times)

P.s contaction is contracting and abstracting at the same time.  Lol or a typo hahahahah pmsl what a tit.

Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: Bored chemist on 03/07/2018 18:39:58
Yes, that's you. A bad drawing, some made up words  and a whole bunch of question marks.
Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: guest39538 on 05/07/2018 05:26:20
Yes, that's you. A bad drawing, some made up words  and a whole bunch of question marks.
There is always a bunch of question marks, but nevermind , I know when I am beat.  I have lost my passion again and my hope as faded into accepting the defeat. 
I won't be posting as much any more , I am going try to forget science now and move on.  I was a fool to think I would somehow find a bit of luck online , story of my life though with luck.   I have been rather stupid to allow hope and wishful thinking to dictate my life and drive my life. 
Anyway Mr C, I wish you luck in life and wish you a good day.
Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: Bored chemist on 05/07/2018 10:01:51
I invite to to consider learning science, rather than giving up on it.
Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: guest39538 on 05/07/2018 10:04:16
I invite to to consider learning science, rather than giving up on it.

Funny, so what do you recommend to learn? 

My daughter is at parliament today, the house of commons, she will sort you lot out  :D

added- Gives me an invite then vanishes, lolz....

Don't you think I have special science talents? 

Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: Bored chemist on 05/07/2018 11:11:29
Don't you think I have special science talents? 
How could we tell.
You clearly haven't tried to study it.
Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: guest39538 on 05/07/2018 11:17:12
Don't you think I have special science talents? 
How could we tell.
You clearly haven't tried to study it.
You don't have to study something to be able to do something Mr C.  It's like having a good plan, it comes from intuition and automatically knowing things by just simply thinking about things.  I can discuss any subject and think about any subject.  Whether that something is science or business or something else, thinking is thinking.  Thinking is my ability, mischievous is my nature Mr C, but serious is when required .

Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: Bored chemist on 06/07/2018 18:34:38
You don't have to study something to be able to do something Mr C.  It's like having a good plan, it comes from intuition and automatically knowing things by just simply thinking about things.  I can discuss any subject and think about any subject.  Whether that something is science or business or something else, thinking is thinking.  Thinking is my ability, mischievous is my nature Mr C, but serious is when required .
The problem is that simply does not work with science- which is why much of what you posted isn't just wrong, it's meaningless.
Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: guest39538 on 06/07/2018 19:12:12
You don't have to study something to be able to do something Mr C.  It's like having a good plan, it comes from intuition and automatically knowing things by just simply thinking about things.  I can discuss any subject and think about any subject.  Whether that something is science or business or something else, thinking is thinking.  Thinking is my ability, mischievous is my nature Mr C, but serious is when required .
The problem is that simply does not work with science- which is why much of what you posted isn't just wrong, it's meaningless.
Well I suppose if you say so, it must be so and meaningless.  I will just go fishing instead and catch myself some fish to go with my chips.
My chips are down and I am holding 72, looking life in the eye while I stay cool because it is hot outside and you wanted to see more nonsense that sounded like a sentence but did not really make any sense because it was an intentional mistake considering the aspects of the rudiment of flow between photons and mice and men in a white van with a hat on the dashboard blowing about in the wind of hot air and just had went mad instead pretending that they were science leading a horse to water the horse could not drink before the horses  carrot which lead a long path along a trail that took a while to convince there was any really concern about different turns within a universe that is not quite right but not wrong either while going the shop and leaving a forget me not and goal of the century that made even less sense and made more nonsense while you read the paper your fish and chips is wrapped in .
Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: Bored chemist on 07/07/2018 02:05:18
you wanted to see more nonsense
All along I have said I want to see less nonsense.
Title: Re: who hates people being pre-emptive?
Post by: guest39538 on 07/07/2018 14:02:20
you wanted to see more nonsense
All along I have said I want to see less nonsense.
Well almost everything I say , you say is nonsense, so are you saying just don't bother posting at all ?

I need to pull myself away from forums, homeostasis is ''stupid'' and I am drawn back by boredom. 

So boredom is my  interdependent with forums, that is just normal behavior then ?

Finding something to do with my time that is not brain dead like computer games.