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Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: ichnos on 23/04/2007 13:43:56

Title: Daily contact lenses - what can happen when you wear them for a week?!
Post by: ichnos on 23/04/2007 13:43:56
I wear daily disposable contact lenses - often for several days at a time. is this bad for my eyes? and how do these daily contacts differ from monthly contacts?  [???]

Title: Daily contact lenses - what can happen when you wear them for a week?!
Post by: neilep on 23/04/2007 14:01:38
I wear daily disposable contact lenses - often for several days at a time. is this bad for my eyes? and how do these daily contacts differ from monthly contacts?  [???]

My wife has been wearing daily disposable contact lenses for years......though....she voluntarily 'gives her eyes a rest ' at the weekend and reverts to her glasses !

I think , despite my wifes actions,  the fact that they are called ' daily disposable lenses ' indicates that they are safe to wear.....Do you wear them when in bed too ?
Title: Daily contact lenses - what can happen when you wear them for a week?!
Post by: on 23/04/2007 14:05:24
I wear daily disposable contact lenses - often for several days at a time. is this bad for my eyes? and how do these daily contacts differ from monthly contacts?  [???]

maybe they degrade quicker than monthly, i wouldguess though that they have been tested for more than a days use.
Title: Daily contact lenses - what can happen when you wear them for a week?!
Post by: ichnos on 23/04/2007 14:17:30
yes, I wear them in bed, and have been known to wear a single pair for as long as a couple of weeks (I'm a poor student!)
Title: Daily contact lenses - what can happen when you wear them for a week?!
Post by: neilep on 23/04/2007 14:22:27
yes, I wear them in bed, and have been known to wear a single pair for as long as a couple of weeks (I'm a poor student!)

Less beer...more contact lenses......!!

hmmm.....I imagine even daily contact lenses have been tested for their toxicity over such a period of time !!...though...I really would err on the side of's not worth risking your sight over saving some money !!

Why wear them at night ?...don't you have some spectacles you can wear ?
Title: Daily contact lenses - what can happen when you wear them for a week?!
Post by: elegantlywasted on 23/04/2007 15:41:55
I used to wear my contacts at night also, until my eye doctor showed me the pictures of all of the abcesses that can develop on your eyes if you do. You can permantly lose your vision if your eye becomes infected from wearing lenses for too long.

One time I wore one lens over night because I couldnt get it out, in the morning I could not open my eye at all, it took me 6 hours to get my eye to open far enough to get the contact out of my eye, and another 3 days before I could walk around indoors without sunglasses on. I had the equivalent of the lash burns welders get.
Title: Daily contact lenses - what can happen when you wear them for a week?!
Post by: lgic on 23/04/2007 16:32:55
Infections and blindness can result from wearing these lenses too long.

The lens material is thinner, and more permeable to oxygen and water than standard lenses. The increased permeablility to water means that it's easier for bacteria and fungi to set up housekeeping in the lens.

Title: Daily contact lenses - what can happen when you wear them for a week?!
Post by: ichnos on 24/04/2007 10:51:40
hmmm.. ok.. maybe i'll change the more frequently... thanks
Title: Daily contact lenses - what can happen when you wear them for a week?!
Post by: neilep on 24/04/2007 14:10:47
hmmm.. ok.. maybe i'll change the more frequently... thanks

Don't ' maybe ' about it !! only have two eyes  !..try and budget accordingly but put your eye sight first.

You don't need to be wearing them at night for a start eh ?..
Title: Daily contact lenses - what can happen when you wear them for a week?!
Post by: Paul123 on 24/04/2007 18:18:37
My optician has always said to never sleep with my daily contact lenses as they can get stuck to your eye and you have to go to hospital to get them peeled off [xx(]. This threat has stopped me from ever wearing contact lenses for too long and when sleeping.

I don't usually drink when I go out but with university next year I probably will go to bars more and the fact that I don't want to sleep with my contact lenses on will stop me getting too drunk! [:)]