Naked Science Forum

Non Life Sciences => Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology => Topic started by: PmbPhy on 12/10/2018 23:01:13

Title: Where did Rindler write about relativistic mass and potential energy?
Post by: PmbPhy on 12/10/2018 23:01:13
I recall Rindler writing in one of his texts stating that relativistic mass does not depend on the position dependent potential energy? I know it was in one of his texts but I can't find it now. I mentioned it here befoe but I can't find it for the life of me. Does anybody remember me pointing that out? Thanks.
Title: Re: Where did Rindler write about relativistic mass and potential energy?
Post by: Bill S on 17/10/2018 12:41:36
Don't have time to check, but does this have anything to do with it?
Title: Re: Where did Rindler write about relativistic mass and potential energy?
Post by: Bill S on 17/10/2018 12:45:51
Oops!  I left out the link.
Title: Re: Where did Rindler write about relativistic mass and potential energy?
Post by: PmbPhy on 17/10/2018 13:08:10
Oops!  I left out the link.
I wrote that article, Bill. What's missing is the reference to Rindler. I want to include a very important point as I rewrite it.
Title: Re: Where did Rindler write about relativistic mass and potential energy?
Post by: Bill S on 18/10/2018 12:31:45
I realise you wrote it, Pete, and one day, I hope to read it.  I just wondered if that was where you "mentioned it here before".