Naked Science Forum

General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: benep on 30/04/2007 16:50:22

Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 30/04/2007 16:50:22
here is a neil tribute.............. may the YAY be with you  [;)] the yay will never die out fight the power!!!!!!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Ben6789 on 30/04/2007 16:55:30
I'm with you, bud!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 30/04/2007 16:56:43
here is a neil tribute.............. may the YAY be with you  [;)] the yay will never die out fight the power!!!!!!

LOL Like father Like son!! YAYYYYYYYY!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 30/04/2007 16:56:57
I'm with you, bud!
im with me aswell ;)
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 30/04/2007 16:57:40
here is a neil tribute.............. may the YAY be with you  [;)] the yay will never die out fight the power!!!!!!

LOL Like father Like son!! YAYYYYYYYY!
here is a neil tribute.............. may the YAY be with you  [;)] the yay will never die out fight the power!!!!!!

LOL Like father Like son!! YAYYYYYYYY!
lol ye funny how those saying are normally always true ^^
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 30/04/2007 16:59:40
 LOL LOL LOL Are we a  Tad rebellious young man? LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 30/04/2007 17:09:22
LOL yes mam ;)
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: moonfire on 30/04/2007 17:14:23
LOL  Yayyyy, yes, he is like his father...but that is only a compliment young man!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 30/04/2007 17:15:56
I bet You are and I wonder where that came from! LOL LOL!

Sorry bout my typos, I only slept two hours.. I am a bit wobbly today!.. we will see how I do! LOL I fear not so good.. I feel like a squished banana that someone just stepped on me and I skid  across the floor... SMMMMMMOOOOOOSH! LOL WIPE OUTTTTTTT!!!!!! LOL LOL

Definitely A compliment! LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 30/04/2007 17:16:48
lol i have a confession.... i am older than my dad:(
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 30/04/2007 17:19:28
Well that is well, Interesting! LOL! Go on.. do explain Young Sir!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: moonfire on 30/04/2007 17:29:10
This should be a scientific explanation I am sure Ben!  LOL 
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 30/04/2007 17:30:05
lol fine then... he 1 yr older than mw
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 30/04/2007 17:32:55
Well As a firm believer in emperical study, Neily best figure out what happened in that experiment! LOL LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: moonfire on 30/04/2007 17:43:07
Uh, aren't his twin are you and born before him?  LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: moonfire on 30/04/2007 17:43:52
Or he could've been born in another country which maybe 20yrs or more behind 2007? lol
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 30/04/2007 17:44:31
Gotta go You all.. See you Later!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Carolyn on 30/04/2007 18:15:03
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Mirage on 30/04/2007 18:44:27
If my brain was working I would most definitely be confused about now.........mmmmm, crisps
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 01/05/2007 02:45:46
LOL Me brain too! LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: kdlynn on 01/05/2007 04:05:13
hi neil. i'm kadie. i thought i said hi to you earlier, but as it turns out it was a quote of something you said. so i wanted to properly introduce myself to avoid further confusion. HELLO!!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 01/05/2007 05:54:52
LOL! This forunm can be confusing! LOL!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Ben6789 on 01/05/2007 13:03:03
and weiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrd.
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 01/05/2007 14:12:12
Yes indeed I am weird!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: neilep on 01/05/2007 14:42:48
hi neil. i'm kadie. i thought i said hi to you earlier, but as it turns out it was a quote of something you said. so i wanted to properly introduce myself to avoid further confusion. HELLO!!


GREETS TO MEETS EWE KADIE !!! *offers sheepy paw*

*sheepy  gently bunts the KADIE on the forehead and licks her nose a ' welcome lick'...hmmmmm !!...*giggles*...hey !!..ewe'r nose is cold* ...brrrrrrrr !!!

Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 01/05/2007 14:46:41
LOL.. Nice to see you Sheepy! welcome back!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Ben6789 on 01/05/2007 15:36:19
like i said.

Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 01/05/2007 15:39:15
It's a very good weird! LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Ben6789 on 01/05/2007 15:42:21
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 01/05/2007 16:02:10
 [;D] [;D] [;D]
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Ben6789 on 01/05/2007 16:04:52
Sheepy indeed. ROfl.
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 01/05/2007 16:09:46
Sheepy is indeed the king of the sheep! LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: science_guy on 01/05/2007 16:10:21
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Ben6789 on 01/05/2007 16:14:02
Uh, oh. Here comes the farmer with his axe/shotgun/execution weapon.
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 01/05/2007 16:33:40
Run Sheepy RUN!! LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Ben6789 on 01/05/2007 16:39:18
I got this.

*dials into cell phone* Yo man this is steelwolf, we got a sheep for the slaughter that needs beamed now, roger? *listens, then closes phone*

My connections will take care of this.

*Alien spaceship zooms in, beams up sheepy and zaps farmer. then flys away to sheepy valley where all sheepys go to be happy.*

Done. [8D]
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Hadrian on 01/05/2007 16:41:26
has any one seen the scarlet pimpernel sheep?    [;D]
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Ben6789 on 01/05/2007 16:42:24
I'm sure you can find that in the valley.

Want a free trip? *pulls out cell phone.*
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 01/05/2007 16:46:03
Very Good Young Ben! LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Ben6789 on 01/05/2007 16:48:20
Hey, i gots as many resouces as i do favors.

And my favors are unlimited.

WHat can i say? I like helping people.
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Ben6789 on 01/05/2007 16:48:46
for benefits.
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 01/05/2007 16:54:08
It is nice to help others!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Hadrian on 01/05/2007 16:56:16
A new image for a new start.............LOL

Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 01/05/2007 17:04:57
It is a good Plan for anyone!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: science_guy on 01/05/2007 17:08:50
*finds voice transmogrifier*
*steals ben's cell phone*

Hi!  I have unlimited favors and resources!

who wants a favor?
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 01/05/2007 17:18:44
I DO I DO>>> ME ME ME ME!!!!! How about you make me Some New bionic parts! Make me better then before!! A little Jamie summers action..LOL ( Lindsey wagner if that's before your time..Bionic women!) LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: neilep on 01/05/2007 18:23:37
What is it with ewe peeps and sheep ?...sheesh !!!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: moonfire on 01/05/2007 21:23:40
Because ewe are baaaaa-ddddd?
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: neilep on 01/05/2007 21:27:49
Because ewe are baaaaa-ddddd?

LOL !!


Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Hadrian on 02/05/2007 01:22:15
or maybe ...............

Title: a neil tribute
Post by: neilep on 02/05/2007 01:26:17
Hey !!!...LOL !
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Hadrian on 02/05/2007 01:29:38
a red socks fan ..............LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: moonfire on 02/05/2007 03:49:48
Because ewe are baaaaa-ddddd?

LOL !!



Title: a neil tribute
Post by: moonfire on 02/05/2007 03:50:30
a red socks fan ..............LOL

LOL  too funny love the soxy red socks...oops, I meant sexy! ;-)
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 02/05/2007 06:31:02
I don't get it! LOL what's new!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: neilep on 02/05/2007 06:59:14
I don't get it! LOL what's new!

Methinks the Red Sox is the name of an American Football team !......well...I know it is...LOL !!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: kdlynn on 02/05/2007 07:00:43
the red sox are baseball actually. boston i believe...
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 02/05/2007 07:01:03
Boston red sox, I just thought there was a joke there somewhere that me was missing! LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: moonfire on 02/05/2007 07:02:38
LOL  no, you probably already thought of it...LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 02/05/2007 07:05:40
I don't think I did, the sexy thing threw me!! LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: neilep on 02/05/2007 07:06:00
LOL...seems the joke was on me....but I bet there is an american football team that do indeed wear red socks !! there !! *waggles furry sheepy bum*
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 02/05/2007 07:07:16
You are right about the team Neily I just still don't get the joke if there was one LOL LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: kdlynn on 02/05/2007 07:09:32
yes certainly one of them do. but football is dumb anyway. well... american football is.
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 02/05/2007 07:12:56
Aren't they baseball??
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: kdlynn on 02/05/2007 07:14:35
yes the red sox are baseball
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 02/05/2007 07:15:47
I thought so!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Hadrian on 02/05/2007 09:17:56

sheepy is a .........................LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 02/05/2007 09:46:27
I still don't get it,, I see Sheepy's red socks, and red lips, Is Sheepy hot! LOL I am hopeless! LOL I don't get it!!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Hadrian on 02/05/2007 11:06:06
sheepy like to were suspenders yes?   well why is so wild to think sheepy might like some red stockings and matching lipstick? after all a sheep has to keep up it's image................LOL other that tat is just a silly joke...........  [;D]
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 02/05/2007 11:19:34
Hadrian I love ya.. Thanks for explaining to my dull head!! LOL Me appreciates YOU!!!!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Ben6789 on 02/05/2007 13:12:50
Hey sheepys back from sheepy valley?
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: moonfire on 02/05/2007 15:00:20
I don't think I did, the sexy thing threw me!! LOL

LOL  I just changed a vowel to have some fun with it and played upon the word itself!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 02/05/2007 15:33:22
LOL.. I swear I was mush Last night and worse this morning!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Ben6789 on 02/05/2007 16:52:01
Feel better now? It's the afternoon!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 02/05/2007 17:11:59
It is 9:00 am now here, and I slept from 5:00 am to7:00 am two hours,!~ I finished paperwork for kids and just now clipped finished stuff to clip board. I feel crudy.. achy this morning.. I am just tired that's all!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 02/05/2007 17:53:41
lol lets now talk about pigs ;)
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: neilep on 02/05/2007 18:32:15
lol lets now talk about pigs ;)

YAYYYYYYYYYY !!!..Pigs are my favourite non cow- non lamb orientated pork producing animal.

They make great ribs and luffley bacon...YAYYYYYY !!...(Beer-Can !...yea Mun !)
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: kdlynn on 02/05/2007 18:48:09
*jumps up and tries to figure out what's going on* i just slept in until almost two in the afternoon. that has not happened since i was a teenager
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Hadrian on 02/05/2007 19:33:07
lol lets now talk about pigs ;)

YAYYYYYYYYYY !!!..Pigs are my favourite non cow- non lamb orientated pork producing animal.

They make great ribs and luffley bacon...YAYYYYYY !!...(Beer-Can !...yea Mun !)

Title: a neil tribute
Post by: moonfire on 02/05/2007 21:00:41
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Hadrian on 02/05/2007 22:00:02
it a piggy sheepy
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: neilep on 02/05/2007 23:08:28
it a piggy sheepy

Is a cross breed between a sheep and a pig called a Shig or a Peep ?

Title: a neil tribute
Post by: neilep on 02/05/2007 23:09:38
*jumps up and tries to figure out what's going on* i just slept in until almost two in the afternoon. that has not happened since i was a teenager

WOW !!...big respect to the marathontasticly sleeping Kadie !!...awesome dudette !!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: kdlynn on 02/05/2007 23:10:14
no... it must be a shig. peeps are easter candy
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 03/05/2007 02:52:49
I wish I could have slept in!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Carolyn on 03/05/2007 02:54:32
Me too.  I have to be up at 4:30 tomorrow morning.  The things I do for my brats!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 03/05/2007 02:56:54
I am so tired..I should be able to sleep better tonight no more paperwork worry and deadlines..LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: neilep on 03/05/2007 02:59:34
I wish I could have slept in!

This should be in the Insomnia thread but when I finally get to sleep..........sleeping in is the ultimate's at those rare moments when I can actually fall back to sleep fairly easily !...amazing !!

You know....I used to set my alarm at a stupidly early hour before I was meant to get up, purely so that I could enjoy the pleasure of returning to sleep.....such a rare treat for me through my entire life that when I simply have to be up early the next day, and so I then have taken some sleepy tabs, that I still do this............I truly treasure those rare moments of bliss.
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: neilep on 03/05/2007 03:00:39
Me too.  I have to be up at 4:30 tomorrow morning.  The things I do for my brats!

Mam...ewe are a martyr to your kids..........!!...I wish you were my mother....after are old enuff ..LOL !!!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 03/05/2007 03:08:53
I wish I could have slept in!

This should be in the Insomnia thread but when I finally get to sleep..........sleeping in is the ultimate's at those rare moments when I can actually fall back to sleep fairly easily !...amazing !!

You know....I used to set my alarm at a stupidly early hour before I was meant to get up, purely so that I could enjoy the pleasure of returning to sleep.....such a rare treat for me through my entire life that when I simply have to be up early the next day, and so I then have taken some sleepy tabs, that I still do this............I truly treasure those rare moments of bliss.

I could have slept a lot longer but I had a deadline wioth my paperwork. I wanted to go back to bed.. LOL Sorry it's not in the insomnia thread.. HEE HEE LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Carolyn on 03/05/2007 03:35:29
Me too.  I have to be up at 4:30 tomorrow morning.  The things I do for my brats!

Mam...ewe are a martyr to your kids..........!!...I wish you were my mother....after are old enuff ..LOL !!!

WHOA!!! [:o]  The last time I checked you were older than ME!!!  Compared to ewe, I'm still just a babe in the woods...LOL. [;D]
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 03/05/2007 15:35:52
I wish I could have slept in!

This should be in the Insomnia thread but when I finally get to sleep..........sleeping in is the ultimate's at those rare moments when I can actually fall back to sleep fairly easily !...amazing !!

You know....I used to set my alarm at a stupidly early hour before I was meant to get up, purely so that I could enjoy the pleasure of returning to sleep.....such a rare treat for me through my entire life that when I simply have to be up early the next day, and so I then have taken some sleepy tabs, that I still do this............I truly treasure those rare moments of bliss.

As well you should! I have such a hard time going back to sleep once I have gone to sleep and been woke up , or wake up. Yesterday I almost told my boss I was quiting.. I was so tired.. LOL I hate being so tired that It makes me not care about going to school .. That just is not right! Me loves those kiddo's... It would kill me to to not be able see them growing!
I had good sleep last night and feel better this morning!

I do understand the feeling of sleeping in..SOOOOOnice!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Ben6789 on 03/05/2007 16:27:12
If you sleep in it still sleeping in?
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 03/05/2007 16:54:06
Depends on what you call sleeping in. LOL I had 6 hrs of sleep Last night . The most I have had in a bit! Usually 2 0r 3 hours.. So Last night was great!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 05/05/2007 23:10:38
lol noone has pic of cartoon pig? :)
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 05/05/2007 23:11:42
In the diagram thread seany started, Michael put one on there today!

Heres the link, its a flying pig in the clouds!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 05/05/2007 23:14:00
lol good now i can sleep at night :d
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 05/05/2007 23:17:13
Are you having trouble sleeping? Have you been seeing flying pigs.. or are you thinking Avatar?
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 06/05/2007 13:14:44
i dreamt i was a flying pig but no i dont have problems sleeping
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Seany on 06/05/2007 13:16:24
Great. I can sleep fine too [;D] Except I don't dream. [;)]
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: ukmicky on 06/05/2007 14:32:40

Eat some cheese about an hour b4 you goto bed then lie back and wait for the action packed adventure.

Dosent work for everyone and if your allergic to cheese it could turn into nightmare on elm street.
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Seany on 06/05/2007 14:48:40
LOL! I don't really like cheese. But.. I might try it. I never dream, and I find that comforting lol
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 06/05/2007 16:35:00
i dreamt i was a flying pig but no i dont have problems sleeping

DID you really dream of being a flying pig? LOL How did that feel.. All I can think of is an old phrase that went, "Yeah right, and when pigs Fly" Something like that..LOL I probably butchered that quote!LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 06/05/2007 16:36:01
LOL! I don't really like cheese. But.. I might try it. I never dream, and I find that comforting lol

You don't like cheese much???? OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! cheese is wonderful! YUMMMMMMMM!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: kdlynn on 07/05/2007 02:23:44
i have found that most guys that i know don't actually like cheese. it's weird. i wonder if i just know weird guys
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 07/05/2007 05:04:13
I don't know anyone but Seany that does not like cheese!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Ben6789 on 07/05/2007 13:03:46
Seany doesn't like cheese? Hm,learn something new everyday.

I don't like all types of cheese but i still like it.
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 07/05/2007 14:43:17
Me too!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 07/05/2007 21:46:16
seay is weird XD cheese who doesnt like cheese karen likes cheese i liek cheese benny likes cheese etc likes cheese did i mention i like cheese?
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 07/05/2007 21:46:33
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Seany on 07/05/2007 21:47:42
I like cheese on pizzas! [;D]
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 07/05/2007 21:56:21
lol well thats allright then ......and can dad or karen or someone help me.... i cant seem to make new topic sand in general chat ver3 i cant seem to post at all is it my com or is it the site? cause i am looking where it usually says post new topic and its not there...
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 08/05/2007 05:11:11
Are you trying to post to a locked thread.. hold on let me check!

Yepperoo Ben.. You are in the locked version you hve to start a new topic in the new diary I am assuming you were in diary version three! It's locked me boy.. copy and paste the quote and put it in the current diary.. then answer it.. I hope that it correct!about what you meant about where you were. Send me a link I will check!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: on 08/05/2007 05:16:38
Ver.3 is locked, Ben. Naughty dad for not telling you!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 08/05/2007 06:00:28
Oh Good we both believe thats where he was!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 08/05/2007 21:40:55
ye dad told me just today...but i still cant make a new topic in any section of fourum... :(
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 08/05/2007 21:41:44
and yes i was in ver 3 ;)
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 09/05/2007 03:30:05
Yes I saw that..Do you see at the top a place that says new topic. It isn't on every page only the main page for general chat. You click their at top when you open chat section before you pick a thread to read.. I had trouble with that before I started some topics.
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 10/05/2007 19:35:38
ye that where i look but cant see it :(
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 11/05/2007 03:58:37
Thats weird.. can tou copy and paste what you see on your screen from the top of chat down and send it or repost it so I can see what you see!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 11/05/2007 04:03:53
This is at top of pagestarting from left side.

The Naked Scientists Forum |General Discussion & Feedback |Just Chat !     
Pages: [1] 2 3  ... 41   Go Down
Just Chat !

This should be on top right hand side of screen.

Life,the Universe & Everything. Mark Read/Notify/New Topic/                  Post new poll

Look at the bottom of chat for this: Pages is on bottom left side of screen,

Pages: [1] 2 3  ... 41   Go Up     
The following is on the bottom right directly across from pages.. opposite them. Click on new topic unless it's just not there!

Mark   Read   Notify    New Topic    Post new poll
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 16/05/2007 17:54:54
yeah its not there :(
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Ben6789 on 17/05/2007 16:33:36
Well, maybe your dad can help fix your little problem.
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 18/05/2007 04:21:15
yeah its not there :(

Ben I will talk with George and see if he can figure it out! I am not as good as the other mods as far as my knowledge about these things. I will ask Paul if I see him first!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 18/05/2007 04:23:17
Well, maybe your dad can help fix your little problem.

Thats true to, your dad is great with this stuff, but if he is busy let us know, I will still check with Paul or George to see if they can help!

Well Ben, Paul is posting piccy's for you to show you.. hopefully it will reveal what you need to look for!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: on 18/05/2007 09:34:43

when you log in to the forum, you will see this screen:


now, lets say you want to post a new topic in the general science section. you click the general science button, which i have marked in red:


you then have this screen:


to make a new topic, click this button. marked in red:


if yoy are still having problems, i suggest you tell your dad to get off the sofa and help you out!  [;D]

Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Ben6789 on 18/05/2007 13:02:57
Does that clarify things, Ben Number Two?
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 18/05/2007 16:34:03
Thanks Paul I couldn't get me brain wrapped around coping the pictures of the forum pages..LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 26/05/2007 15:15:40
yes but i am looking there and it isnt there
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 26/05/2007 16:06:52
That is so weird!!!It would not be on this page we are reading on, but on the page before we pick the thread..Go above this page and click on just chat.. when it opens at the top before you read the list of threads is where it is, It is not accessible on every page! Perhaps that is the problem.. I did that for awhile.. LOL.. But if it's not perhaps something else is wrong..
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 28/05/2007 17:50:14
well i kinda fixed it it doesnt load the forums properly on firefox so i tried ie and it is there so it was firefox not the forum or my com so problem solved
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 28/05/2007 17:55:39
Hey Ben up grade your foxfire program.. I did that a week ago and it works way better now,, it looks a bit different , but is more efficient and I use it now where as I used to use internet explorer! It might work with an upgrade!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: benep on 28/05/2007 17:57:24
ok thanks but where/how do i upgrade it?
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Seany on 28/05/2007 17:58:16
Ermm.. I'm not sure, I don't use FireFox but just go to the site, and download a newer version.
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 28/05/2007 18:44:18
Ermm.. I'm not sure, I don't use FireFox but just go to the site, and download a newer version.

Yep that will do it! Ben open up Mozilla firefox and go to the right hand top tab that says Help! click it open then go to check for updates! Update it!
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Seany on 28/05/2007 19:01:55
Too clever Karen. [;D]
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 28/05/2007 19:29:03
That was so hard to do! LOL It would have been harder had not my computer guy told me where to go! LOL
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Seany on 28/05/2007 19:38:02
LOL! [;D]
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 28/05/2007 19:47:45
LOL LOL..Hee hee
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Seany on 28/05/2007 19:52:29
Hee hee hee.. Kee kee..? [:P]
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 28/05/2007 20:03:03
Hee hee hee.. Kee kee..? [:P]
Hee hee hee.. Kee kee..? [:P]

Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Seany on 28/05/2007 21:04:10
Nevermind.. [:P]
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 28/05/2007 21:11:04
Don't say never mind I want to to understand it !
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Nobody's Confidant on 29/05/2007 13:16:50
Not many understand Seany.
Title: a neil tribute
Post by: Karen W. on 29/05/2007 20:01:25
Not many understand Seany the person? OR Not many understand Seany, as in you speaking to "him!"