Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: Karen W. on 07/05/2007 14:50:12

Title: Help! Does Pink eye burn?
Post by: Karen W. on 07/05/2007 14:50:12
I was exposed to pink eye last week! I am curious because last night my eye was burning a bit , sitting here at the desk, Then again today it is burning and watering a little bit, I can't see a ton, but it is getting annoying..It feels like I have soap in my eye.. you know like if you get shampoo or bar soap in your eye? Could that be a symptom of pink eye!
Title: Help! Does Pink eye burn?
Post by: Negin -(Universe) on 07/05/2007 14:56:52
I dont quite understand what 'pink eye' is? but if its when you get a red patch in your eye, then i get that all the time, well mainly when i read too much or stare at the computer screen for a long time!! same symptoms, first the bunring sensation and then i look in the mirror and all i see is that my has gone red!! treatment: according to my mum who uses natural remedy: wash your eyes with cold water and then put 2 slices of cucumber on your eye and try an relax your eyes for a little while, there are other ways as well.
Title: Help! Does Pink eye burn?
Post by: Negin -(Universe) on 07/05/2007 14:59:52
by the way i should also add that my mum's remedy works ALL the time, but if you are really concerned then go you should go to the chemists
Title: Help! Does Pink eye burn?
Post by: Karen W. on 07/05/2007 15:00:57
I am talking about a eye infection that is often goopy itchy etc. very red, I have heard people say it feels gritty I have seen it looks terrible. I just looked again and my eye is a bit watery and red a little swollen, but not bright red or goopy!
Title: Help! Does Pink eye burn?
Post by: Negin -(Universe) on 07/05/2007 15:02:18
do you have hay fever?
Title: Help! Does Pink eye burn?
Post by: Karen W. on 07/05/2007 15:03:34
Thanks I will think about it if it gets worse, if it becomes terrible or obviously drippy I will go to the doctor and get some eye drops!

Yes sometimes but never had the burny eyes with it, itchy eyes yes but never burning and this is only one eyr right at the moment!
Title: Help! Does Pink eye burn?
Post by: Negin -(Universe) on 07/05/2007 15:05:35
hope it gets better [:)]
Title: Help! Does Pink eye burn?
Post by: Bored chemist on 07/05/2007 15:11:18
This might help but if you are in any doubt about it talk to a doctor.
Title: Help! Does Pink eye burn?
Post by: JimBob on 07/05/2007 17:01:51
Hi Karen,

Growing up we traded eye infections of the goopy, gritty type, and always called it pink-eye. My mother, ever paranoid, always called the family doctor and got anti-bacterial eye drops. Yet the doctor would always tell her that it was most likely viral and had to run it's course. Since there is no more than a negligible chance it could be a horrendous eye-ball-eating alien being in your eye, I would just treat the symptoms and if they don't begin to go away after 4 days, see a doctor.

And wash your hands. That is how you got it in the first place and, if I remember correctly you are a teacher, then you do not want the whole class to have it as well. Blinded carpet rats are hard to manage and keep disciplined when in a concentration of more than 1 !!
Title: Help! Does Pink eye burn?
Post by: on 07/05/2007 17:11:48
I never knew pinkeye was rea! i just thought it was something out of SouthPark!

Title: Help! Does Pink eye burn?
Post by: Karen W. on 07/05/2007 18:18:07
do you have hay fever?
No fever, but I have never heard of a fever with pink eye!
Title: Help! Does Pink eye burn?
Post by: Karen W. on 07/05/2007 18:31:58
This might help but if you are in any doubt about it talk to a doctor.

One of our children was already diagnosed with bacterial Conjunctivitus
( Pink eye), The child was rubbing all over me, believe me we are fiends about hand washing.. I bet i rubbed my eye with my coat.. Yikes we will see I will watch it. If it is I will be out of work for a few days as you cannot go back unless it is completely gone visibly! School policy, Not Doctor. Doctor says once treated you can return, company policy does not!

Thanks Bored Chemist! Answered my Question!
Title: Help! Does Pink eye burn?
Post by: Karen W. on 07/05/2007 18:35:53
Hi Karen,

Growing up we traded eye infections of the goopy, gritty type, and always called it pink-eye. My mother, ever paranoid, always called the family doctor and got anti-bacterial eye drops. Yet the doctor would always tell her that it was most likely viral and had to run it's course. Since there is no more than a negligible chance it could be a horrendous eye-ball-eating alien being in your eye, I would just treat the symptoms and if they don't begin to go away after 4 days, see a doctor.

And wash your hands. That is how you got it in the first place and, if I remember correctly you are a teacher, then you do not want the whole class to have it as well. Blinded carpet rats are hard to manage and keep disciplined when in a concentration of more than 1 !!

I wash like crazy we all do. Kids have a way of touching you a lot! LOL Hey teacher whats that ? and boom there finger is in your eye, or darn near up your nose..LOL I am of course exagerating a little bit! LOL But no matter how much washing you do.. something is bound to eventually take you down. Two years ago I got the chicken pox LOL.. from one of the kids.. 44 years old and spotted! LOL Thanks Jim Bob..
Title: Help! Does Pink eye burn?
Post by: Karen W. on 07/05/2007 18:36:57
I never knew pinkeye was rea! i just thought it was something out of SouthPark!


Yepperoo It is real and I should read the flyers closer when we post them. I just so rarely get anything! LOL
Title: Help! Does Pink eye burn?
Post by: Karen W. on 10/05/2007 15:30:25
YAYYYYYYYYYY! I don't have pink eye I have an allergy! YAYYYYYYY! Seems spring is giving me the business this year!
Title: Help! Does Pink eye burn?
Post by: moonfire on 10/05/2007 23:09:37
Surprising!  I am glad you don't...usually, "pink eye" is goopy and feels like sand in your eye, redness is common too.  Glad it is just an allergy and yes, it is very come the school knew these kids had this and did not make them stay home until Doctor releases them? Schools are usually crazy with illness policy or is it the same with daycare/preschools?
Title: Help! Does Pink eye burn?
Post by: Karen W. on 11/05/2007 09:29:53
Child come to school with it but was sent home had been treated several doses Our policy is they cannot come back until its gone completely no signs whatsoever! Doctors release children back after initial treatment here! Company says no.. Send them back home!