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General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: abrooks051 on 18/07/2019 20:57:27

Title: An eternal quandary
Post by: abrooks051 on 18/07/2019 20:57:27
Bear with me but..
"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?"
Any ideas?
Title: Re: An eternal quandary
Post by: Halc on 18/07/2019 21:49:39
Normally not much, but being its primary defense, I suppose it would chuck plenty of wood at the bear that's with you.
Title: Re: An eternal quandary
Post by: abrooks051 on 18/07/2019 22:20:57
Thanks for joining in the fun. Hopefully others will as well.
Title: Re: An eternal quandary
Post by: syhprum on 19/07/2019 09:33:55
This is basically a question about scientific method, we must ask does the question state any facts upon which we could base a calculation ,if not we must look to published literature or do the basic research ourselves.
For instance looking for the records of the Ornithological society (if such a publication exists) might well reveal a study of woodchucks in the wild which would provide an answer if not we would have to organise such a study ourselves.   
Title: Re: An eternal quandary
Post by: abrooks051 on 22/07/2019 12:47:21
Come on folks. At this time this statement has had 100 views and no one has replied with the response that has existed as long as the question. I know there are some old farts, like me, out there who know the answer.
Title: Re: An eternal quandary
Post by: syhprum on 22/07/2019 16:55:14
This article discusses the behaviour of woodchucks which are actually a small beaver like mammal not a bird as I had supposed
Apparently they do not in fact chuck wood but if they did would only be a small amount.
I have some small burrowing mammals in my garden that are becoming a nuisance so I may be able to give a first hand account of woodchuck behaviour.
They are reputed to weigh up to 7 Kg or so therefore if they chose to chuck wood it could up to 2 Kg or so.                                       
Title: Re: An eternal quandary
Post by: abrooks051 on 22/07/2019 18:46:13
Thanks for the feedback. Sadly, everyone is being way to scientific about the answer.
Title: Re: An eternal quandary
Post by: pensador on 22/07/2019 19:15:03
A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.


If a woodchuck decides not to chuck wood, then it should be considered no less of a woodchuck than any other woodchuck that chucks wood.


If a woodchuck chucks denser wood than another wood chuck, then its chucking ability should be weighed and measured accordingly. Not all woodchuck chuckers are chucking the same chucking wood.
Title: Re: An eternal quandary
Post by: abrooks051 on 06/08/2019 13:26:26
That explanation could almost make someone "up-chuck"   :-)
Thanks for the feedback
Title: Re: An eternal quandary
Post by: alancalverd on 06/08/2019 23:19:24
Apparently they do not in fact chuck wood but if they did would only be a small amount.
….which exposes the flaw in the original question. The correct formulation ends "...if a woodchuck could chuck wood." Hence the tautological answer "as much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood".
Title: Re: An eternal quandary
Post by: abrooks051 on 07/08/2019 12:07:32
I have heard it said both ways but good point. Thanks for the feedback.