Naked Science Forum

General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: Bill S on 22/08/2019 13:17:09

Title: How far back can PMs be traced?
Post by: Bill S on 22/08/2019 13:17:09
I've just looked at my PMs, and they seem to go back only to 07.18.  am I doing something wrong/missing something?
Title: Re: How far back can PMs be traced?
Post by: Bored chemist on 22/08/2019 18:56:57
How far back can PMs be traced?
 To Robert Walpole
Title: Re: How far back can PMs be traced?
Post by: Bill S on 22/08/2019 21:21:29
None of those would qualify as "my PM's", but thanks, anyway. :)