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On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: Junior137 on 06/09/2019 01:20:54

Title: Is this a TOE in the water of the true nature of physical reality?
Post by: Junior137 on 06/09/2019 01:20:54
The following is a synopsis of some of the conclusions which are implicated in a larger theory which I have recently  discovered - and which relates to trying to describe the true nature of physical reality. I invite any critique of anything I have to say so far.

At the moment of the Big Bang, a magnetic monopole field which is permanently oriented in the radial direction of the Big Bang singularity, became an instantaneous property of the relative empty space which surrounds the singularity of the Big Bang.
The monopole magnetic field is a perpetually immanent force which exists in potentiality only. [At a fundamental level, the magnetic monopole field essentially represents the potential folding of 1 Planck length of the relative empty space which radiates out to infinity from the singularity].   
        Relative empty space can be defined as;'That radial region in the vacuum of nothingness [which is relative only to the singularity] and which has the possible potential to be affected by the immanent magnetic monopole field,[ ie. be felt as a force of gravity].​

        When experienced at a local level [as a point coordinate in 3 dimensional space], the perpetually immanent radial folding of empty space - which is an inherent property of the magnetic monopole- equates with a perceived force of gravity.  

      'Nothingness' can be defined as that which accommodates relative empty space.   In this this version of the Big Bang, the initial singularity is interpreted as representing nothing more than the dimensionally static radial focal point in the relative empty space of the Big Bang magnetic monopole field.  [In other words, not a point of infinite density and temperature].

           The construction of all matter in the universe - from the crystallization of atoms and molecules at the micro scale, to the formation of moons,planets, stars, black holes, galaxies and clusters of galaxies at the cosmological scale - is constructed of notional Planck shells - with a static  singularity existing at the nucleus of the mass. The construction of Planck shells are analogous to the concentric layers of an onion -with the difference being that the layers of Planck shells extends radially out to  infinity.  The notional existence of Planck shells implies the actual existence of a monopole magnetic field in the vacuum of nothingness.  In other words, Planck shells have no independent separate existence from the monopole magnetic field of which they represent.​

          Planck shells are naturally occurring mathematical constructs which arise from the geometry of spherical harmonics and resonance. The existence of a hypothetical magnetic monopole field in a vacuum of nothingness would predict the notional existence of  Planck shells surrounding the focal point singularity of that field. A theoretical monopole field in a vacuum of nothingness would also predict that Planck shells [ie. the immanent folding of 1 Planck length of the vacuum] would be an instantaneous property of  the relative empty space.   ​

        Since the magnetic monopole fundamentally represents the radial folding of empty space in 1 Planck length increments, implies also that the force of gravity itself is likewise quantised at the Planck scale. 

 Planck shells can have no temporal physical existence - however their hypothetical presence can be implied by the variation in the free fall velocities of satellites orbiting the Earth [The orbital velocity of a satellite is wholly determined by the altitude or height of the satellite relative to the centre of the planet].   

         A Planck shell has two separate properties; the radial orientation of  the immanent monopole magnetic field [which is orientated in the permanent direction of the singularity], and the curved 2 dimensional lateral surface of the circumference of the shell [which represents the potential electrical field].  Both of these properties exist in a permanent state of immanent potentiality and are a perpetual property of the empty space which is relative to the focal point singularity. ​

       Electricity and magnetism are separate forces. The difference which separates both these fields on the Planck shell, is that the radial line of the magnetic field is divided in increments which are equal to the fundamental value of the Planck length constant- whilst the circumference of the shell is divided into the electrical value of the Planck length constant as determined by the the distance travelled on the circumference by an electron travelling at the speed of light. This equates as 2Pi divided by 4 = 1.57079632679......... of the magnetic constant.   The common language by which the 2 separate forces communicate is based on spherical harmonics, resonance and synchronicity. ​

​          A viable Planck shell is defined as a region of relative empty space where the Planck length constant of the radial magnetic field is in synchronicity with the electric Planck length constant of the lateral electric field. The mathematical description of a viable shell is when the circumference of the shell [when measured in electric Planck lengths] is an even whole number multiple  which can be  divided by the radial magnetic value of the Planck length. 

        Since Planck shells can have no temporal physical existence in any pre-existing time or space, [but we must continue to accept that, even although their existence is entirely notional], it must therefore be concluded that; if the magnetic monopole exists, then  Planck shells nonetheless must have a theoretical mathematical objective existence.  We could describe the radial infinity of the immanent magnetic monopole field [and the Planck shells which represent it's construction] as instantaneously defining the volume of the relative empty space.  The permanently 'pregnant' state of the latter could therefore be described as a dimensionless fifth dimension which exists outwith the parameters of time and space and the limitations  imposed on the transfer of information by the speed of light. As such and from the perspective of existing in the 4 dimensions of physical reality, the magnetic and electric fields would therefore be invisible.​

          One of the laws of Planck shells [which can be regarded as a fundamental physical constant] is that it is impossible to transfer  information laterally [ie, within the electric field] at the same moment in time. Information can only be transferred radially between one viable Planck shell and the next 'exterior' consecutive viable Planck  shell in the sequence of the specific magnetic monopole field. The transfer of information between any 2 given Planck shells is limited by the speed of light.

        The existence of this fundamental constant explains why time appears to flow in only one direction -from the past to the future. The incorporation of the limitation of the speed of light on the transfer of information between Planck shells, represents the moment that time becomes an additional dimension in 3 dimensional physical reality  - and  the reason why cause will always appear to  precede effect.  The delay in the transfer of  information between shells is also the reason why all particles of matter appear to possess mass and inertial rest weight.   
Title: Re: Is this a TOE in the water of the true nature of physical reality?
Post by: Kryptid on 06/09/2019 01:54:55
Electricity and magnetism are separate forces. The difference which separates both these fields on the Planck shell, is that the radial line of the magnetic field is divided in increments which are equal to the fundamental value of the Planck length constant- whilst the circumference of the shell is divided into the electrical value of the Planck length constant as determined by the the distance travelled on the circumference by an electron travelling at the speed of light. This equates as 2Pi divided by 4 = 1.57079632679......... of the magnetic constant.   The common language by which the 2 separate forces communicate is based on spherical harmonics, resonance and synchronicity. ​

How does this square with special relativity, which states that an electric field in one reference frame will have a magnetic component in another reference frame?
Title: Re: Is this a TOE in the water of the true nature of physical reality?
Post by: Junior137 on 06/09/2019 16:12:29
The primary property of relative empty space is the radial orientation of the magnetic monopole field in the permanent direction of the focal point nucleus of that field. The electric field is represented by the flat 2 dimensional surface circumference of the shell.

A Planck shell is an entirely theoretical geometrical and mathematical concept which can only exist in the timelessness of a vacuum of nothingness.

This model proposes that the potentiality of the radial magnetic field and the lateral electric field of any given Planck shell,  only becomes manifest as electromagnetic radiation when the equilibrium of the Planck shell is disrupted through the influence of an external source of another magnetic field acting on it..