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On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: RTCPhysics on 23/12/2019 16:21:36

Title: On Electric Current and Radiant Energy
Post by: RTCPhysics on 23/12/2019 16:21:36
The aim of this article is to explain the relationship between the radiant energy of the photon and the electric current in a wired circuit.

The vacuum of space between a star and its planets is a medium that allows radiant energy to act like a giant linear accelerator.

The photons in the sun’s solar wind are able to accelerate particles of matter up to speeds that are close to their own speed of light.

But how does a photon transfer energy to a particle of matter in the solar wind, without slowing itself down from the speed of light?

The answer lies in the structure of the photon.

We know from Plank’s formula for the energy of light, E=hf, that the photon has energy which has been measured to be a constant amount, with a value of 6.63x10-34 Joules for each cycle of its wavelength.

We also know from Einstein’s formula E=mc2 for the equivalence of energy and mass, that the energy of a single photon has a mass equivalence of Plank’s constant/c2.

But as the photon has an equivalence of mass, it behaves like a particle of energy.

It retains its energy by constantly rotating its particle in a circle, as it moves forward through space at the speed of light.

This structural capability is how the photon can exhibit wave-particle duality, as the rotating particle moves along a straight line through space at the speed of light, its circling motion traces out the crest and trough pattern of a wave.

Particles in the solar wind can be accelerated many times by the incident photons, but as it rides the wave of each photon, the particle’s speed and mass increases.

But the energy transferred to the accelerated particle must be  counterbalanced by the equivalent loss of energy of the photon.

Although it’s circling speed and forward motion at the speed of light remain unaffected, there is an increase in the wavelength of the striking photon, which reduces its energy by reducing the number of  cycles it make per second.

When particles of matter are moving, they have ‘kinetic energy’, which has an associated de Broglie wavelength.

As such, the wavelength of the applied radiant energy must match the de Broglie wavelength of the particle of matter being accelerated.

What is evident is that the flow of photons through space and the flow of current along a wire are both based upon the transfer of energy between particles of energy and particles of matter.

But particles of matter are also able to store particles of energy.

This energises the particles of matter and enables them to move other particles of matter around by the release of their kinetic energy, which we call a force.

However, this process of accelerating a particle of matter through a vacuum, cannot be applied to the acceleration of electrons along a wired circuit.

The starting point for this analysis of electric current, is the concept of “electron drift speed”.

This concept has arisen from research done on the flow of negatively charged electrons moving along a conducting wired circuit.

The incoming charged electrons are blocked from moving along the conducting wire, by the constant repelling forces of the negatively charged electrons in their atomic bands around the atoms in the wired circuit.

Regardless of the speed with which the electrons are introduced from an accelerator into the wire, the electrons are all reduced to what is called their ‘drift speed’, which has been measured at 0.2 cm per second.

This concept of drift speed implies that electrons cannot travel along a wired circuit at speeds anywhere near the speed of light that we observe when switching on a lighting circuit.

One way of removing the repelling force between electrons is to remove its ‘electric charge’.

But no one has developed a method of removing the electric charge from its particle.

If the movement of current down a wire, is not generated by the movement of negatively charged electrons, then there are ramifications for Maxwell’s model of the photon.

Without this movement of electric charge along the wire, then there is no mechanism to create magnetic fields around the conducting wire.

But we know that the fields of magnetic rings exist, circling in adjacent planes along the wire, set at right angles too the direction of the current flow.

This raises the question of what is the current of energy that creates the magnetic fields along the conducting wire?
If electric charge is not the cause, then what is?

The obvious choice is magnetism, as we know that all electrons have a magnetic field and behave like tiny magnets.

But even if we could extract the electric charge from the electron, the attracting and repelling forces of magnetism would create a similar attracting and repelling barrier that the electric charge exhibits.

This magnetic barrier would explain the slowing down of electrons to their drift speed, but not how a current of electrons flows down a conducting wire at the speed of light.

As we now know that electrons can only move along a conducting wire at their drift speed, then the current in a conducting wire can only be derived from a source of energy that is free of the electron.

But what is it?

Electrons gain their magnetic ability from a magnetic field ring, which  rotates in a plane around the electron at the speed of light.

What is known is that unlike the electric charge, a magnetic ring can be parted from its magnetic field.

But to explain this requires a review of the properties of magnetism.

The rotation of the magnetic ring can be clockwise or anticlockwise, which is referred to as being in a spin-up or spin-down state.

The magnetic attraction between two electrons occurs when their magnetic rings have contact in the same plane, but with opposite spins.

But if the spins are in the same direction, the electrons will repel or deflect each other.

However, a magnetic ring spins in both directions at the same time, which can be seen by viewing the magnetic ring from in front and then from behind.

This property of magnetic rings circling in spin-up and spin-down states in the same plane alongside each other, creates an attracting force which holds the magnetic field rings together around the wire in a spin up/spin down state.

However, as a magnetic ring, spins clockwise and anti-clockwise at the same time, one electron is able to flip their spin over to bring itself into an attracting mode, unhindered in the vacuum that permeates the space within and around atoms.   

This attracting force between magnetic rings, not only enables two electrons to link together, as they do in the electron bands of atoms, but also enables a series of magnetic rings to form a magnetic field from rings of increasing diameters.

The action of a generator, such as: Faraday’s disc, Wimshurst machine, batteries, solar panels, wind turbines and the sun, strip magnetic rings off the electrons of the atom and release them as free magnetic rings.

The more magnetic rings that are captured onto the electrons of the atoms that form the terminal, the more energised the electrons become.

Voltage is a measurement of the accumulated number of magnetic  rings upon a terminal or in a capacitor.

Once  the terminal is charged with circling rings of magnetic energy, which have attached themselves around the electrons on its terminal, it is able to release particles of magnetic energy around a conducting circuit.

The number being conducted along a conducting wire determines the strength of the current.

If you pick up the loose end of a wire connected to a charged terminal, you will know that a stream of magnetic energy from the energised particles of matter, has just entered your nervous system.

Not a single electron has moved along this path.   

However, the flow of magnetic rings along the wire is affected by interactions with the magnetic rings of the valence electrons of the atoms that comprise the lattice structure of the conducting wire.

These interactions between the flow of magnetic rings and the magnetic rings of the atom’s valence electrons, results in the emergence of magnetic fields all along the wired circuit and the release of infrared radiation.

But we also know that if the current in the wire is reverse, then the direction of the current flow and the direction of the magnetic field rings are reversed.

But if the current flow is alternated at sufficient speed, the individual magnetic fields along the wire, release the outermost ring from their magnetic field.

These are the magnetic rings that give us radio waves and as they are released from their magnetic fields in all directions, they form the basis of mobile communications.

But this implies that a magnetic field ring and a photon ring are derived from the same source of energy and both rotate at the same speed of light.

The circling photon and the free magnetic field rings are one and the same unit of kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy rings have all the properties that are currently associated with magnetic rings, in particular: spin up/spin down attraction and repulsion, formation of magnetic fields, energisation of the electron by the capture of energy particles and their subsequent release, magnetic induction and the wave structure of free magnetic rings.

The twin concepts of positive and negative charge and magnetic north and south poles are replaced by the single concept of circling kinetic energy rings.

The concept of a kinetic energy particles, which replaces the twin concepts of electric charge and magnetic poles, brings together our understanding of radiant energy travelling in the vacuum of space and its association with the flow of kinetic energy along a conducting wired circuit.

But what is kinetic energy?

We may not know what kinetic energy actually is, but we do know some of its characteristics.

We know that kinetic energy can never be created or destroyed.

And wherever it is, it is always circling at the constant speed of light.

Kinetic energy is completely transparent as we know from the use of optical fibres to transport radio waves into our homes.

But we also know from our observations, that it is created in discrete units, travels at a constant speed and forms a wave structure as it travels through a vacuum or along a conducting wired circuit.

This is explained by a tiny particle of kinetic energy that rotates constantly in a circles as it travels through space at the speed of light and interacts with the magnetic rings of particles of matter.

With kinetic energy being the source of force upon particles of matter, then the term ‘kinetic energy’, replaces the traditional concepts of ‘electric, magnetism and electromagnetic energy’.

Despite living with every day natural phenomenon such as: lightning in clouds, fur rubbed upon an ebony rod, hair standing on end and balloons stuck to the ceiling, which are all examples of the accumulation of circling rings of spin-up and spin-down kinetic energy, we still don’t know exactly what kinetic energy actually is, except that it is a fundamental particle.
Title: Re: On Electric Current and Radiant Energy
Post by: Origin on 23/12/2019 17:29:31
The photons in the sun’s solar wind are able to accelerate particles of matter up to speeds that are close to their own speed of light.
I only made it this far into the OP.  Photons are not part of the solar wind.  The speed of the solar wind is less than 1000 km/sec, about 1/300 of the speed of light.

Back to the 'drawing board' I guess...
Title: Re: On Electric Current and Radiant Energy
Post by: evan_au on 23/12/2019 22:14:20
Quote from: OP
Particles in the solar wind can be accelerated many times by the incident photons, but as it rides the wave of each photon... the energy transferred to the accelerated particle must be  counterbalanced by the equivalent loss of energy of the photon.
This theory suggests that:
1. The solar wind is accelerated by collisions with light
2. The solar wind gets faster the farther it gets from the star
3. The frequency of light decreases when it is observed farther from its star

As I understand it:
1. The solar wind is accelerated by collisions with light
The plasma physics driving the solar wind is still somewhat mysterious.
 Understanding more about the origins of the solar wind is a large part of the mission of the Parker Solar Probe, currently on an increasingly eccentric orbit as it converges on the Sun.

The Solar wind far from the Sun (out near the planets) is a low density plasma in which the charged electrons and protons are far apart. This means that it hardly interacts with light at all, and is very transparent.

Current theories are that it is driven by high temperatures in the solar corona, and by magnetic fields.

2. The solar wind gets faster the farther it gets from the star
In fact, the solar wind reaches a peak speed a few solar radii from the Sun, and then slows, and effectively stops out where the Voyager spacecraft are currently located.

This also implies that because the Sun's brightness is fairly constant, the solar wind should be fairly steady.

However, extreme bursts in the solar wind (like the Carrington event) occur when there are compact groups of sunspots, and solar light output is slightly lower. It is thought that the tangled magnetic fields near a group of sunspots "reconnects", spitting a bubble of the Sun's atmosphere into space.

3. The frequency of light decreases when it is observed farther from its star
In fact, the spectral lines of teh Sun and distant stars matches the wavelengths emitted by those same elements on Earth.

It is only when there is an extremely compact stellar remnant (like a white dwarf star) that the light loses a significant amount of energy, rising against the star's gravity.

The solar wind does not absorb large amounts of energy from sunlight.
Title: Re: On Electric Current and Radiant Energy
Post by: RTCPhysics on 30/12/2019 09:53:46
Although your welcome comments point out its limitations, I am not going to back off from the analogy drawn between the functioning of the sun and the particle accelerator.
Both the Sun and the accelerators have the same four components: a source of particles, an evacuated space, an accelerating mechanism and a target.
The difference between them, lies in the Sun being a natural phenomenon, whereas the accelerators is a man-made machines, which is specifically targeted at accelerating particles of matter up to the speed of light.
However, at this juncture, I must withdraw the claim that the Sun’s spectrum of radiant energy accelerates its plasma of particles up to the speed of light. From the figures you have given, if they do it is very rare.
The Sun’s performance falls well short of the performance of our own accelerators, which do approach light speeds.
Although the solar plasma may be thinly scattered, the photons of light aren’t. If they were, the earth would be a dark place.
But despite the trillions of photons released by the Sun, all travelling at the speed of Light, few actually accelerate the solar particles to greater speeds. 
An explanation that can be offered for this, lies in the performance of the accelerating mechanism.
The radio waves produced by the oscillators in a particle accelerator all hit their target. 
The key to this success is to continually strike the particles using radio waves which match the particles own de Broglie wavelength.
Without this match, there would be no transfer of radiant energy.
But as the particles are accelerated to greater speeds, their be Broglie wavelength becomes shorter.
The particle accelerator deals with this by constantly adjusting the wavelength of the applied radio waves to shorter wavelengths that match the increasing speed of the electrons or protons as they are accelerated towards the speed of light.
This technique for particle acceleration is something the Sun cannot match.
On the point regarding spectral lines, the line produced by hydrogen does not sit upon exactly the same single wavelength,  but has a spread about its mean value. This gives them a thickness that makes them visible to the naked eye.
This thickening of the hydrogen line produced by the sun, could be explained by the marginal increase in its wavelength, arising from photon-particle interactions that can occur in the solar wind.
Title: Re: On Electric Current and Radiant Energy
Post by: Origin on 30/12/2019 14:37:44
Although your welcome comments point out its limitations, I am not going to back off from the analogy drawn between the functioning of the sun and the particle accelerator.
Then you are more interested in pseudoscience than actual science.  Thats too bad.....
Title: Re: On Electric Current and Radiant Energy
Post by: acsinuk on 01/01/2020 21:49:35
 Magnoflux alternative electric universe agrees with much of what RTC the OP says but they need to expand the article with some drawings of what is going on in the solar wind. Your explanation of magnetic rings is good though.
From the electrostatic point of view if the protons +ve ions are moving outwards from sun towards a planet then the -ve electrons should be moving in the opposite direction.  Have a look at my article on wordpress and let me know how to improve it.  Happy New Year