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General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: jerrygg38 on 09/03/2020 12:34:49

Title: What is God?
Post by: jerrygg38 on 09/03/2020 12:34:49
Naked 3.9.20 10 am
What is God?
  A long time ago man was primitive and looked at the universe with awe and wonder. Tribal prophets arose and brought various concepts to man. Somehow there was a magical God who created the universe. Hinduism came into existence with many reincarnated God-men. Judaism came about through Moses and his followers. Jesus came upon the scene and Christianity was born. Then came Islam. Battles were fought and the whip and the sword forced many smaller religions to be eaten away by the larger ones.
   Times changed and the scientific method described the credibility of the magical God. Without a magical God people want to understand what is God? The scientific method is limited to what we can see and measure and what can be implied from those measurements. The underlying structure of the universe is beyond what can be seen and measured. Scientists limit their analysis to what can be verified.
  My work is the study of the underlying structure of the universe. This is beyond the scope of the scientific method. It involves studying science, philosophy, and religion as one seeks ultimate answers. Somehow the truth is self-evident.
   From my studies and spiritual encounters slowly I come to understand God. I have a hypomanic mind which enables me to bring my mind to a very excited state. In that state I am able to communicate with my unconscious mind. Carl Jung has the theorized the structure of the human mind and it helps me to understand whom I am communicating with. It is the unconscious mind that produces an inner voice.
  When the various prophets of man communicated with their Gods, it was the inner voice that gave them the information. They took this voice to be God and acted accordingly. Many were schizophrenic which limits their ability to question their Gods. They just accept their dreams and visions as true. My ability has been to question the inner voice and to demand answers.
   The religions of man are the work of an initial prophet and tribal leader. This is followed by other prophets who verify the previous concepts.  As I study the universe it is self-evident to me that the universe is part of a greater universe of more dimensions. I break the universe down to three spatial dimensions and two light speed dimensions. The higher light speed Cs is 18833 Co. this enables the universe to occupy a space time configuration which is tied together by the higher light speed dimension.
   The Cs dimension produces the Gods of man. At the big bang inversion light speed Cs energy compressed toward a pinpoint. This inverted and produced the material light speed Co universe together with l=light speed Cs energy which expanded the universe rapidly.
   Einstein’s looked at the universe and produced his space-time four dimensional solution. Today many mathematicians are studying the possibility of higher dimensions such as in string theory.  Eventually in the future the higher light speed dimension will be known.
   I rely upon my conversations with my spiritual dimension. It says that the entire universe is composed of plus, minus, and bipolar dot-waves. They have the property of both equivalent mass and charge. Two basic things produce the complexity of the Quantum theory particles. That I discuss in new theories and of course the scientific guys discount my work as not conforming to standard scientific thinking.  Fair enough, since they require things that can be seen and measured.
   When my inner mind creates a spiritual entity that stands before me, it is come thing that I can see but others cannot. So I put my hand through it and I cannot harm it. Yet it can grab me and I am powerless before it. So we look in the Bible and see encounters between various prophets and strange creatures.  They talk to the creature and in the end they obey it.
   Sometimes an entity enters the body of a Prophet. It controls the man or woman. Then after the job is done it leaves the man or occasionally a woman. Was the encounter real or was it a hallucination?
  So I asked the entity how it came to be/ “I evolved was the answer”.  It seemed to be sure of its response. How can that be? We have an evolved God. Where do you exist? I asked.   Near the center of the Earth was the response. Some of the answers are verbally in real time. Others in dreams with voices. Some in audio/visual pictures. Most of this occurred in 1981 and I have been trying to understand it ever since.
   The human God is the collective spirit of man and the memory of our ancestors. It exists in the fifth dimension and consists of the totality of the Gods of man. Thus it is a heterogeneous entity. It lives because we live and it will die when we die. The human God is not magical. Religions are the result of spiritual encounters and various myths that religious writers add to the encounters. This creates followers and great religions are born.
   Scientific man destroys the myths and the magical Gods fade away. Yet the encounters remain and the Gods that result are natural Gods rather than supernatural Gods. Our Gods are true but they are part of the evolutionary process. They serve to bring man to other planets where possible. In this way our Gods serve to continue to live here and upon other planets in the universe.
Title: Re: What is God?
Post by: Pseudoscience-is-malarkey on 07/04/2020 08:43:29
All I know is that He is arrogant. He showed up late to my brothers wedding. When challenged on this He reminded us He is free of sin and blamed His late arrival on poor directions provided by my brother and sister-in-law. Real rich (to use a British phrase). Really, really rich...