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On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: Travis Tremlee on 21/06/2020 10:49:25

Title: Why Does Entropy Always Increase?
Post by: Travis Tremlee on 21/06/2020 10:49:25
Travel back to the past and apparent inconsequential actions can cause major effects on the time-line(s) of the future...

But can we really go back in time? Time is process, the process of irreversible thermodynamic change. Drop an egg and watch the shell crack and egg splatter. One never observes the broken egg putting itself back together and flying back onto the table.

One way to travel back in time is by rewinding the process of the entire universe to a previous moment. It may or may not involve Mach's Principle... The problem with rewinding the universe is that our memories of the future which would actually become our history would also be erased. Our bodies would also grow younger, so we could not travel too far into the past. This seems to imply reversal of entropy which may mean that it is impossible.

The mind computes or processes information. The human mind is very complex in its computations. But the entire universe displays much more structural complexity and interactions than a human mind(brain) alone. The Totality of Existence(multiverse) could be analogous to a type of quantum computer. MIT physicist Seth Lloyd has written papers educing that the universe as a quantum computer is uncontroversial.

Maxwell's demon is a thought experiment that seems to allow for a violation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics whereby entropy can be decreased by a mischievous entity or demon. The demon controls the port that opens and closes on a box separated by a divider into two halves. He lets only the fast molecules through to the right side of the box and only allows the slow molecules into the left. But since the demon is required to be a physical entity, the effort he uses in separating the molecules actually still increases total entropy in the universe...

Constructing a general idea as a thought experiment does not seem too hard. But working out the details can sometimes become devilishly difficult...

I have been contemplating the ideas of constructing a time machine – trying to answer the question of how to time travel into the past. The concept of a machine that generates a time-dilation field could be extremely useful.

First, generate a reverse temporal time dilation field that encloses a small bubble of normally progressing time.

In four dimensions this three dimensional sphere would become a wormhole or tube through space-time.

This is extremely hypothetical though. Can time and entropy go in reverse? The total entropy of the universe must still increase but apparent temporary decreases of entropy can occur in certain parameterized regions of space-time...

Within this enclosed space, time continues marching forward at a regular pace, thus our memories and chronological age remain relatively the same. The bubble contains our hypothetical time traveler. As the reverse temporal or anti-time field progresses, our traveler would observe the external world to be moving in reverse at a very fast pace.

The problem seems to be that our traveler would essentially be frozen in his own localized frame as compared to the rapid ticking of days, months, and years being progressed into the past of the external time dilation field. All of the light AKA electromagnetic(EM) radiation must enter the event horizon of this external field. Our time traveler would start to observe excessively bright and searing EM radiation which would then roast him alive and reduce everything inside the bubble to ashes before reaching his destination into the past or future.

It might be possible to travel backwards in time at a slower pace without completely roasting the inner bubble. The radiation might still be deadly though...

Title: Re: Why Does Entropy Always Increase?
Post by: puppypower on 25/06/2020 21:59:18
The reason the entropy of the universe has to increase is because an increase in entropy lowers the free energy of the universe. Free energy G follows the equation G=H-TS, where H is internal energy or enthalpy and T is temperature and S is entropy. As S increases, the minus sign in the equation cause the universal free energy to decrease.

The H term of enthalpy has to get smaller for free energy to lower. For example hot has to get colder. Entropy is an odd duck in that higher entropy, often associated with greater complexity, defines less free energy. Higher complexity will help lower free energy.

Simple has less entropy and more free energy than complex. The primordial atom of the BB was very low in entropy; simple, but contained maximum free energy.

The question is what drives entropy, so that greater complexity means less free energy? It seems counter intuitive using basic theory.

This has to do with the speed of light reference. Space-Time is an inertial affect. At the speed of light, space-time breaks down, with time and space able to act independently of each other, One can move in time without space limitations and or move in space without time limitations. What this state does is create an environment of infinite complexity or infinite entropy. Without space-time imposing limits, more things are possible. Time travel is not a problem since the second law does not apply when entropy starts at the maximum.

The increase in entropy in the universe, as observed; second law, tells me the entropy of the universe  is trying to form an equilibrium with the C-reference, where entropy is infinite.  Low entropy is an inertial state containing with higher free energy. Inertial is lowering free energy by heading to the ground state at C. 
Title: Re: Why Does Entropy Always Increase?
Post by: Bored chemist on 25/06/2020 22:10:38
This has to do with the speed of light reference.
No it doesn't.
Gibbs did this work- and derived that equation- before the speed of light was used for anything much. It  was, for example, well before Einstein published his work on relativity.

Now the million dollar question: are you going to accept that you are wrong, or are we going to have to keep pointing it out like we did here?