Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: Harry01 on 12/08/2020 02:33:30

Title: How can gingivitis cause penile pain?
Post by: Harry01 on 12/08/2020 02:33:30
Not a joke question. This has been horrific for me. Ruled out other medical causes. I have gingivitis because of a physical disability that affects movement that the health service as yet not given a name. I have had this more recent pain for two years nonstop. I have seen a urologist so it's clearly not 'serious' in that sense but it ruins your life. While I'm trying to get help, maybe someone might propose by what mechanism you could get pain like this.
Title: Re: How can gingivitis cause penile pain?
Post by: Harry01 on 12/08/2020 02:55:36
Sorry meant to post in physiology. Was having trouble finding the new topic link.
Title: Re: How can gingivitis cause penile pain?
Post by: alancalverd on 12/08/2020 09:51:29
As with previous correspondence, mouth infections can reach other parts of the body quite efficiently. The urinary tract is full of nutrients that appeal to various bacteria. But don't rule out coincidental bad luck.
Title: Re: How can gingivitis cause penile pain?
Post by: tackem on 12/08/2020 23:05:52
Do you suffer from Fibromyalgia?
There is a theory (with some evidence) that the gingivitis bacteria inhabits all your mucous membranes including the lining of your blood vessels. The bladder is also a target.
My wife suffers from Fibromyalgia and has had a lot of bladder problems. We did some internet searches and wrote a small ebook, but I don't think you can promote things on the forum.
Title: Re: How can gingivitis cause penile pain?
Post by: Harry01 on 16/08/2020 06:06:46

I don't really know what it means to have fibromyalgia. My generalised pain wasn't caused by gingivitis, though it certainly seems to add extra pain.

Thanks Alan. I don't believe in bad luck beyond the series of circumstances that lead to this.

Title: Re: How can gingivitis cause penile pain?
Post by: Jame1s on 27/08/2020 12:09:43
This is a very informative post, thanks for sharing the knowledge.
Title: Re: How can gingivitis cause penile pain?
Post by: Harry01 on 28/08/2020 18:05:52
My information?
Title: Re: How can gingivitis cause penile pain?
Post by: yor_on on 05/09/2020 17:22:49
A bot probably, a spammer wanting to promote something Harry.
Title: Re: How can gingivitis cause penile pain?
Post by: Harry01 on 05/09/2020 23:37:19
Some things in life you never want to experience. This is one of those things.

I wish I never injured my right arm. I didn't realise that it was possible to get neglected like this.
Title: Re: How can gingivitis cause penile pain?
Post by: tackem on 10/09/2020 21:31:03
Can you tell us more about your arm injury?
Going back to my Fibromyalgia link many cases start with a trumatic injury such as a broken bone.
Title: Re: How can gingivitis cause penile pain?
Post by: Harry01 on 10/09/2020 23:55:36
Thanks for your interest. I should probably ask a new question. I did something to my back at 4 or 5 years old. Then later I had issues with my mental health and had these body spasms at 21, 25 and more recently at 32. The whole thing is still something of a mystery. They more recently gave me the diagnosis somataform pain disorder. In terms of my shoulder I landed heavily on it by diving on it playing sport. I then lost a lot of movement in this arm.

Title: Re: How can gingivitis cause penile pain?
Post by: tackem on 11/09/2020 12:40:44
And at what point did Gingivitis become a problem?
And then how did you relate penile pain with the gingivitis?

Title: Re: How can gingivitis cause penile pain?
Post by: Harry01 on 11/09/2020 14:32:18
So, in terms of diagnosing: marginal generalised gingivitis diagnosed 2018 in the summer. Moderate gingivitis diagnosed this year. Personally my mouth felt uncomfortable after even a month of not being able to brush my teeth. The whole thing was very distressing.

The 'other' pain came on late 2018. I related it to gingivitis as I have had lots of blood tests and seen doctors, a urologist.
Title: Re: How can gingivitis cause penile pain?
Post by: Harry01 on 11/09/2020 18:24:11
So have nothing else to relate it to. The only other thing I have is that yellow skin infection that hasn't been diagnosed yet and am seeing a dermatologist about.
Title: Re: How can gingivitis cause penile pain?
Post by: Harry01 on 16/09/2020 09:33:13

Because it came up. Just interesting.
Title: Re: How can gingivitis cause penile pain?
Post by: Harry01 on 06/10/2020 04:38:17
There's no point being alive any more. My life is over. I never wanted to experience something like this. I can't bear this any more.
Title: Re: How can gingivitis cause penile pain?
Post by: Harry01 on 06/10/2020 04:42:48
I want to go back before all this and maybe someone might listen to me. I have lost all faith in doctors and where we currently are with medicine. Noone has ever taken my pain seriously.