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General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: dentstudent on 01/06/2007 12:41:52

Title: What are your favourite recipes?
Post by: dentstudent on 01/06/2007 12:41:52
Well, its a kind of Kitchen Science, isn't it?

We should be able to get some real world food and recipe exchanges going!

Here's one for starters (or main course)

Rosemary lamb (for 2):

Cube up 8oz lamb neck fillet (1" cubes)
Par-boil 8oz potatoes cut to the same size
Put them together in an oven proof dish
Add some black olives, several garlic cloves in their skin, some rock-salt and lots of fresh rosemary
Drizzle loads of olive-oil on the lot, and stir
Cook in the oven at 210°C until the lamb is just done (15 mins ish)

serve with fresh italian bread

Title: What are your favourite recipes?
Post by: another_someone on 01/06/2007 14:33:57
Casino tojás
Rakott krumpli
Wiener Schnitzel
Dobos torta

Although I don't have the actual recipes for any of the above to hand - I am very bad at following recipes.
Title: What are your favourite recipes?
Post by: dentstudent on 01/06/2007 14:35:54
Living in Germany, I know Wiener Schnitzel, but I've never heard of the others! What are they?
Title: What are your favourite recipes?
Post by: another_someone on 01/06/2007 14:43:58
Living in Germany, I know Wiener Schnitzel, but I've never heard of the others! What are they?

The others are all Hungarian.

Casino tojás translates to Casino Egg, a kind of cold egg with sauce.

Dobos torta is a torte named after a guy called Dobos (it has layers of cake, with layers of cream, and covered in a hard caramel layer on the top).

Rakott krumpli are layers of spicy meat, boiled and peeled and sliced potato (krumpli), sliced hard boiled eggs, covered in sour cream, and then cooked again in the oven.
Title: What are your favourite recipes?
Post by: dentstudent on 01/06/2007 14:49:35
Sorry, I mean are they meat/veg/puddings......
Title: What are your favourite recipes?
Post by: another_someone on 01/06/2007 14:52:36
Sorry, I mean are they meat/veg/puddings......

Sorry, I was still editing as you replied - hopefully, the edit explains what you were asking.
Title: What are your favourite recipes?
Post by: dentstudent on 01/06/2007 14:57:55
That Dobos torte sounds good! It looks like good, honest "fill you up" food, similar to German and Polish cuisine.
Title: What are your favourite recipes?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 01/06/2007 15:04:23
Beech bark vindaloo:-

Get a good handful of beech bark
Nip down to the local takeaway & get a chicken vindaloo
Remove the chicken
Add the beech bark
Serve & enjoy!  [:D]
Title: What are your favourite recipes?
Post by: dentstudent on 01/06/2007 15:07:56
I've done Beech leaf gin:

Get a handfull of new beech leaves, cover them in a bottle of gin and add about 100ml sugar. Shake and leave for a couple of weeks, then serve chilled. It should be a lovely lime-green colour and a little syrupy.

Title: What are your favourite recipes?
Post by: dentstudent on 01/06/2007 15:13:09
Oh! Also Nocino:

Get 5 or 6 green walnuts in June, ***** them and cover with a cheap vodka. Put in 5 or 6 tablespoons of brown sugar and a bay leaf or two. Seal up the bottle, and put it in the sun for a month, shaking the bottle daily. Decant it after a month, and leave in a coolish place for another 3 ro 4 months (Christmas). Serve at room temperature. You can also add a sugar solution if its still a little strong! It's a great warming and smooth post dinner drink.
Title: What are your favourite recipes?
Post by: another_someone on 01/06/2007 15:28:21
In fcat. Wiener Schnitzel itself is very similar to Escalope Milaniase in Italy, and rántott hús in Hungary.  All I believe originate from a Turkish recipe, but cannot recollect what that is.

Wiener Schitzel is probably the simplest of the three, but the differnces are slight, and real Weiner Schnitzel (with veal, preferably white veal, is extremely difficult to get these days, and more often it is something like Schweineschnitzel Wiener Art).

The Hungarian liking for spicy foods itself possibly came in with the Turks.

Another that you would probably be familiar with is Leberknödel-Suppe.
Title: What are your favourite recipes?
Post by: another_someone on 01/06/2007 16:28:21
Another favourite is pörkölt (a type of gulyas) with nokedli (a type of small dumpling, also known as galuska).
Title: What are your favourite recipes?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 01/06/2007 17:45:04
Another favourite is pörkölt (a type of gulyas) with nokedli (a type of small dumpling, also known as galuska).

Washed down with a nice Tokai, of course!  [:D]
Title: What are your favourite recipes?
Post by: another_someone on 01/06/2007 18:15:55
Another favourite is pörkölt (a type of gulyas) with nokedli (a type of small dumpling, also known as galuska).

Washed down with a nice Tokai, of course!  [:D]

Ofcourse, but either 5 or 6 putonos Tokai Aszu.