Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => COVID-19 => Topic started by: charli on 27/06/2021 08:04:01

Title: Does the vaccine eliminate or minimise the chance of catching COVID-19?
Post by: charli on 27/06/2021 08:04:01
Julia would like to know:

"Three weeks after the second jab, is a healthy 50+ year old unlikely to catch the virus or could possibly catch the virus but just not suffer too badly?" 

Can you help with Julia's jab question?
Title: Re: Does the vaccine eliminate or minimise the chance of catching COVID-19?
Post by: evan_au on 27/06/2021 08:31:02
Julia is much less likely to catch the virus (if she took the same precautions as she did before vaccination).

If Julia does catch the virus, the viral load will be much lower, so she is less likely to pass the virus on to another person, and much less likely to end up in hospital herself. Also much less likely to suffer long COVID, or die from COVID.

That is a win for Julia, as well as her workmates, friends and family (and their workmates, friends and family...).

But until 80-90% of people are vaccinated like Julia, the Delta strain will still spread through the population, affecting those people who have had a transplant or cancer, and those for whom the vaccination is less effective. While the virus is still infecting many people around the world, new variants will be created which will be able to evade your vaccination.

So, Julia, please keep socially distancing, and wear your mask where that is not possible, until we reach that level of herd immunity and virus suppression, worldwide.
Title: Re: Does the vaccine eliminate or minimise the chance of catching COVID-19?
Post by: Petrochemicals on 27/06/2021 17:04:53
All and everything, to some it stops infection, to others it is a means to less severe infection and death.