Naked Science Forum

General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: Eternal Student on 09/08/2021 14:00:37

Title: Technical problem with this website.
Post by: Eternal Student on 09/08/2021 14:00:37

I'm hoping to get some technical advice.
I've saved some drafts of posts I was writing.   I now want to clean up, delete some of those drafts and possibly finish a few others and post them.
What happens if some of the original posts have been moved or merged since the drafts were created?   Specifically, some of the original posts have been moved by moderators to other sections.   Would the drafts somehow find their way to the new locations?

This is not too important and I may just end up deleting all the old rubbish anyway.
Best Wishes.
Title: Re: Technical problem with this website.
Post by: Colin2B on 09/08/2021 17:52:58
Don’t know, am about to try it by moving this topic having saved this reply

Mmmm, ‘it’ said it could not find the saved draft.
Moved topic back and it was found
Title: Re: Technical problem with this website.
Post by: Eternal Student on 09/08/2021 18:47:04
OK.  Thanks for your time anyway.
It's not a problem.
The old drafts were getting long probably because I was trying to find polite ways to advise others that some things weren't entirely accurate.  Many of those posts have been moved to  "New theories" and other sections anyway and so there's no great need for me to worry about finishing my draft anyway.
There's a minor issue that remains.... I don't seem to be able to delete those old drafts.  Hang on... I think trying to delete them and then logging out and back in... they've gone.

Might be worth mentioning this to the web designer if you want to give them some extra work - but it's not a serious problem.

Thank you.