Naked Science Forum

General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: edward2007 on 14/06/2007 13:44:34

Title: Hello there
Post by: edward2007 on 14/06/2007 13:44:34
Hello everybody,

To introduce myself: I'm a Dutch writer of SF and F stories (in English).
As such my interest in science is of course self-evident, as most of the gadgets I use in my stories are either based on science, or extrapolations thereof.

That is also how I found this site, browsing for more info that I can store in my tamed black hole (USB flash drive to those less imaginative.)

Title: Hello there
Post by: dentstudent on 14/06/2007 13:49:26
Welcome Edward! It's always great to have new members - I'm not long new here myself, but feel right at home! I look forward to reading your contributions!

Which part of Holland are you in?
Title: Hello there
Post by: edward2007 on 14/06/2007 14:34:33
All in my profile ;-)
Title: Hello there
Post by: dentstudent on 14/06/2007 14:41:22
Ah yes - I was in Kerkrade last year for a conference. Its a nice area - we had a dinner in some caves near-by. Reasonably unusual.......
Title: Hello there
Post by: edward2007 on 14/06/2007 14:46:32
That's the Netherlands for you, lack of mountains forces us to go underground  [;D]
Title: Hello there
Post by: Karen W. on 14/06/2007 18:19:41
Welcome to the site Edward. I hope you have a great time exploring and enjoying the amazing and unusual readings here. We welcome your participation , questions etc. Welcome.. [:)]
Title: Hello there
Post by: kdlynn on 14/06/2007 19:43:14
Title: Hello there
Post by: Mirage on 15/06/2007 16:15:50
Howdy and Welcome  [:)]

My housemate is a huge SF fan  [:)]
Title: Hello there
Post by: edward2007 on 19/06/2007 10:54:12
Thanks Karen,I'm glad to be here. Gives me the opportunity to discuss items before I write them into a story and make a fool of myself...
As I explained, even though is is science fiction, I want the science part as accurate as possible. Any deviations resulting from my extrapolating I can call "artistic liberty" LOL!

Great, Mirage. Used to be a time when SF was frowned upon. Thank the Galactic Overlady that is in the past, in the US they even teach it in Unversity.
But my real "passion" is Fantasy. As I'm a lab tech, my education is not the hard science I feel needed to write much SF. I tend to focus on human interaction and just invent, name and use gadgets. ;-)

Title: Hello there
Post by: Karen W. on 19/06/2007 11:13:40
Sounds like interesting work..Good luck to you! Sounds like a lot of fun!
Title: Hello there
Post by: Mirage on 19/06/2007 16:07:06
Thanks Karen,I'm glad to be here. Gives me the opportunity to discuss items before I write them into a story and make a fool of myself...
As I explained, even though is is science fiction, I want the science part as accurate as possible. Any deviations resulting from my extrapolating I can call "artistic liberty" LOL!

Great, Mirage. Used to be a time when SF was frowned upon. Thank the Galactic Overlady that is in the past, in the US they even teach it in Unversity.
But my real "passion" is Fantasy. As I'm a lab tech, my education is not the hard science I feel needed to write much SF. I tend to focus on human interaction and just invent, name and use gadgets. ;-)


Oooo I do like a bit of fantasy [:)] although mainly in a game format [;)]
But I like stories where you can slip away into another world, mythical/mystical creatures and whatnot [:)]
Title: Hello there
Post by: Karen W. on 19/06/2007 18:36:25
Yep that is cool!
Title: Hello there
Post by: dentstudent on 19/06/2007 18:38:20
There isn't a Terry Pratchet that I don't have.......It is great escapism!
Title: Hello there
Post by: Karen W. on 19/06/2007 18:55:59
Yes it is!
Title: Hello there
Post by: edward2007 on 20/06/2007 11:23:55
Trouble is, the stuff is addictive as hell, although it has no nasty side effects apart from lack of sleep  [;D]
Title: Hello there
Post by: Karen W. on 20/06/2007 11:35:08
Lack of sleep is hard to deal with..
Title: Hello there
Post by: edward2007 on 21/06/2007 13:47:54
There is that trick where you paint eyes on the outside of your eyelids...
Title: Hello there
Post by: Karen W. on 21/06/2007 17:13:12
Yes I have heard that somewhere. LOL.. Have you tried it! LOL! How are you today? Have you been able to gather information you were seeking? Is the writing going well?
Title: Hello there
Post by: edward2007 on 21/06/2007 18:30:32
Not voluntarily.
In lab school I was one of three boys in a class of 26.

One day the ladies decided makup would look good on us so I claim 'Force Majeur'.
(Some of those girls were BIG!)
Sadly, my Mum thought I had been doing things a nice young man shouldn't do...

The info is probably not to be found * sad sigh*Oh well, I still have my imagination  [:D]
Though I posted something about using a black hole for generating energy and the scientists went ape...

Maybe science fiction and scientists don't mix? Althoug, wasn't Dr. Asimov a scientist too?

Title: Hello there
Post by: Karen W. on 21/06/2007 20:07:24
YEPPEROO..LOL I love it! That was funny! Well he is dude with the law of robotics right?? He has done tons of cool things..LOL