Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => COVID-19 => Topic started by: Lewis Thomson on 21/02/2022 12:49:21

Title: Why haven't I caught covid despite being surrounded by people who have?
Post by: Lewis Thomson on 21/02/2022 12:49:21
David would like an explanation as to this situation that has occured.

"I haven’t caught Covid (yet) although all of my close friends and contacts have, including my housemates. Many of my friends have caught it recently at events that I also attended and I have been pinged many times by the NHS Covid app but I have always tested negative with LFT and PCR tests. Also, my immediate family (parents and siblings) have not caught Covid. I know that have have definitely been exposed to the virus at home as well as outside of the house (bars/clubs) but I’m curious as to why. I don’t appear to be able to catch it. Is this because the vaccine (Pfizer) is working particularly well for me or do I have some underlying natural immunity and is there a test I can take to determine this?"

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Title: Re: Why haven't I caught covid despite being surrounded by people who have?
Post by: Bored chemist on 21/02/2022 13:47:25
Is this because the vaccine (Pfizer) is working particularly well for me
And luck is also a factor.
Title: Re: Why haven't I caught covid despite being surrounded by people who have?
Post by: alancalverd on 21/02/2022 17:16:14
Or you had an early infection with negligible symptoms and recovered before you first tested. But "Pfizerproofing" is the most likely reason.
Title: Re: Why haven't I caught covid despite being surrounded by people who have?
Post by: evan_au on 21/02/2022 21:13:37
Some people who caught SARS or MERs have been found to have antibodies that cross-react with COVID-19.

There are 4 coronaviruses which routinely infect the human population, with minor symptoms (we lump them in with "the common cold"). They tend to come back every 2 years or so, as immunity wanes. They are distantly related to COVID-19, but close enough that some antibodies cross-react with COVID-19.

PS: one of these "common cold" coronaviruses (OC43) is thought to be the pathogen behind the 1889 "Russian Flu".
Title: Re: Why haven't I caught covid despite being surrounded by people who have?
Post by: set fair on 19/10/2022 03:43:52
They tend to come back every 2 years or so, as immunity wanes.

Ye Gods.